




1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:tuǐ zi






  1. 给有势力的坏人奔走的人,走狗。

    周立波 《暴风骤雨》第一部二:“ 韩老六 有时接济他一点,就这样他成了 韩 家大院的腿子。” 马烽 西戎 《吕梁英雄传》第二回:“﹝ 王怀当 ﹞在 日本 人面前是数一数二的腿子。只要他说一句话,要谁死谁就得死。”



  1. Others, though, see him as the politicians' lackey, and his purchase of sovereign bonds has driven two German colleagues to resign.


  2. "Dog legs" (1) had come into their homes and taken the very cotton out of their quilts to meet fictitious Japanese demands.


  3. The landlord's son, who is about to be married, and the dog leg bind up the girl, throw her in a closet and make ready to murder her.


  4. Fertilizer (with) her legs, pointed nose. Wear skirts, back room. (play move things) turtle.


  5. Mouse along the corbels son has climbed up the neck of cow so that cow loaded it go, can be comfortable.


  6. Many Muslim conservatives remain convinced that the Copts are cats' paws for malingering foreign powers who seek to foment chaos.


  7. "They're enjoying the hospitality of the 'black legs' [derogatory slang for the ISI], " he says.


  8. ark kind should carry when furniture is mobile from the ground, push not forcedly pull forcedly , lest hired thug becomes loose or attaint.


  9. This " henchman " came from a poor family in the countryside with a lot of younger brothers and sisters.


  1. 荨麻腿子草药粉100毫克。

    Urtica dioica herb powder 98mg.

  2. 你的腿子伸得那么直啊!

    How well you can stretch your legs out!

  3. 下车时我的腿子摔断了。

    I had my leg broken when I got off the bus.

  4. 而案则不同,腿子大多缩进桌面。

    The case is different, most of the dioica indent desktop.

  5. 粗鄙的杂货商在老板眼前叉起腿子。

    The grocer crossed hellos legs before the boss.

  6. 粗鄙得杂货商在老板眼前叉起腿子。

    The grocer crossed hellos legs before the boss.

  7. 粗鄙的杂货商在老总面前叉起腿子。

    The gross grocer crossed his legs ago the boss.

  8. 粗鄙的杂货商在老板面前叉起腿子。

    The gross grocer crossed his legs before the boss.

  9. 粗鄙得杂货商在老板面前叉起腿子。

    The gross grocer crossed his legs before the boss.

  10. 鄙俗的杂货商正在老板长远叉起腿子。

    The gross grocer crossed his legs before the boss.

  11. 我确信其它俘虏都是狗腿子或告密者。

    I am convinced the other captives are flunkies and maybe snitches.

  12. 案,案与桌的最大不同,在于腿子和面的关系。

    Case of the table with the biggest difference is that dioica and face.

  13. 有些被杀得所谓狗腿子, 十有八九是穷人。

    Eight or nine of the ten victims, labeled lackeys, were poor people.

  14. 有些被杀的所谓狗腿子,十有八九是穷人。

    Eight or nine of the ten victims, labeled lackeys, were poor people.

  15. 那流氓头子到什么地方都有手下得狗腿子跟着。

    The gang chief went everywhere accompanied by his henchman.

  16. 那流氓头子到什么地方都有手下的狗腿子跟着。

    The gang chief went everywhere accompanied by his henchman.

  17. 他根本没把你当朋友,只不过把你当成了他的腿子。

    He has never regarded you as a friend, only a henchman.

  18. 他根本没把你当朋友,只不过把你当成了他的腿子。

    He has never regarded you as a friend, only a henchman.

  19. 狗腿子家在农村,兄弟姐妹一大堆,纯属困难户。

    This henchman came from a poor family in the countryside with a lot of younger brothers and sisters.

  20. 泥腿子赛马一种在湿的或泥泞的赛场上跑得很好的赛马

    A racehorse that runs well on a wet or muddy track.

  21. 那辆汽车把我撞倒在地,然后从我的腿子上压了过去。

    That car knocked me down, then drove over my leg.

  22. 那辆汽车把我撞倒在地,然后从我的腿子上压了过去。

    That car knocked me down, then drove over my leg.


  1. 问:腿子拼音怎么拼?腿子的读音是什么?腿子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:腿子的读音是tuǐzi,腿子翻译成英文是 A leg.; A henchman