




各种颜色交织:~云。~虹。~霞。~绘。~陶。~绸。~笔。~车。~蛋(a.画在鸡、鸭蛋壳上的工艺品;b.方言,松花蛋)。~灯。五~缤纷。五色的绸子:剪~。指赌博或某种竞赛中赢得的东西:~金。~票。得~。称赞、夸奖的欢呼声:喝(hè )~。花样……



汉语拼音:yóu cǎi







  1. 含有油质的颜料。

    茅盾 《路》八:“因为饱受煤烟,油彩的颜色已经不鲜明,构图也很简单,委实没有吸引人的资格。” 魏巍 《东方》第四部第二四章:“他们的脸上都涂着油彩,男孩子头上包着羊肚手巾,女孩子腰里系着红绿彩绸,细长的红色的腰鼓,在早晨的阳光里红得耀眼。”

  2. 指油画。

    许地山 《危巢坠简·无忧花》:“壁上挂的,一方面是 香光 、 石庵 底字画,一方面又是什么表现派后期印象派底油彩。”



  1. America provides the brushes, oils, pigments, and the canvas on which you can paint your life as you want it to be.


  2. If you asked me for my dream photo shoot, I'd be in a treehouse, in a wild costume, war-paint and I'd be playing with my pet dragon.


  3. They want on my face besmear makes the greasepaint, let me also don't recognize myself, I said, "no, no, no. "


  4. Theatrical make-up and artificial blood had been used to make the injuries look realistic.


  5. In the final battle sequence, Neytiri has a white hand print on her chest as part of her warpaint.


  6. Some of us were really dressed up in cool gear. Jesters hats, faces painted and Bulgarian and Irish Quidditch tops.


  7. blood had been used to make the injures look realistic.


  8. Finally one day he gave me a small box and plate, a few brushes and partially filled tubes of oil colors.


  9. Encourage the children to watch games, dress in the colours of your team or paint your faces.


  1. 蜡笔和油彩风景画

    landscapes in pastel and oil

  2. 在画布上涂油彩

    to lay paint upon canvas

  3. 以油彩为艺术材质

    oils as a medium.

  4. 以油彩为主的绘画。

    A paint with an oil base.

  5. 演员们用油彩化装。

    Actors and actresses make themselves up with greasepaint.

  6. 有用油彩和水彩作画的画家。

    There were artists painting in oils and watercolours.

  7. 那画家选用油彩画肖像。

    The artist chose mediumoiloil paints for the portrait.

  8. 孩子们的脸上画满了油彩。

    The children's faces were masked with face paint.

  9. 孩子们的脸上画满了油彩。

    The children's faces were masked with face paint.

  10. 她在自己脸上抹油彩。

    She plastered greasepaint on her face.

  11. 我们只是玩玩油彩,打发时间而已。

    We were just messing around playing with paint.

  12. 在你的画板抹上蓝灰的油彩

    Paint your palette blue and gray

  13. 这个脸上涂油彩的人是谁?

    Who's the cartoon character in the painted face?

  14. 纸上彩印, 白色塑料版上黑色油彩

    Colour print on paper with black oil paint raised on white plastic plate

  15. 那位艺术家是画水彩的, 还是画油彩的?

    Does the artist paint in water colors or in oils ?

  16. 那位艺术家是画水彩得,还是画油彩得?

    Does the artist paint in water colors or in oils ?

  17. 想像梵谷生在廉价油彩的科技之前。

    Imagine Van Gogh being born before the technologies of cheap oil paints.

  18. 不锈钢板,丝网印刷,油彩,银色签字笔。

    Stainless steel, screen print, oil and silver pen.

  19. 前者如玻璃钢油彩的人偶系列作品。

    An example oftransformation is his figurine series made of fiberglass and oil colors.

  20. 可用少量油彩使四下显得更亮堂。

    It could do with a lick of paint to brighten up its premises.

  21. 这里是油彩和丙烯酸发挥魔力的地方

    Uh, yeah, this is where the oil and acrylic magic happens.

  22. 颜料一种物质, 诸如染料, 色料或油彩

    A substance, such as a dye, pigment, or paint, that imparts a hue.

  23. 化装戏剧化装, 尤指用油彩化的装

    Theatrical makeup, especially a preparation of grease mixed with colorings.

  24. 从前印第安人常以油彩在脸上画上斑纹。

    The Indians used to streak their faces with paint.

  25. 画家使用的混合,涂抹或刮掉油彩的抹刀。

    A spatula used by artists for mixing or applying or scraping off oil paints.

  26. 是斑驳油彩还是一个带有神秘微笑的女人?

    As blobs of paint or as a woman with an enigmatic smile?

  27. 星与星的夜晚,给你的画板抹上蓝灰的油彩。

    Starry, starry night, Paint your palette blue and gray.

  28. 画家没有用油彩, 而是用色粉笔画在画板上。

    It is pastel, and not oil, on panel.

  29. 在那里,画儿上的油彩被说成被看作对象。

    There, the paint in a picture was said to be seen as an object.

  30. 用于化妆的油彩和人造血使的创伤非常逼真。

    Theatrical makeup and artificial blood had been used to make the injuries look realistic.


  1. 问:油彩拼音怎么拼?油彩的读音是什么?油彩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:油彩的读音是yóucǎi,油彩翻译成英文是 greasepaint; paint

  2. 问:油彩地拼音怎么拼?油彩地的读音是什么?油彩地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:油彩地的读音是yóu cǎi dì,油彩地翻译成英文是 asarotum