


1. 内 [nèi]2. 内 [nà]内 [nèi]里面,与“外”相对:~部。~外。~定。~地。~阁。~行(háng )。~涵。称妻子或妻子家的亲戚:~人。~亲。~弟。亲近:~君子而外小人。内 [nà]古同“纳”,收入;接受。……


1. 服 [fú]2. 服 [fù]服 [fú]衣裳:~装。制~。穿衣裳:~丧。~用(a.指穿衣服、用器物;b.吃药)。作,担任:~务。~刑。~兵役。顺从:信~。佩~。降(xiáng )~。~辩(旧指认罪书)。~膺(牢记在胸中,衷心信服)。……



汉语拼音:nèi fú







  1. 王畿以内的地方。与“外服”相对。

    《书·酒诰》:“越在外服,侯甸男卫邦伯;越在内服,百僚庶尹,惟亚惟服宗工,越百姓里居,罔敢湎于酒。” 孔 传:“於在内服治事百官众正及次大夫,服事尊官亦不自逸。”

  2. 谓将药物从口服下。与“外敷”相对而言。



  1. The Empress took one spoonful of the lotion once daily, used one wine-cup of it to wash her face, and one teacup of it in her bath.


  2. Oral drugs used to restore balance is not to say, eat more on beauty chloasma cured foods (such as tomatoes, etc. ) and less sensitive food.


  3. Objective To understand the effect of ketoconazole on serum testosterone and estradiol levels.


  4. Conclusion: This therapy is quite effective for cervical spondylosis radiculopathy.


  5. The dried bark of this plant, formerly used externally as a vesicant and internally for arthritis.


  6. San Qi is in about every good external formula, but care should be taken internally especially if pregnant.


  7. As food: being used in infection, like itchy rash on the skin, constipation, red eyes, bitter taste and bad smell in the mouth.


  8. The medicine composition can prepare any conventionality medicine by conventionality method of Chinese traditional medicine.


  9. Conclusion: The internal and external qijvdihuang chrysanthemum ultrasonic atomizer treatment xeroma has remarkable curative effect.


  1. 请勿内服。

    That is not to be taken internally.

  2. 请勿内服。

    That is not to be taken internally.

  3. 中药内服外用

    Internal TCM

  4. 此药可内服。

    This medicine is to be taken orally.

  5. 这种药不可内服。

    The medicine is not for internal use.

  6. 给你开些内服药。

    Ill send you some medicine.

  7. 内服治疗痢疾、结肠炎。

    Oral treatment of diarrhea, colitis.

  8. 这也是内服药吗?

    Is this for internal use too?

  9. 这次是内服还是外用?

    Is this for internal or external use?

  10. 他把外用药内服了。

    He took internally what was meant for external application.

  11. 这药是外用得, 不可内服。

    The medicine is for external use, not to drink.

  12. 这药是外用的,不可内服。

    The medicine is for external use, not to drink.

  13. 这是用外用药, 不可内服。

    And this is for external use, not for oral administration.

  14. 此药只供外用,不可内服。

    This medicine is for external use only, not for drinking.

  15. 止咳糖浆是一种内服药。

    Cough mixture is an internal medicine.

  16. 甲硝唑内服外用治疗牙周炎67例

    67 Cases of periodontitis treated by the extemal and orad medication of metronidazole

  17. 若是痔疮便血而单纯内服药物。

    If hemorrhoids having blood in stool, but takes orally the medicine purely.

  18. 内服可用作泻药, 健胃药等。

    To be taken orally can use as cathartic, stomachic tonic.

  19. 内服有时能引起呕吐,腹痛,腹泻,头晕。

    Sometimes taken internally may cause vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness.

  20. 珍珠粉一定要内服外用配套使用吗

    Is it necessary to take nanometer pearl powder for both internal and external treatment.

  21. 这是内服药。一天四次, 每次两片。

    This is for internal use. Two tablets, four times a day.

  22. 中药内服外敷治疗前列腺增生症82例

    82 Cases of Hyperplasia of Prostate Treated by Chinese Herbs Oral Medication and External Application

  23. 药物分为内服药与外用药两类。

    Medicines are broadly classed as internal or external ones.

  24. 水的外用和内服, 作为各种病症的治疗方法

    internal and external use of water as a therapeutic treatment for all forms of disease

  25. 目的观察中药内服外用治疗黄褐斑的疗效。

    Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of herbal internal and external administration in the treatment of chloasma.

  26. 如清脾除湿饮、益胃汤加减内服。

    If Qing Dynasty is lienal, Tonga of stomach of dehumidify drink, beneficial decreases to be taken orally.

  27. 中药内服外敷治疗慢性盆腔炎疗效观察

    Observation of Curative Effects of Oral Administration and External Application of Chinese Herbal Medicine on Chronic Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

  28. 中药内服加保留灌肠治疗溃疡性结肠炎78例78

    Cases of ulcerative colitis with the traditional chinese medicine and retention enema

  29. 水针注射夹脊穴与中药内服治疗颈椎病

    Cervical Spondylosis Treated by the Method of Fluid Injection on Jiaji Point in Combination with Chinese Medicine Administration

  30. 不同时间中药内服治疗溃疡性胃脘痛效果观察

    Effectiveness of Chinese Medicines with Different Administrations to Ease the Stomach Pain


  1. 问:内服拼音怎么拼?内服的读音是什么?内服翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内服的读音是nèifú,内服翻译成英文是 take orally

  2. 问:内服的拼音怎么拼?内服的的读音是什么?内服的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内服的的读音是,内服的翻译成英文是 internal

  3. 问:内服药拼音怎么拼?内服药的读音是什么?内服药翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内服药的读音是nèifúyào,内服药翻译成英文是 Internal Medicine

  4. 问:内服菌苗法拼音怎么拼?内服菌苗法的读音是什么?内服菌苗法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内服菌苗法的读音是nèi fú jūn miáo fǎ,内服菌苗法翻译成英文是 endovaccination



nèi fú 内服 1.王畿以内的地方的职官,与“外服”相对,包括政务官、事务官和军事官。《尚书·酒诰》:“越在外服,侯甸男卫邦伯;越在内服,百僚庶尹,惟亚惟服宗工,越百姓里居(君),罔敢湎于酒。” 孔 传:“於在内服治事百官众正及次大夫,服事尊官亦不自逸。”外服指王畿以外的诸侯。百姓即百官,都是世袭贵族,当时只有贵族才有姓。 2.谓将药物从口服下。与“外敷”相对而言。 3.网络游戏/网页游戏中的某个服务器,里面有GM(游戏管理员)的朋友在玩(或GM本人的小号),GM会免费给他的朋友装备、元宝等付费道具。有这种情况的服务器,即为内服。