







汉语拼音:hǎi dī






海堤 [hǎi dī]
  1. 沿海岸或滨水地区建筑、用以防止波浪或潮水侵袭之堤防或墙壁。



  1. I ran to the edge of the sea wall and I jumped into the cold, grey sea. I caught the little boy in my arms.


  2. The push is now on to construct a new seawall and rebuild the double-decker highway that runs next to it.


  3. Build the most high standard sea dikes is the priority choice if economic is possible.


  4. The second step is to choose available evaluation factors for seawalls by using Delphi technique and a second questionnaire.


  5. When the water hit the nearly vertical face of the seawall, it carries back a great deal of sand.


  6. He picked up some small stones and he ran to the edge of the sea wall. He threw the stones into the water.


  7. Stability control is one of the key technical problems in seawall construction on soft ground.


  8. Then the interaction between the tunnels and embankments is the key problem to be solved.


  9. Riprap embankment is one of general coastal projects, and explosive compaction is used in foundation treatment of soft soils.


  1. 护岸海堤墙

    protective sea wall.

  2. 海堤的修复

    the reconstruction of the sea walls.

  3. 海堤现状调研

    investigation of turret status of seawalls

  4. 陡墙式海堤

    steep slope seawall

  5. 新设计海堤的成效

    Effectiveness of seawalls with new design

  6. 海浪轻轻拍打着海堤。

    The waves were licking the seawall.

  7. 海堤经得起海浪的冲击。

    The sea wall sustained the shock of waves.

  8. 深圳西海堤稳定性分析

    Analysis on Stability of Sea Embankment

  9. 海堤能抵挡海浪的冲击。

    The sea wall sustains the shock of the waves.

  10. 海堤能抵挡海浪得冲击。

    The sea wall sustains the shock of the waves.

  11. 可以防风消浪, 保护海堤,

    They can dissipate winds and waves to protect the mud coast

  12. 在海堤上方形成的波浪

    waves cresting over the sea wall.

  13. 海堤是能抵挡海浪的冲击。

    The seawall sustains the shock of the waves.

  14. 胜利油田海堤的修复与加固

    To Repair and Reinforce a Levee in LiaoHe Oil Field

  15. 海堤工程设计中风速的选用

    Wind velocity adopted in coastal levee project design

  16. 广西海堤护坡结构设计探讨

    Probe into structural design of sea dike revetment in Guangxi

  17. 海堤工程防风暴潮标准研究

    Study on standards of anti tidal storm for coastal levee projects

  18. 海堤设计波浪计算有关问题探讨

    Discussion on issues concerning wave calculation in coastal levee design

  19. 我国海堤建设与景观生态问题

    The problems in sea dike construction and landscape and ecology of china

  20. 江苏北部古代海堤与海陆变迁

    The Ancient Sea Banks and Changes of Sea and Land in the North Jiangsu Province

  21. 海堤施工期变形控制标准的研究

    Analysis of Deformation Controlling System in Construction of Sea Dike

  22. 我画了巨大的海堤, 运河和水坝。

    I drew massive seawalls and canals and dams.

  23. 西沙海堤工程建设与管理的探讨

    Probing into the Xisha sea dike project construction and management

  24. 台南盐场海堤滑动段的滑动稳定分析

    Stability analysis of sliding section of sea embankment in Tainan Saltworks.

  25. 波涛拍打着海堤发出巨大得撞击声。

    The waves washed over the sea embankment with a loud crashing noise.

  26. 海堤视准线观测的折光影响初析

    On the Effect of Refraction on Collimation Line Observation for Marine Dam.

  27. 围海工程开敞式海堤防护设计研究

    Study on protection design of open levee of reclamation project

  28. 灰色系统理论在海堤沉降预测中的应用

    Application of the Theory of Gray System to Forecast the Dam Subsidence Forecasting

  29. 西沙联围标准海堤设计的几点体会

    Standard dike design for Xichalianwei project

  30. 这个海堤应该能阻止像这个星期那样的水灾。

    Such seawalls should prevent floods like this week's.


  1. 问:海堤拼音怎么拼?海堤的读音是什么?海堤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:海堤的读音是hǎidī,海堤翻译成英文是 sea dyke

  2. 问:海堤费拼音怎么拼?海堤费的读音是什么?海堤费翻译成英文是什么?

    答:海堤费的读音是hǎi dī fèi,海堤费翻译成英文是 agistment of sea-banks

  3. 问:海堤排水道拼音怎么拼?海堤排水道的读音是什么?海堤排水道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:海堤排水道的读音是hǎi dī pái shuǐ dào,海堤排水道翻译成英文是 delf



海堤:外文名称 Barrage contre le Pacifique, Un,更多中文片名: 抵挡太平洋的堤坝,导演: 潘礼德 Rithy Panh。