


1. 调 [tiáo]2. 调 [diào]3. 调 [zhōu]调 [tiáo]搭配均匀,配合适当:~和。~谐。风~雨顺。饮食失~。使搭配均匀,使协调:~配。~味。调停使和解(调解双方关系):~停。~处。调剂:以临万货,以~盈虚。调理使康……





汉语拼音:diào jí







  1. 调选迁转。

    《太平广记》卷一六○引 唐 无名氏《异闻录·秀师言记》:“ 唐 崔晤 、 李仁钧 二人中外弟兄, 崔 年长於 李 。在 建中 末,偕来京师调集。” 宋 王谠 《唐语林·补遗二》:“ 李相国 揆 ,以进士调集在京师。”

  2. 征集;调动使集中。

    明 海瑞 《赠总督府洋山凌公平罗旁序》:“诸凡调集兵餉,练选才武,相机肃令,暨分哨道定所往,虽行军故事则然,昔之人有行之,而公益加详慎矣。” 清 黄钧宰 《金壶浪墨·烟费》:“时诸军集省会者,驻防 满 兵,督抚提标兵,又调集客兵,团练乡勇民兵。” 孙犁 《秀露集·琴和箫》:“今年五月,敌人调集了有四五万兵力,说要用‘拉网战术’消灭我们。”



  1. Currently, relevant departments have been mobilized lifting equipment, ready to salvage the wrecked yacht.


  2. 30 we meet at the office to get our bikes and the bags. Everyone gets his bike wear covered with a few sponsors.


  3. Geithner said the IMF should have more authority to identify problem spots and prescribe remedies.


  4. Bgain, if the receiver of a repeated message is a collection, the condition is generally used to specify a filter for the elements.


  5. At this moment all the might of Germany within reach was descending like an avalanche upon them .


  6. To achieve this, we invoked the power of our concept artists to take our existing vision and increase the visual fidelity.


  7. And Apollonius gathered together the Gentiles, and a numerous and great army from Samaria, to make war against Israel.


  8. A fake profile of the president attracted almost 200 supporters before Jagdeo lodged a complaint and called in the police.


  9. A few hours, Xi'an on the mobilization of the 268 long-distance bus, eager to return home to the migrant workers send home the road.


  1. 正域协调集

    positive region consistent set.

  2. 民警们立即调集警犬赶往现场。

    The polices assemble police dog to rush to scene immediately.

  3. 日军司令部又调集了增援部队。

    Once more the Japanese command brought up reinforcements.

  4. 她相信,所需资源是可以调集的。

    She was confident that the resources could be mobilized.

  5. 下一阶段将包括设计和调集资源。

    The next phase would be design and resource mobilization.

  6. 已调集士兵保卫使馆, 以免再遭袭击。

    Soldiers have been called in to guard the embassy against further attacks.

  7. 部队和警察派遣国得调集人员和装备。

    Troop and police contributors will have to mobilize personnel and equipment.

  8. 协调美国政府援助物资的调集和交付。

    Coordinate the movement and consignment of USG relief commodities.

  9. 为调集资源成立了国家体育发展基金。

    A National Sports Development Fund has been set up to mobilize resources.

  10. 应利用国际资源来补充和调集国内资源。

    International resources should be used to complement and leverage national resources.

  11. 调集了两个装甲兵团去威慑, 控制人群。

    Two regiments of cavalry were called out to tame the crowds.

  12. 大部分的资源是由少数主要角色调集的。

    The majority of resources are mobilized by a few major players.

  13. 它取决于决定国内资源调集的相同因素。

    It depends on the same factors that determine domestic resource mobilization.

  14. 这项和平政策的结果是不调集任何军队。

    The result of this pacific policy was that no troops were called up.

  15. 如果调集的资源没有用掉,公众的支持可能减少。

    Public support may wane if mobilized resources are not spent.

  16. 将联合国基金会调集的资助款传送给联合国系统

    Channels funds mobilized by the United Nations Fund to the United? Nations system

  17. 我们敦促国际社会通过多边援助方案调集资源。

    We urge the international community to channel its resources through multilateral assistance programmes.

  18. 安康警方当即调集200余名警力展开围山搜捕。

    Ankang police gathered more than 200 police officers to surround the mountain and search for him.

  19. 然而,所调集的资源仍然与估计费用相差甚远。

    Yet the resources mobilized still fall far short of the estimated costs.

  20. 如果你能够调集资源,就可以把这件事做成。

    If you could mobilize the resources, you could get it done.

  21. 促进调集执行内罗毕行动纲领所需的财政

    Promotion of the mobilization of financial resources required in the implementation of the Nairobi Programme of Action

  22. 从另一战线调集数师部队成立了一个新军。

    A new army was brought into being as the result of moving divisions from another front.

  23. 第二章,才调集产生的文化背景与选诗标准。

    Chapter Two, The study on the cultural background and the standard to select poem.

  24. 敌军重新调集兵力,对该城发动了又一次进攻。

    The enemy's forces rallied, and made a fresh attack on the town.

  25. 他们还将参与制定项目或方案和调集相关资源。

    They will also participate in project or programme formulation and the mobilization of relevant resources.

  26. 我调集了全般员工来共同完成这项艰巨的任务。

    I assembled all the staff to complete the formidable task.

  27. 我调集了全般员工来共同完成这项艰巨的任务。

    I assembled all the staff to complete the formidable task.

  28. 民兵队,武装团郡长调集来履行法律职责的一群人。

    A group of people summoned by a sheriff to aid in lawenforcement.

  29. 民兵队,武装团郡长调集来履行法律职责得一群人。

    A group of people summoned by a sheriff to aid in lawenforcement.

  30. 次年,他调集六万精兵,五千骑兵,来攻打犹太人。

    So the year following Lysias gathered together threescore thousand chosen men, and five thousand horsemen, that he might subdue them.


  1. 问:调集拼音怎么拼?调集的读音是什么?调集翻译成英文是什么?

    答:调集的读音是diàojí,调集翻译成英文是 to assemble; to muster



拼音 : diàojí 词性 : 动词 英译 : [assemble;muster;mass] 调在一起 释义 : 把一些东西放在一起。

例 : 调集军队、物资