




1. 砌 [qì]2. 砌 [qiè]砌 [qì]建筑时垒砖石,用泥灰粘合:~墙。堆~(亦喻写文章时使用大量华丽而无用的词语)。台阶:雕栏玉~。砌 [qiè]〔~末〕中国元曲中称戏曲舞台上所用的简单布景和特制的器物。亦作“切末”(“末”均读……



汉语拼音:duī qì








  1. 垒积砖石并用泥灰粘合。

    《红楼梦》第五十回:“鏤檀鐫梓一层层,岂不良工堆砌成?” 萧三 《节孝坊》:“这几块顽石,堆砌起一级、二级、三级,不知压死了多少女人!”

  2. 犹堆积。

    前蜀 魏承班 《谒金门》词:“春欲半,堆砌落花千片。” 明 崔时佩 等《西厢记·尺素缄愁》:“去时节黄叶乱飞,到如今落红堆砌。”

  3. 比喻在诗文中使用大量华丽无用的词藻。




  1. This results in alternating periods of quiescence and activity - remarkably like the build-up and collapse of a sand pile.


  2. A network can be so his character here, his mood up in here, no matter what, as long as they love could write it down, you can collect.


  3. Yahoo is really more of an aggregator of news and their partnership with ABCNews makes them just a shill for that network and its coverage.


  4. Castles aren't the only thing that you can build with sand. Look at the giant face that this man has built in the sand.


  5. There was a time, in the first years of this century, when I had more florid and rhetorical ambitions.


  6. Highlight the prevalence of a single key, do not let his face into a pile of canvas colors.


  7. The form and position of the slope is only schematic and its shape after piling up should be checked and ratified by the landscape stylist.


  8. This also makes the brochure personal to you, rather than it simply being a set of suppliers' photographs with your name on the front.


  9. The smoothness whether the soul pearls piled up with past event that you and I make up are still taken good care of by us is like the jade!


  1. 逆平行堆砌

    antiparallel packing

  2. 格子体堆砌

    grid checker packing.

  3. 可堆砌箱柜

    stackable case.

  4. 堆砌石砌体

    Pile the barnacle body up.

  5. 堆砌式烧砖窑

    bock kiln

  6. 辞藻堆砌的言语

    florid language

  7. 杂乱堆砌的物件

    Miscellaneous stored articles.

  8. 中湖南面,假山堆砌。

    Hunan in the face and a pile of rock.

  9. 蓄热室格子砖堆砌

    regenerator packing

  10. 他写文章常堆砌辞藻。

    He is always loading his writing with fancy phrases.

  11. 门口堆砌了原木和挡板。

    a barricade of beams and planks lay across the gateway.

  12. 那就是说,你可以堆砌它们

    That is, you can stack them.

  13. 拒绝平庸,拒绝材料堆砌的理念。

    We reject moderateness and refuse loading the work with superfluous materials.

  14. 中间泥土堆砌, 炉子肚儿大,

    A potbelly stove sat in the middle of the floor

  15. 我在沙滩上用沙堆砌动物。

    I make animals out of sand on the beach.

  16. 这些词藻堆砌在一起讲不通。

    These words are jumbled up and don't make sense.

  17. 首先, 砖块的堆砌不需要灰泥。

    First, blocks were stacked without guides or mortar.

  18. 别用太多的图表来堆砌版面。

    Don't clutter the page with too many diagrams.

  19. 这个女孩从容地把砖堆砌起来

    The girl stacked the blocks with deliberation.

  20. 将尸体堆砌在伊普尔和凡尔登。

    And pile them high at Ypres and Verdun.

  21. 堆砌文字的时候,我喜欢用到女子。

    Pile up literalness for time, I like to use woman.

  22. 当你撕破蓝天, 摩天大楼堆砌在空中。

    When you crack the sky, scrapers fill the air.

  23. 他机械收割结束堆砌传统农业,农业产业初。

    His mechanical Reaper spelled the end of traditional farming, and the beginning of industrial agriculture.

  24. 亚当一号是建立在堆砌你的优点上的。

    Adam I is built by, building on your strengths.

  25. 你需要通过了解自己来堆砌成功的筹码。

    You need to build your stack of poker chips by acknowledging your success.

  26. 这份报告只是堆砌了些华丽的词藻而已。

    All we have from the report is flowery rhetoric.

  27. 这份报告只是堆砌了些华丽得词藻而已。

    All we have from the report is flowery rhetoric.

  28. 恐龙园也不过尔尔, 似乎只是用金钱堆砌而已。

    Dinosaur Park are merely mediocre, It'seems only spent money to create it.

  29. 这个故事似乎是一大堆琐碎细节的堆砌。

    The story seems to be cluttered up with a large number of trivial details.

  30. 这座小型城堡, 是他用砂砾堆砌而成的。

    This small castle was piled up by him with a grit.


  1. 问:堆砌拼音怎么拼?堆砌的读音是什么?堆砌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:堆砌的读音是duīqì,堆砌翻译成英文是 load one's writing with fancy phrases

  2. 问:堆砌式烧砖窑拼音怎么拼?堆砌式烧砖窑的读音是什么?堆砌式烧砖窑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:堆砌式烧砖窑的读音是duī qì shì shāo zhuān yáo,堆砌式烧砖窑翻译成英文是 bock kiln


