


1. 载 [zǎi]2. 载 [zài]载 [zǎi]年;岁:千~难逢。三年两~。记录;刊登;描绘:记~。连~。转~。载 [zài]装,用交通工具装:~客。~货。~重。~体。装~。满~而归。充满:怨声~道。乃,于是(古文里常用来表示同时做两……





汉语拼音:zǎi shù






  1. 记叙,记述。

    《三国志·吴志·吴主传》:“圣人书策载述最详者,以为近事既嘉,亲见又明也。” 唐 玄奘 《<大唐西域记>序》:“今据闻见,於是载述。” 宋 曾巩 《史馆申请三道札子》:“自 宋 兴以来,名臣良士……或本家有碑誌、行状、纪述之文,或他人为作传记之类,今来所修国史,须合收採载述。”



  1. One account places the subject in the year 2099 -- exactly as he looks today -- participating in the Gear Project.


  2. However, quite properly, the report also referred to views that differed from this.


  3. The Administration provided an information paper, setting out the progress of the discussions on the possible rail merger.


  4. Reporting on authorized institutions activities in the credit derivatives market and their positions in asset securitisation.


  5. Development to date presented in the background information paper prepared by the Secretariat.


  6. The Administration issued to the Panel a paper which provided its comments on the problem of water seepage in private buildings.


  7. The Client shall apply for reproduction rights for any reprints or use of the Picture not stated in the form.


  8. Use of Chinese characters in the Certificate of Incorporation and Memorandum and Articles of Association


  9. i now turn to the substantive issues covered in this report


  1. 第三节载述了某些结论性意见。

    Section III contains some concluding remarks.

  2. 本报告附件一载述了这项工作。

    This work is described in annex I of this report.

  3. 以上有关章节中载述了若干建议。

    A number of recommendations have been reflected in the relevant sections above.

  4. 上述两方面载述于所附的材料中。

    The two aspects described above are reflected in the enclosed materials.

  5. 不过, 报告书亦载述了与此不同的意见。

    However, quite properly, the report also referred to views that differed from this.

  6. 本条载述起源国应对实际紧急情况的义务。

    This article deals with the obligations of States of origin in responding to an actual emergency situation.

  7. 他在原则上支持第8条草案中载述的处理方式。

    In principle, he supported the approach embodied in draft article8.

  8. 秘书处提交理事会的报告将载述关于上述问题的资料。

    The secretariat report to the Board will contain information on the above issues.

  9. 下文载述关于本报告讨论的三个关键问题的建议。

    Recommendations on the three key issues covered in the present report are set out below.

  10. 第七次会议的报告载述了这些建议以及国家报告。

    Those recommendations were set out in the report of the seventh meeting, alongside the national reports.

  11. 秘书处拟备的背景资料文件,载述直至当时的发展情况。

    Development to date presented in background paper prepared by the Secretariat.

  12. 秘书处拟备得背景资料文件,载述直至当时得发展情况。

    Development to date presented in background paper prepared by the Secretariat.

  13. 这些特别规则不一定凌驾本草案中所载述的原则。

    These special rules do not necessarily prevail over principles set out in the present draft.

  14. 第四部分载述适用于整个条款草案的若干一般性规定。

    Part Four contains certain general provisions applicable to the articles as a whole.

  15. 它也将载述有关今后在这方面所要采取的措施的建议。

    It will also include recommendations on future measures to be taken in this regard.

  16. 国际常设法院在若干案件中适用了第1条中所载述的原则。

    The Permanent Court of International Justice applied the principle set out in article1 in a number of cases.

  17. 第2款载述当事国需要在不超过六个月得期间内提出答复。

    Paragraph2 addresses the need for the States concerned to respond within a period not exceeding six months.

  18. 第2款载述当事国需要在不超过六个月的期间内提出答复。

    Paragraph2 addresses the need for the States concerned to respond within a period not exceeding six months.