


1. 芥 [jiè]2. 芥 [gài]芥 [jiè]〔~菜〕一年或二年生草本植物,种子黄色,味辛辣,磨成粉末,称“芥末”,作调味品。按用途分为叶用芥菜(如“雪里蕻”);茎用芥菜(如“榨菜”);根用芥菜(如“大头菜”)。小草,喻轻微纤细的事……





汉语拼音:jiè lán






  1. 芥蓝菜。叶柄长,叶片短而阔,花白色或黄色。嫩花茎和嫩叶供食用。

    宋 苏轼 《雨后行菜》诗:“芥蓝如菌蕈,脆美牙颊响。”



  1. Chinese kale is one of specialty vegetables in South China. In recent years, it has been introduced and cultivated in many other areas.


  2. Vegetables Vegetables optional radish leaves, cabbage, rape leaves, spinach, kale, Chinese cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, cabbage and so on.


  3. Sierra writes about frugality, sustainable living, and getting her kids to eat kale at Childwild. com.


  4. That honor goes to spinach, kale, and other dark, leafy veggies.


  5. You can get vitamin C from papayas, strawberries, oranges, kale, lemon, melon, cauliflower, and so on.


  6. For instance, 900 g of lettuce plus 450 g of kale provides just 300 kcal or about 15% of calories.


  7. Intergeneric hybridization between amphidiploid Raphanobrassica and Brassica carinata


  8. Study on Two Isozymes Patterns and its Use in Classification of Brassica alboglabra


  9. Study on Preparation and Characteristic of Sodium-copper Chlorophyllin made from Cabbage Mustard Leaves


  1. 高温条件下芥蓝菜薹色泽的形成

    Colorformation of Chinese Kale Stalk under High Temperature

  2. 芥蓝田主要害虫种群生态位研究

    The niche of key pests in Chinese kale fields

  3. 水分胁迫对芥蓝活性氧代谢的影响

    Effects of Water Stress on Active Oxygen Metabolism in Chinese Kale

  4. 芥蓝菜羽衣甘蓝的叶子, 用作蔬菜

    The leaves of kale, used as a vegetable.

  5. 芥蓝游离小孢子培养及植株再生研究

    Isolated Microspore Culture and Plant Regeneration of Chinese Kale

  6. 黄花芥蓝游离小孢子培养和植株再生

    Free Microspore Culture and Plantlet Regeneration of Brassica alboglabra with Yellow Flowers

  7. 氮素营养对芥蓝生长和品质的影响

    Effect of nitrogen nutrient on the growth and quality of Chinese Kale.

  8. 芥蓝种质资源营养成分及商品性评价

    Evaluation on Nutritive Elements and Commodity Traits of Chinese Kale Germplasm Resources

  9. 春栽芥蓝菜苔的发育与采收技术的探讨

    Pedunclar Growth and Picking Techniques of Spring Sowed Chinese Kale

  10. 醌还原酶法进行芥蓝抗癌活性的快速检测

    Rapid Detection of Anticancer Activity of Chinese Kale by Quinone Reductase Bioassay

  11. 温度对芥蓝幼苗叶片内源多胺含量的影响

    Effect of Temperature on Endogenous Polyamines Content of leaves in Chinese Kale Seedlings

  12. 遮光对芥蓝生长和菜薹产量及品质的影响

    Effects of Shading on growth, flower stalk yield and quality in Chinese kale.

  13. 芥蓝叶和薹的硫代葡萄糖苷组分及含量

    Composition and Content of Glucosinolates in Leaves and Bolting Stems of Chinese Kale Quantified by HPLC

  14. 不同基因型芥蓝硫代葡萄糖苷组分与含量分析

    Analysis on Composition and Content of Glucosinolates in Different Genotypes of Chinese Kale

  15. 本文对芥蓝中硫代葡萄糖甙组成与含量进行研究。

    In this Paper, glucosinolate composition and content in Chinese kale were studied.

  16. 施用生物有机肥对芥蓝及土壤重金属含量影响的研究

    Effect of Bioorganic Fertilizer Application on Contents of Heavy Metals in Chinese kale and Soil

  17. 在下一圈, 种植绿色蔬菜如菠菜, 唐莴苣, 芥菜或芥蓝菜。

    In the next layer, plant your greens such as spinach, Swiss chard, mustard greens or collard greens.

  18. 优质的烤锅。可香烤茄子, 芥蓝花, 包菜花或宝塔菜等。

    Excellent baking tray. Try baked brinjol, broccoli, cauliflower, romanesco, etc.

  19. 比较种群趋势指数,甘薯为最适寄主,芥蓝次之,棉花最差。

    Comparison of the population trend index sweet potato was the most suitable hosts for Bemisia tabaci.

  20. 锅煎鲜鹅肝配烤青苹果, 香菜芥蓝酱及白兰地汁

    Pan seared fresh goose liver on green apples, coriander flavored turnip puree, calvados reduction

  21. 芥蓝菜叶是用高汤氽过,切细的加进去,菜色鲜生青翠。

    Chinese kale leaves is to use broth boil for a short before, cut thin incorporated, dishes of fresh green of Health.


  1. 问:芥蓝拼音怎么拼?芥蓝的读音是什么?芥蓝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:芥蓝的读音是jièlán,芥蓝翻译成英文是 Brassica alboglabra



芥蓝,又名:白花芥蓝、卷叶菜、格蓝菜、绿叶甘蓝、佛光菜、隔暝仔菜,拉丁文名Brassica capitata.为十字花科、芸苔属甘蓝类两年生草本植物,原产我国南方,栽培历史悠久,是我国的特产蔬菜之一。芥蓝的菜苔柔嫩、鲜脆、清甜、味鲜美,每100克芥蓝新鲜菜苔含水分92~93克,维生素c 51.3~68.8毫克,还有相当多的矿物质,是甘蓝类蔬菜中营养比较丰富的一种蔬菜,可炒食、汤食,或作配菜。芥蓝含纤维素、糖类等。其味甘,性辛,具备利水化痰、解毒祛风、除邪热、解劳乏、清心明目等功效。不过久食芥蓝则有耗人真气的副作用。会抑制性激素的分泌。