


1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……


1. 差 [chà]2. 差 [chā]3. 差 [chāi]4. 差 [cī]差 [chà]错误:话说~了。不相当,不相合:~不多。缺欠:还~十元钱。不好,不够标准:~等。成绩~。差 [chā]不同,不同之点:~别。~距。~额。~价。大致……



汉语拼音:yǒu chā






  1. 不一,有区别。

    《后汉书·张敏传》:“今託义者得减,妄杀者有差,使执宪之吏得设巧诈。” 唐 郑棨 《开天传信记》:“路之父老,负担壶浆,远近迎謁。上皆亲加存问。受其献馈,锡賚有差。” 明 刘若愚 《酌中志·内臣职掌纪略》:“ 浙江 等处,岁供糯米、小麦、黄豆,及穀草、稻皮、白麵有差。” 清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·仲副宪》:“又劾大学士 赵国麟 、侍郎 许希孔 等往工部胥役 俞 姓家弔丧,有失大臣之体。诸人为之降黜有差。”



  1. In these cases orifice plates or other differential pressure producing elements with differential pressure transmitters shall be considered.


  2. Most computer manufacturers have recycling programs. Some are better than others.


  3. Lakers have been up and down all the season.


  4. Fold: the folding machine, the hinge-forms of the hinge-on the hinge-, three-, four-fold and drop function to do any form.


  5. From "Classification of Love" to "Consideration of Others" --On the Construction of Confucian Ethical Principle and Thinking.


  6. Dr. Lung: There can be good doctors in small hospitals and bad doctors in big hospitals.


  7. Chinese hierarchy is differential, in Professor Fei's famous concept chaxu geju of asymmetrical interpersonal relations.


  8. A single breath of wind contains small eddies and currents that vary in speed and direction with differentfrequencies.


  9. Still, I did better than a lanky agricultural student who was cross-examined just before I was.


  1. 有好得, 也有差得。

    Good ones and bad ones.

  2. 有好的,也有差的。

    Good ones and bad ones.

  3. 有好得,也有差得。

    Good ones and bad ones .

  4. 可160和165有差吗?

    I mean, whwhat's the difference between 5'3 and 5'3?

  5. 这虽然很好, 但也有差的一面。

    This also has bad one aspect although very good.

  6. 这虽然很好, 但也有差得一面。

    This also has bad one aspect although very good.

  7. 船上的工作有很多种, 有好有差。

    There are numerous jobs on a ship, with certain ones better than others.

  8. 你的子宫现在有差不多一个桔子的大小。

    Your uterus is now about the size of an orange.

  9. 我们应该力争上游,而不应该有差不多的思想。

    We should aim high and not think That's good enough.

  10. 现如今电影太多了。有好得, 也有差得。

    Nowadays we have too many movies. Good ones and bad ones.

  11. 现如今电影太多了。有好的,也有差的。

    Nowadays we have too many movies. Good ones and bad ones.

  12. 只有差不多百分之十七是欧洲人的后代

    And only about 15 percent are of, European descent.

  13. 我已经有差不多四个月没出去演讲了。

    I haven't given a talk in nearly four months.

  14. 他有差不多600只火柴盒,但我怀疑它们一文不值。

    He has almost 600 of them but I doubt if they are worth any money.

  15. 有差不多意图的联盟部族比如红爪不久也会这么想。

    An alliance with likeminded Red Talons may not be long in coming.

  16. 有差不多意图得联盟部族比如红爪不久也会这么想。

    An alliance with likeminded Red Talons may not be long in coming.

  17. 我正在找能配上这黄毛线的线,你有差不多的吗?

    I'm trying to match this yellow wool; do you have anything like it?

  18. 又来了, 这有差吗?你做不做得到要靠咖啡因来决定吗?

    Again, does this matter? Is caffeine going to determine whether you can do it?

  19. 聚会上有差不多一百人,所以没人注意到玛丽不在。

    There are nearly one hundred guests at the party so no one noticed Mary's absence.

  20. 一阵风包含着因频率不同而速度及方向有差的气流。

    A single breath of wind contains small eddies and currents that vary in speed and direction with differentfrequencies.

  21. 在本郡居住的农户里,有差不多同样光荣历史的还有好几家。

    There are several families among the cottagers of this county of almost equal lustre.

  22. 气温日较差有显著变小的趋势。

    Daily range of air temperature is not significant.

  23. 但我们无法定量衡量这个好有多好差有多差

    But we never knew how good good was, or how bad bad was quantitatively.

  24. 我的表现有多差?

    How bad was I?

  25. 我的表现有多差?

    How bad was I?

  26. 我意识到我对你有多差

    I realize now that I've treated you badly.

  27. 我意识到我对你有多差。

    I realize now that I've treated you badly.

  28. 我才明白我的国文有多差。

    I realized how bad my Chinese.

  29. 对地震确实仅有很差的理解。

    Earthquakes are indeed very poorly understood.

  30. 能理解并应用几何定尺寸定容差有中高级水平者优先。

    D. Able to understand and apply Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing at intermediate to expert level preferred.


  1. 问:有差别地拼音怎么拼?有差别地的读音是什么?有差别地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:有差别地的读音是,有差别地翻译成英文是 discriminately

  2. 问:有差别的拼音怎么拼?有差别的的读音是什么?有差别的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:有差别的的读音是,有差别的翻译成英文是 discriminatory

  3. 问:有差异的拼音怎么拼?有差异的的读音是什么?有差异的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:有差异的的读音是,有差异的翻译成英文是 discrepant