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《宋史·选举志一》:“四年,詔礼部,凡内外试题悉集以为籍,遇试,颁付考官,以防复出。” 明 张居正 《请申旧章饬学政以振兴人才疏》:“所出试题,亦要明白正大,不得割裂文义,以伤雅道。” 鲁迅 《三闲集·在钟楼上》:“分数多寡的辩论;及格与否的辩论……试题的难易,我说不难,他说太难的辩论。”
Bojan said the biggest problem she saw with students posting material online would be putting up tests the teachers wanted handed back in.
Bojan说,她认为最大的问题在于,学生可能会上传那些本来教师要求上交的试题。Editing test questions and typesetting examination papers is always an arduous work, which is tedious and easy to make mistake.
编写试题、排版试卷一直以来都是一项繁重的工作。"I think looking at an old exam helps -- it at least gives the student an idea of how the teacher poses questions, " Cozier said.
“我想,参考往届试题的确会有所帮助――它至少让学生们对老师会如何设置问题有了底。”Cozier说。I've included a series of sample questions for you to use as a starting point, and then practice with as many mock tests as you can find.
我已经包含了一系列样题供您作为起点使用,然后请寻找尽可能多的模拟试题来进行练习。Do not add anything to the question or to the answer.
对试题或答案不要增加任何东西。Further research was suggested that computer animation can be used to help enrich the variation of the item presentation.
本研究后续研究建议将来能运用电脑动画,以呈现立体图形,使得试题内容更具变化性。However, there are teachers who do not want their tests to be posted for every student to see.
然而,一些老师却不愿意把他们出的试题面向所有学生传播出去。Geography consisted of a map of the main rivers of Malaya and five questions to be answered in three or four sentences each.
地理试题包括画一张马来亚主要河流地图,五条问题,每题用三四句去答。In June, GMAC announced it had shut down Scoretop. com, alleging questions still in use had been circulated on the site.