




1. 作 [zuò]作 [zuò]起,兴起,现在起:振~。枪声大~。从事,做工:工~。~息。~业。举行,进行:~别(分别)。~乱。~案。~战。~报告。干出,做出,表现出,制造出:~恶(è)。~弊。~梗。~祟。~态。~色。~为。~难。~奸犯科……



汉语拼音:xīn zuò







  1. 新造。

    《左传·僖公二十年》:“春,新作南门。” 唐 韩愈 《处州孔子庙碑》:“独 处州 刺史 鄴侯 李繁 至官,能以为先,既新作 孔子庙 ,又令工改为 颜子 至 子夏 十人像。”

  2. 新作品;新著作。

    唐 张乔 《再题敬亭清越上人山房》诗:“久别多新作,长吟洗俗愁。” 宋 欧阳修 《读张李二生文赠石先生诗》:“先生示我何矜夸,手携文编谓新作。” 清 李渔 《闲情偶寄·词曲上·音律》:“吾知举世之人不约而同皆以‘续貂’、‘蛇足’四字为新作之定评矣。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致萧军》:“ 中国 作家的新作,实在稀薄得很。”



  1. I worked up the courage to show him something new, a primitive short story written in what I fancied to be the dark Russian manner.


  2. The idea led to her acclaimed new book, "Origins: How the Nine Months Before Birth Shape the Rest of Our Lives" (Free Press).


  3. Ang Lee's new thriller Lust, Caution has been cut for Chinese audiences, just a week after U. S. censors gave the film a restricted rating.


  4. Now we are standing in the same spot, trying to re-create that picture and create a few new ones for future generations.


  5. His new book did not come up to expectation.


  6. You know, he's third album has created, I believe that after two months I can hear his new made.


  7. Just eleven days later, the tenacious dancer risked financial ruin by sinking everything he had into a new production: Lord of the Dance.


  8. But in the new text, co-written with American physicist Leonard Mlodinow, he said new theories showed a creator is "not necessary" .


  9. This sale was full of primary material straight out of Mr Hirst's studio, some of it not yet dry.


  1. 坦克新作开始

    of Tank's latest creation.

  2. 坦克的新作开始

    of Tank's latest creation.

  3. 我的新作品

    I brought new work.

  4. 深圳新人新作展

    Shenzhen Fine Art Debut Exhibition

  5. 新作说你坏话来着!

    Shinsaku was telling dirty things about you!

  6. 新作说你坏话来着!

    Shinsaku was telling dirty things about you!

  7. 他的新作是关於非洲的。

    His new book is concerned with Africa.

  8. 他的新作是关于非洲的。

    His new book is concerned with Africa.

  9. 他的新作受到热烈欢迎。

    His recent work was very warmly received.

  10. 吹捧一部新作的评论家

    critics puffing a new novel

  11. 她的新作小说明天付印。

    Her new novel will be printed tomorrow.

  12. 汤姆汉克斯新作浩劫重生。

    Tom Hanks casts a new role in latest film.

  13. 那作家着手写新作品。

    The writer started on a new work.

  14. 我的新作品糟透了

    My new work sucks.

  15. 球的阴影的透视图的新作法。

    A new method on Perspective of Shade and Shadow of Sphere.

  16. 池莉新作很受广大读者欢迎。

    The new book by Chi Li is well received by readers.

  17. 池莉新作很受广大读者欢迎。

    The new book by Chi Li is well received by readers.

  18. 他的新作没有达到预期水平。

    His new book did not come up to expectation.

  19. 霜降危及新作物的存活。

    Jack Frost was threatening to kill the new plants.

  20. 她的新作没有达到她平常的水准。

    Her latest book isnt up to her usual standard.

  21. 全国人都在谈论他的新作。

    His new works is the talk ofthe whole country.

  22. 什么时候会有新作品完成

    when the piece is gonna come up.

  23. 你的新作我读起来觉得津津有味。

    I read your new book with real delight.

  24. 这是为他的新作求名的手段。

    This is a ploy to gain publicity for his new book.

  25. 我们画副新作,挂到博客上

    Yeah, we'll put up a new piece, we'll post it on the blog.

  26. 他的新作小说将于下月出版发行。

    His new novel will be printed next month.

  27. 我们肯定会得益于新作息表。

    We are sure to benefit from the new timetable.

  28. 才能查看您刚刚创建的新作业。

    Dialog to see the new job you just created.

  29. 来自巴黎,我相信你会欣赏我的新作的。

    Coming from parisium, I'm sure you'll appreciate my newest composition.

  30. 我们要去看布利顿的歌剧新作。

    We are going to see the new production of an opera by Briton.


  1. 问:新作拼音怎么拼?新作的读音是什么?新作翻译成英文是什么?

    答:新作的读音是xīnzuò,新作翻译成英文是 A new writing.