







汉语拼音:kào bāng






  1. 贴近某一事物。谓靠岸停泊。

    清 孔尚任 《桃花扇·逢舟》:“前面是泊船之所,且靠帮住一宿罢。”



  1. Wearing overalls on weekdays, painting somebody else's house to earn money?


  2. Study on Detonating Sequence to Restraint Seismic Tremor near Beach near the Slope of Open Pit


  3. Nonlinear Characteristics Simulation of Mooring Lines and Fenders of Binding Ships in Model Tests


  4. Motion Responses of Ship to Ship Operation in Waves


  1. 关于靠帮爆破技术的研究

    Study of technology of blasting against slope

  2. 船舶在波浪中靠帮运动理论预报

    Motion Responses of Ship to Ship Operation in Waves

  3. 露天靠帮台阶起爆顺序降震研究

    Study on Detonating Sequence to Restraint Seismic Tremor near Beach near the Slope of Open Pit

  4. 缓冲光面爆破在露天矿靠帮爆破中的试验研究

    Test and Study of Buffer Finish Blasting in Mine

  5. 这一研究为改进传统靠帮爆破技术提供了有效的途径。

    It would play an important role in improving the traditional presplitting blasting.

  6. 这一研究为改进传统靠帮爆破技术提供了有效得途径。

    It would play an important role in improving the traditional presplitting blasting.

  7. 不要靠我们帮你关注新闻。

    Don't rely on us for keeping you up on the news.

  8. 那我就靠你帮我摆脱困境了。

    I'm bargaining on your help to get me out of the trouble.

  9. 单靠节食可以帮你减肥。

    Dieting alone can help you lose weight.

  10. 我们在地上干更多的事,想靠忙碌来帮我们忘记。

    We do more on the ground, wish to rely on busy to help us to forget.

  11. 所有进步发展靠的就是这帮没理性的人。

    All progress depends on the unreasonable man.

  12. 我看,有一部分是靠花钱请我帮了忙。

    Partly through paying me to help you, I suppose.

  13. 李大娘在解放前一直是靠帮佣为生的。

    Aunt Li made a living as a domestic servant before liberation.

  14. 李大娘在解放前一直是靠帮佣为生得。

    Aunt Li made a living as a domestic servant before liberation.

  15. 李大娘在解放前一直是靠帮佣为生的。

    Aunt Li made a living as a domestic servant before liberation.

  16. 篱笆靠桩,好汉要帮。

    As a fence needs the support of stakes, so an able man needs the help of others.

  17. 他将帮你粘靠在更少软件的模型中。

    It will help you stick to a model of less software.

  18. 预览可帮您确定靠降低图像质量来加快下载是否值得。

    The previews can help decide if the tradeoff of faster download time for less distinct images is worth considering.

  19. 谢谢。对了, 能帮我换个靠窗的座位吗?

    Thank you. By the way, could you get me a window seat ?

  20. 请帮帮我吧,我只能靠你了。

    Please help me, you are all I have.

  21. 请帮帮我吧,我只能靠你了。

    Please help me, you are all I have.

  22. 今天俺就靠劳靠劳他们帮他们做顿饭吧!

    Today, I rely on the workers by the workers to help them do their meals it!

  23. 这次我可以帮你, 但最终你还得靠你自己。

    I'll help you out this time, but eventually you need to stand on your own two feet.

  24. 水靠著手动帮浦和注水器被注入锅炉。

    Water is fed into the boiler by a hand pump and an injector.

  25. 你们这帮家伙什么时候才停止食宿靠人,自己去做工?

    When are you guys going to stop freeloading and do some work?

  26. 但是这第二次机会只能靠你自己, 别人都帮不上忙。

    But the second one is up to you and no one else.

  27. 你别总靠他人来帮你。

    You should not always lean on others for help.

  28. 横靠着船停下,我们帮你上船。

    Draw alongside the ship and we will help you aboard.

  29. 请帮我放低座位靠背好吗?谢谢。

    Would you please help me lowering my seat back? Thanks.