




1. 体 [tǐ]2. 体 [tī]体 [tǐ]人、动物的全身:身~。~重。~温。~质。~征(医生在检查病人时所发现的异常变化)。~能。~貌。~魄(体格和精力)。~育。~无完肤。身体的一部分:四~。五~投地。事物的本身或全部:物~。主~。群……



汉语拼音:jī tǐ







  1. 犹身体;肌肤。

    宋 苏洵 《议法》:“彼罪疑者,虽或非其辜,而法亦不至残溃其肌体。” 元 秦简夫 《赵礼让肥》第二折:“止不过黑林侵的肌体羸,又无那红馥馥的皮肉娇。” 明 王世贞 《石羊生传》:“ 元瑞 为儿时,肌体玉雪,眉目朗秀。”

  2. 比喻组织机构。

    毛泽东 《论联合政府》五:“实行‘知无不言,言无不尽’,‘言者无罪,闻者足戒’,‘有则改之,无则加勉’这些 中国 人民的有益的格言,正是抵抗各种政治灰尘和政治微生物侵蚀我们同志的思想和我们党的肌体的唯一有效的方法。”



  1. I thought that this treatment of Indians was an excrescence upon a system that was intrinsically and mainly good.


  2. Scientists have found a drug that mimics the effects of a workout by, among other things, increasing the body's ability to burn fat.


  3. So, by using AICAR, the scientists thought they might be able to trick the body into thinking it was exercising.


  4. She shook in his embrace, and this movement accentuated his sense of the fineness of her flesh and bone.


  5. The soma (the ancient Greek word for body) is all of a body's cells apart from the sex cells.


  6. We cannot possibly reproduce in a test tube or a computer model all the complex reactions of the body to a drug or a disease .


  7. Digestive enzymes work to break down large pieces of food into smaller, readily absorbable bits that can be properly used by the body.


  8. Adult stem cells can regenerate and turn into different types of specialized cells to help the body heal itself.


  9. The urban prosperity disrupts the physical tranquility; the busy work unbalances the body; the prolonged day robs you of your vigor!


  1. 癌症侵蚀了健康的肌体。

    Cancer ate away the healthy flesh.

  2. 肌体能够抵制疾病的状态。

    The condition in which an organism can resist disease.

  3. 我们要防止病毒侵害肌体。

    We should prevent all kinds of germs from contaminating our bodies.

  4. 癌症侵害了他健康的肌体。

    Cancer ate away his healthy flesh.

  5. 孩子年轻的肌体还很有弹性

    Children are resilient young.

  6. 急性痢疾严重伤害了他的肌体。

    Acute dysentery wracked and sapped life from his body.

  7. 作为治疗肌体的医生,我的成就甚微。

    As a healder of bodies I had scant success.

  8. 爱抚我的。肌体当我走在大街上的时候。

    caressing my booty as i walk down the street.

  9. 运动训练可诱导肌体生理性适应性变化。

    Athletic training can induce the physiological adaptation of the body.

  10. 肌体更容易感染滤过性病毒和细菌病毒。

    This makes it easier to get viral and bacterial infections.

  11. 放射体节构成放射状对称之动物肌体的节

    One of the segments forming the body of a radially symmetric animal.

  12. 动物吃了会导致肠胃肌体损伤和死亡。

    Animals eat the body will lead to gastrointestinal damage and death.

  13. 抗风湿和神经痛, 有助改善肌体抵抗力。

    Antirheumatism and antineuralgia, which helps improve the body resistance.

  14. 缝线可被肌体吸收, 术后瘢痕小, 不必拆线

    Absorbable, causing little scars and no unthreading after operation

  15. 不时有小鱼从肌体上划过, 有些痒痒。

    From time to time are fish from the body on the shoot, some itch.

  16. 舌体歪斜与肌体脏腑器官病理程度相关。

    The deviation of tongue can objectively reflect some physiological and pathologic changes in the body.

  17. 我们的药只不过能帮助肌体自行恢复而已。

    Our medicines just help the body heal itself.

  18. 我们得药只不过能帮助肌体自行恢复而已。

    Our medicines just help the body heal itself.

  19. 肝糖元及肌糖元含量直接反映肌体糖元代谢情况。

    Liver and muscle glycogen level directly reflect the metabolism of the organism.

  20. 增加肠胃动力, 改善神经及肌体状况引起的便秘。

    Improve bowels motivity, restrain costive caused by nerve system.

  21. 我们决不让任何政治的微生物侵蚀我们的健全的肌体。

    We must allow no political germs to eat into our healthy organisms.

  22. 这是肌体对细菌入侵所做出的正常反应。

    This is the normal response in your body to the invasion of bacteria and viruses.

  23. 力量的每次增长, 都让肌体益发坚实粗壮

    Muscles expand with each feat of strength

  24. 仅仅是温暖潜存于生命肌体内部的化学力量吗?

    Is it only the warm chemical power inside our body?

  25. 假如你感到紧张,试着做些放松神经肌体的动作。

    If you feel nervous, try various relaxation activities.

  26. 在当代艺术的肌体上, 有两个穴位, 生命与死亡。

    There are two acupuncture points in the body of contemporary art, life and death.

  27. 我沮丧地坐在家里,挨着肌体上的和精神上的饥饿。

    I sat at home brooding, nursing bodily and spiritual hunger.

  28. 有时候, 一些大胆的小鱼从肌体上划过, 有些痒痒。

    Sometimes, some bold fish from the body on the shoot, some itch.

  29. 福尔马林能杀灭一切细菌, 并能以化学方法组织肌体腐化。

    Formalin kills all bacteria and chemically stops the tissue from decaying.

  30. 如果你用力士, 它会在你的肌体上增加一层保护层。

    If you uses Lux, it will add a protective layer all over your body.


  1. 问:肌体拼音怎么拼?肌体的读音是什么?肌体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:肌体的读音是jītǐ,肌体翻译成英文是 body




【读音】jī tǐ


【出处】宋·苏洵《议法》:“彼罪疑者,虽或非其辜,而法亦不至残溃其肌体。” 元·秦简夫《赵礼让肥》第二折:“止不过黑林侵的肌体羸,又无那红馥馥的皮肉娇。”

【示例】明·王世贞《石羊生传》:“ 元瑞为儿时,肌体玉雪,眉目朗秀。”