







汉语拼音:xīn jiāo






  1. 知心朋友。

    唐 鲍溶 《送萧世秀才》诗:“心交别我 西京 去,愁满春魂不易醒。” 宋 邵博 《闻见后录》卷二三:“与公素为心交,苟有所怀,不敢不尽。”《群强报》1923.5.25:“你容我给你开门送,你姑娘说:‘既是心交,何须客套!’”



  1. And on this day, today of our wedding, I promise you this: I promise you to leave my heart in upon of your hands. I promise you , me.


  2. My master said that to make friends is to make hearts. If he doesn't bring me it , it's impossible to take it by myself.


  3. My heart First puts in your there helps me to take care of!


  4. We give You thanksgiving, and we give You our hearts.


  5. You gave me your heart,


  1. 我得救世主,我把心交

    Felt like my Saviour, my spirit I gave you.

  2. 直接心肾不交分为心肾两不相交、心不交肾和肾不交心。

    Direct heart kidney is not handed in divided into two disjoint, heart kidney, the heart is not in kidney and kidney to heart.

  3. 一个女孩子一定不能把自己的心轻易交出去。

    A girl should keep her heart within her own power.

  4. 素体虚弱, 心肾不交

    imbalance between the heart and kidney due to innate weakness of the body

  5. 交朋友、不外乎交的是心。

    Friends, nothing more than pay in the heart is.

  6. 交朋友,心换心。

    A man who have friend must show himself friendly.

  7. 但我们交握着这团光你温暖着我的心。

    Yet you warm my heart for we hold the light.

  8. 文章认为少阴病的病机要点为心肾虚衰, 水火不交。

    This paper considered the pathogenesis main point of Shaoyin disease was deficiency of the heart and kidney.

  9. 心交感神经

    cardiac sympathetic nerve.

  10. 心肾不交型

    type of failure of the heart and kidney integrating.

  11. 心交感神经损伤

    Sympathetic nerve impaired

  12. 交游宜广, 知心宜精。

    Have but few friends, though many acquaintances.

  13. 交游宜广,知心宜精。

    Have but few friends, though many acquaintances.

  14. 最优正交质心

    optimal othogonal centroid

  15. 心脾两虚梦交

    dreaming of sexual intercourse due to deficiency of both the heart and spleen.

  16. 久病心肾不交

    the functions of the heart and kidney losing their balance due to long illness.

  17. 心下交感神经电活动

    Postganglionic Inferior Cardiac Sympathetic Nerve Activity

  18. 相交满天下,知心能几人。

    A man may have acquaintances all over the world, but very few true friends.

  19. 试论心肾相交、水火既济

    Discussion on Intercourse between Heart and Kidney and Harmonization of Fire and Water

  20. 约翰从未费心去和女儿交朋友。

    John never bothered to make a friend of his daughter.

  21. 我们感谢您, 我们的心交托于您。

    We give you thanksgiving, and we give you our hearts.

  22. 心肾不交病变从脾胃论治

    Treating the stomach and spleen to relieve disharmony between the heart and kidney

  23. 看了许多名胜古迹, 交了许多知心朋友等。

    Seen many beautiful places and made a lot of friends and so on and so forth.

  24. 因为他曾把心全交又失去啦。

    For he gave all his heart and lost.

  25. 聪明得他用一只野猪得心交了差。

    The clever hunter brought the queen the heart of a wild boar.

  26. 聪明的他用一只野猪的心交了差。

    The clever hunter brought the queen the heart of a wild boar.

  27. 心无妄想, 足无妄走, 人无妄交, 物无妄受。

    Heart without delusion, sufficient without jump go, man without false pay, content does not jump from you.

  28. 如果能和你交个朋友真的很高心!

    I will get a tick out of making friend with you!

  29. 正交试验法优选莲子心提取物制备工艺

    Optimum Preparation of Plumula Nelumbinis Extract by Orthogonal Test

  30. 固精灵丸治疗心肾不交型遗精150例

    Gujingling Bolus for 150 Cases of Spermatorrhea Due to Imbalance Between the Heart and Kidney in Their Physiological Function


  1. 问:心交感神经拼音怎么拼?心交感神经的读音是什么?心交感神经翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心交感神经的读音是xīn jiāo gǎn shén jīng,心交感神经翻译成英文是 cardiac sympathetic nerve