







汉语拼音:àn jiàn









  1. 暗中射来的箭。常比喻暗中伤人的阴谋、行为。

    宋 邵博 《闻见后录》卷三十:“客问 刘贡父 曰:‘某人有隐过乎?中司将鸣鼓而攻之。’ 贡父 曰:‘中司自可鸣鼓儿,老夫难为暗箭子。’客笑而去。” 明 唐顺之 《叙广右战功》:“倘暗箭刺客杀 金 是贵王杀 金 ,非关我事。” 清 黄遵宪 《悲平壤》诗:“大东起舞小东怨,每每倒戈飞暗箭。” 鲁迅 《热风·随感录四十一》:“我又愿 中国 青年都只是向上走,不必理会这冷笑和暗箭。”



  1. See if there is any big buildings or obstacles to you, and produce geomantic learn referred to in "evil spirit" snake.


  2. The means of murdering have each different record, some say is use peach wooden big stick kill , some say is use dark arrow shoot to die.


  3. Now that Chinese capability in making stealth aircraft beyond doubt, when will the first prototype of Dark Sword UCAV fly?


  4. She takes caution for cowardice and dissent for defiance.


  5. Stacy: That was before I was stabbed in the back. Now, I won't say anything that I wouldn't say to someone's face.


  6. The gun next to dodge, but


  7. Intrigue Is Hard to Defend: The Conditions of Transition and the Prototype of Hong Kong Culture


  1. 暗箭伤人。

    To stab someone in the back.

  2. 谨防暗箭。

    Guard against a hidden arrow.

  3. 暗箭难防。

    Hidden arrows are difficult to guard.

  4. 暗箭伤人, 背后中伤

    staB in the Back

  5. 明抢易挡, 暗箭难防。

    Be careful of the person who does not talk, and the dog that does not bark.

  6. 明抢易挡,暗箭难防。

    Be careful of the person who does not talk, and the dog that does not bark.

  7. 明枪好躲, 暗箭难防。

    Beware of silent dog and still water.

  8. 明枪好躲,暗箭难防。

    Beware of silent dog and still water.

  9. 明枪易躲,暗箭难防。

    False friends are worse than bitter enemies.

  10. 明枪易躲,暗箭难防。

    There is more danger from a pretended friend than from an enemy.

  11. 诽谤如暗箭,远处可杀人。

    Slander is compared to an arrow because it kills at a distance.

  12. 他爱放暗箭, 很让人讨厌。

    He tends to stab others in the back, which is despised by everyone.

  13. 他爱放暗箭,很让人讨厌。

    He tends to stab others in the back, which is despised by everyone.

  14. 一部分评论性文章是暗箭伤人。

    Some of the criticisms hit below the belt.

  15. 陈先生得恶意评论, 是暗箭伤人。

    Mr. Chen's malicious remark is a stab in the back.

  16. 陈先生的恶意评论,是暗箭伤人。

    Mr. Chen's malicious remark is a stab in the back.

  17. 这种恶毒的谎言完全是暗箭伤人。

    Such a vicious lie is nothing but a stab in the back.

  18. 这种恶毒的谎言纯粹是暗箭伤人。

    Such a vicious lie could be nothing but a stab in the back.

  19. 这样一种恶毒得谎言简直是暗箭伤人。

    Such a vicious lie could be nothing but a stab in the back.

  20. 这样一种恶毒的谎言简直是暗箭伤人。

    Such a vicious lie could be nothing but a stab in the back.

  21. 令人作呕的政治恶语的快速升级和暗箭伤人

    the rapidly escalating and darkening volley of nasty political bitchery

  22. 她谨防懦夫的暗箭,从挑衅中挖掘异议。

    She takes caution for cowardice and dissent for defiance.

  23. 森林作战,敌在暗,你在明,小心提防暗箭!

    Forest operations, the enemy in the dark, you have that beware stab in the back!

  24. 那里只有一群会暗箭伤人又可怕的荒原人。

    Nothing there but a bunch of backstabbing, murderous outsiders.

  25. 过去两年里,我已了解到士兵喜欢暗箭伤人。

    Over the past two years, I have learned soldiers like to stab each other in the back.

  26. 过去两年里,我已了解到士兵喜欢暗箭伤人。

    Over the past two years, I have learned soldiers like to stab each other in the back.

  27. 已知的危险比未知的好。明枪易躲,暗箭难防。

    Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know.

  28. 博萨人阴险的政治伎俩颇为出名,熟谙暗箭伤人的诡计。

    While the Bothans aren't a violent people, their skills at character assassination are unparalleled.

  29. 看起来音乐的确帮助了我们更好地应对生活中的明枪暗箭。

    Music certainly seems to help us cope with life's slings and arrows.

  30. 在这条处处暗箭伤人的街上 我妻子是我唯一信任的人。

    My wife is the one person on that backstabbing street that I can trust.


  1. 问:暗箭拼音怎么拼?暗箭的读音是什么?暗箭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暗箭的读音是ànjiàn,暗箭翻译成英文是 an arrow shot from hiding; an attack by a hidd...

  2. 问:暗箭伤人拼音怎么拼?暗箭伤人的读音是什么?暗箭伤人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暗箭伤人的读音是Ànjiànshāngrén,暗箭伤人翻译成英文是 to stab somebody in the back



“暗箭”是个多义词,它可以指暗箭(词语), 暗箭(暗箭手游)。