


堂屋的侧边:~隅(棱角,喻品行端方,有气节)。不贪污:~洁。~正。~明。便(pián )宜,价钱低:物美价~。察考,访查:“且~问,有不如吾诏者,以重论之”。姓。……


1. 政 [zhèng]政 [zhèng]治理国家事务:~治。~府。~党。~权。~纲。~策。~令。~绩。~见。~客(为个人或某一集团利益从事政治活动的人)。~局。~变。参~。议~。国家某一部门主管的业务:财~。邮~。民~。家庭或集体生活中的……



汉语拼音:lián zhèng








  1. 同“ 廉正 ”。《晏子春秋·问下四》:“ 景公 问 晏子 :‘廉政而长久,其行何也?’” 吴则虞 集释引 王念孙 曰:“案‘政’与‘正’同,《文选·运命论》注引作‘廉正’。”



  1. To receive from the Commissioner progress reports on all investigations lasting over a year or requiring substantial resources.


  2. Reports on the investigation of such complaints will be considered by an independent ICAC Complaints Committee.


  3. ICAC Commissioner and officers share with you their first-hand anti-corruption experiences.


  4. There is no vacancy in ICAC at the moment. Please visit our Website again for the latest position.


  5. Customs features professionalism, independence and high integrity risk with its great responsibility and power.


  6. Can I lodge a complaint to the ICAC if I suspect a person of corruption but do not have sufficient evidence at hand? Yes.


  7. On behalf of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, I wish to welcome you all to this Conference.


  8. Oppose the rotten incorrupt government job finally, to organs supervising government administration submitting countermeasure suggestion.


  9. This paper is divided into four parts, describing how the use The theoretical education of Marxism to promote clean government.


  1. 党风廉政建设

    construction of the Party conduct and of an honest and clean government.

  2. 机关廉政文化

    culture of clean institution.

  3. 廉政法制建设

    construction of legal system against corruption.

  4. 廉政保证金制度

    the system of guarantee money for probity

  5. 廉政公署拒绝置评。

    The ICAC refused to comment.

  6. 肩负重任的廉政公署。

    The Importance of the ICAC

  7. 廉政, 勤政, 务实, 高效政府

    an honest, diligent, pragmatic and efficient government

  8. 加强廉政建设, 惩治贪污腐败。

    Work harder to build an honest gov.

  9. 论艰苦奋斗与廉政勤政

    On Working and Struggling Hard and Being Diligent and Honest in a Government

  10. 弘扬廉政文化促进社会和谐

    Advocate an Aura of Clean Government to Facilitate Harmonious Society

  11. 巴黎公社的廉政建设及启示

    Building Honest and Clean Administration of Paris Commune and its Enlightenment

  12. 新的廉政制度变迁动力不足。

    The new honest government system vicissitude power is insufficient.

  13. 廉政公署东九及西贡办事处

    ICAC Regional Office Kowloon East Sai Kung

  14. 廉政公署总部大楼举行动土典礼


  15. 弘扬浩然正气加强党风廉政建设

    Carry on and Promote the Great Spirit and Strengthen the Construction of the Party Conduct and the Incorrupt Government

  16. 依法治国进程中的廉政法制建设

    Building the Image of Honest Governance in the Course of Ruling the State by Law

  17. 廉政公署保护证人覆核委员会小组

    ICAC Witness Protection Review Board Panel

  18. 正本清源开创高校党风廉政建设新局面

    Creation of New Situation of Honest and Clean Party Conduct for Colleges

  19. 廉政保证金制度的理性分析与反思

    A Rational Analysis and Reflection of Earnest Money System of Incorrupt Government

  20. 论家庭道德在廉政建设中的调控作用

    On the Control Function of Family Moral in the Clean and Honest Building

  21. 以制度创新推进高等学校党风廉政建设

    Promoting Collegiate Party Building in Work Style and Clean Administration by Means of System Innovation

  22. 应积极稳妥地推行廉政保证金制度

    Carrying forward Positively and Safely the System of Earnest Money for Honest and Clean Government

  23. 古代贤人政治思想对廉政建设的启示

    Enlightenment on the Incorruptness Construction from Political Idea of Ancient People of Virtue

  24. 我看党史上的第一场廉政风暴

    The Historical Investigation of Combating Corruption in the Chinese Soviet Areas during the Agrarian Revolutionary War

  25. 我们要深入开展廉政建设和反腐败斗争。

    We will work hard to build a clean government and combat corruption.

  26. 加强党风廉政建设, 永葆党的先进性

    Strengthening honest establishment of the party spirit and preserving advancing character of the party forever

  27. 党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争取得新成效。

    New progress has been made in improving Party conduct, promoting integrity and combating corruption.

  28. 领导干部任前廉政教育的背景及影响

    He Background and Influence of the Incorruptible Education Before Leaders'Post Holding

  29. 廉政公署的经费由政府一般收入中拨付。

    The expenses of the Commission shall be charged to the general revenue.

  30. 弘扬清正廉洁之风抓好党风廉政建设

    Bring Honour to the Honest and Clean Tendency and Pay Special Attention to Construction of the Party Style and the Honest and Clean Government


  1. 问:廉政拼音怎么拼?廉政的读音是什么?廉政翻译成英文是什么?

    答:廉政的读音是liánzhèng,廉政翻译成英文是 govern honestly

  2. 问:廉政建设拼音怎么拼?廉政建设的读音是什么?廉政建设翻译成英文是什么?

    答:廉政建设的读音是liánzhèngjiànshè,廉政建设翻译成英文是 Take measures to build a government that is poli...

  3. 问:廉政公署拼音怎么拼?廉政公署的读音是什么?廉政公署翻译成英文是什么?

    答:廉政公署的读音是liánzhènggōngshǔ,廉政公署翻译成英文是 commission against corruption

  4. 问:廉政官员拼音怎么拼?廉政官员的读音是什么?廉政官员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:廉政官员的读音是liánzhèngguānyuán,廉政官员翻译成英文是 commissioner against corruption

  5. 问:廉政行动2007拼音怎么拼?廉政行动2007的读音是什么?廉政行动2007翻译成英文是什么?

    答:廉政行动2007的读音是,廉政行动2007翻译成英文是 ICAC Investigators 2007

  6. 问:廉政公署 (香港)拼音怎么拼?廉政公署 (香港)的读音是什么?廉政公署 (香港)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:廉政公署 (香港)的读音是,廉政公署 (香港)翻译成英文是 Independent Commission Against Corruption...


