







汉语拼音:hù shì





2.《诗经·小雅·蓼莪》:“无父何怙,无母何恃!” 后来用“怙恃”借指父母:早失~。



  1. 依靠;凭借。

    《左传·襄公十八年》:“ 齐环 怙恃其险,负其众庶,弃好背盟,陵逆神主。” 唐 元结 《系谟》:“其兵甲在防制戎夷,镇服暴变,不可怙恃威武,穷黷争战。” 明 张居正 《给假治疾疏》:“臣诚怙恃恩眷,仰瀆宸严,不胜惶悚战慄之至。”

  2. 父母的合称。语本《诗·小雅·蓼莪》:“无父何怙,无母何恃!” 唐 韩愈 《乳母墓铭》:“ 愈 生未再周孤,失怙恃。” 清 洪昇 《长生殿·春睡》:“早失怙恃,养在叔父之家。” 苏曼殊 《断鸿零雁记》第二二章:“吾恨人也,自幼失怙恃。”



  1. In the olden time when it was a great distance to walk to the parents' place the married daughters might stay for a few days there.


  2. When his father and his mother came back and saw the clean rooms and dishes which weren't so nice, they were very happy.


  3. Parents have been warned to watch out for signs of excessive texting in their children, amid concerns it poses a new health risk.


  4. people like to say that parents are the best teachers about whelloch isee somewhat differently.


  5. Don't get me wrong. It can be cool to have superhero parents, like when Mom picks up awesome takeout on her way home from work.


  6. It appears that many younger-generation Japanese are losing both respect for their parents and a sense of responsibility to the family.


  7. My parents both love me deeply . they are the best parents in the word.


  8. The apartment was purchased after marriage, he says, so it should be viewed as a gift from Wang's parents to the couple.


  9. Many patients are children of traditional feudal moral thought to inhibit, does not support parents euthanized.


  1. 第一天,本人访问本人的祖怙恃和本人的怙恃。

    On the first day, I visited my grandparents with my parents.

  2. 怙恃不在家时,你要学会自己照顾自己。

    When your parents are not at home, you should learn to take care of yourself.

  3. 我很懊恼,我但愿怙恃能让我欢愉地进修。

    I am worried and I hope I can study happily.

  4. 暑假便要到了, 我筹算战怙恃去北京。

    Summer holiday is coming. I will go to Beijing with my parents.

  5. 使她怙恃雀跃的是,她的作文患有一等奖。

    To her parents? joy, she won the first prize for her composition.

  6. 你们不能怙恃权势就为所欲为, 小心遭报应。

    You cannot do as you want relying on power, or you may invite a nemesis.

  7. 你们不能怙恃权势就为所欲为,小心遭报应。

    You can't do as you want relying on power, or you may invite a nemesis.

  8. 我背怙恃借了些钱, 可则便我付没有起了。

    I borrowed some money from my parents, otherwise I couldn't pay for it.

  9. 早晨她怙恃上班回家了,齐家人一同吃早餐。

    In the evening, her parents come back from work. The family have supper together.

  10. 当咱们遭到委曲, 能耐烦听咱们哭诉的人, 是怙恃。

    When we are wronged, to be patient to listen to our cry of the people, are the parents.

  11. 明智的怙恃会让孩子在很多事情上亲手决定。

    A judicious parent encourages his children to decide many things for themselves.

  12. 明智得怙恃会让孩子在很多事情上亲手决定。

    A judicious parent encourages his children to decide many things for themselves.

  13. 非论日间夜晚都奉养着, 不分开怙恃的床边。

    Wait on them day and night, without ever leaving their bedside.

  14. 自己地怙恃对此很鼓舞撑持, 自己也很感谢他们如许做。

    My parents encouraged this, and I'm grateful that they did.

  15. 汤姆起劲进修并乐于助人, 这正是他怙恃所盼愿得。

    Tom studies hard and is ready to help others, which his parents expect.

  16. 汤姆起劲进修并乐于助人,这正是他怙恃所盼愿的。

    Tom studies hard and is ready to help others, which his parents expect.

  17. 如果你们有小孩, 安排他们周末到祖怙恃那里度过。

    If you have kids, for them to at their grandparents for the weekend.


  1. 问:怙恃拼音怎么拼?怙恃的读音是什么?怙恃翻译成英文是什么?

    答:怙恃的读音是hùshì,怙恃翻译成英文是 To depend on; It's recorded in Shijing that "无父...



怙恃 hùshì 1:依仗;凭借 怙恃其险 2:父母 无父何怙,无母何恃!——《诗·小雅·蓼莪》 3:后来用“怙恃”为父母的代称 少失怙恃 词语解释 hùshì 怙恃 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.依靠;凭借。《左传·襄公十八年》:“ 齐环 怙恃其险,负其众庶,弃好背盟,陵逆神主。” 唐 元结《系谟》:“其兵甲在防制戎夷,镇服暴变,不可怙恃威武,穷黩争战。” 明 张居正《给假治疾疏》:“臣诚怙恃恩眷,仰渎宸严,不胜惶悚战栗之至。” 2.父母的合称。语本《诗·小雅·蓼莪》:“无父何怙,无母何恃!” 唐 韩愈《乳母墓铭》:“ 愈 生未再周孤,失怙恃。” 清 洪升《长生殿·春睡》:“早失怙恃,养在叔父之家。” 苏曼殊《断鸿零雁记》第二二章:“吾恨人也,自幼失怙恃。” 基本

解释: 〈书〉①依仗;凭借。 ②《诗·小雅·蓼莪》:‘无父何怙,无母何恃。’后来用‘怙恃’为父母的代称:少失~。 词语分开

解释: 怙: 怙 hù 依靠,仗恃:怙势。怙恃(亦为父母的代称)。怙乱(乘祸乱之际谋取私利)。怙恶不悛(坚持作? 详细>> 恃: 恃 shì 依赖,仗着:仗恃。有恃无恐。恃才傲物。 笔画数:9;部首:忄;笔顺编号:442121124