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汉语拼音:hǎn huà
吴玉章 《汉语拼音方案在各方面的应用》:“过去渔船之间用喊话联络,风浪很大,喊话听不见,只好把渔船开来开去,靠近喊话,浪费时间,丧失捕鱼时机。” 魏巍 《东方》第六部第五章:“师政治部打来了电话,说战俘营有一批俘虏,主动要求到前线喊话。” 峻青 《秋色赋·胶济线上》:“我军第三排 李玉清 排长,带领一个排的战士,去向敌人喊话。”
If you're wearing headphones, you may not be able to hear another runner or cyclist yelling, "On your left! " as he tries to pass you.
如果你带着耳机,你就可能没法听到其他跑步者或骑车人的喊话了,当他们要超你的时候,往往会喊“嘿,借光。”At the midnight, police first shot out the engine on the boat which he stole , then shouted to him in the public water of this area.
午夜时分,警方先是击中了他所盗船只的引擎,之后在该片公开水域向其喊话。Understand you, so you do not have to think the world propaganda. After all that not all of the length of the column can be clear.
都了解你,因此你认为不必对全世界喊话。毕竟不是所有的是非都能条列清。He saw the same fellow who had called to him from the corner. Now, as before, he pretended not to hear him.
他认出就是在拐角处对他喊话的那个人。这次他也像前面一样。假装没听见。I shouted at him to put the gun down, but he took no notice.
我向他喊话让他放下枪,但是他并不理会。At least as important is to communicate that the Fed will not shrink from doing more (what some call "operation shout" ).
至少同样重要的是传递一种信息,表明美联储将敢于走得更远——一些人称之为“喊话行动”(operationshout)。Be buried in the primary school next to the ruins, the Prime Minister with hoarse, choked words, to the ruins of the children propaganda.
在被掩埋的小学废墟旁,总理用嘶哑、哽咽的话语,向废墟中的孩子喊话。FOR close to three decades America and Iran have had little to say to each other officially except by megaphone.
除了通过扩音器隔空喊话,美国与伊朗之间的正式对话中断30年了。You show it, or signal it. You might have raised your hand in response to her query.