







汉语拼音:háo jiào








  1. 亦作“嘷叫”。指兽类的吼叫。

    唐 刘恂 《岭表录异》卷下:“鹿走崖岸之上,羣鰐嘷叫其下,鹿怖惧落崖。” 杜鹏程 《保卫延安》第三章:“远处的林子里传出狼和豹子的嗥叫声。”

  2. 大声哭叫,叫唤。嗥,通“ 号 ”。

    《北史·吐谷浑传》:“ 叶延 少而勇果,年十岁,缚草为人,号曰 姜聪 ,每日輒射之,射中则嘷叫泣涕。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·吕无病》:“刀脊中额,额破血流,披髮嗥叫而出,将以奔告其家。” 陈登科 《风雷》第一部第九章:“ 杜三春 也嗥叫起来:‘他打人。’”



  1. Possibly picking up the scent of her young, she let out a high-pitched, miserable howl.


  2. A savage howl, like an ominous setting sun, punctured immortality so slimy and solemn.


  3. The wolf followed him, then stopped and howled, but Buck ran on and did not turn.


  4. The Wolf in the green growl, Spit it of poultry feast The colour profusion color primaries: And I also in empty wolves from consumption.


  5. AS MONKEYS howl in the jungle canopy above, a weary Congolese army lieutenant makes no secret of his frustration.


  6. Jackals cry in chorus from the courtyard of the deserted house in the light of the worn -out moon .


  7. When when the master died, it looks up to the heaven, sends out long howls calls.


  8. The wild boar had its tusk sunk deeply into a tree and howled desperately.


  9. Then I be came conscious of a low growl, followed by a yelp, renewed again and again.


  1. 夜狼的嗥叫

    The howling of a night wolf.

  2. 那些狼彻夜嗥叫。

    The wolves howled all night.

  3. 这狗对我嗥叫。

    The dog snarled at me.

  4. 狼在林中嗥叫。

    Wolves are howling in the forest.

  5. 狗对着陌生人嗥叫。

    The dog snarled at the stranger.

  6. 一连串的狂吠和嗥叫。

    A sequence of yelps and growls.

  7. 狼群在远处嗥叫着。

    Wolves are howling in the distance.

  8. 山狗嗥叫, 有著同样的愿望。

    The coyotes howl with the same wish.

  9. 我们的狗老是对着客人嗥叫。

    Our dog always growls at visitors.

  10. 我们得狗老是对着客人嗥叫。

    Our dog always growls at visitors.

  11. 我们听见狗就在路那边嗥叫。

    We heard the snarl of a dog just up the path.

  12. 狂吠,嗥叫露出牙齿凶猛地咆哮。

    To growl viciously while baring the teeth.

  13. 我们听到一只狼凄厉的嗥叫。

    We heard the mournful cry of a wolf.

  14. 那条狗在嗥叫 它的爪子受伤了。

    The dog was howling its paw was hurt.

  15. 我的猎犬朝着一只盘旋的老鹰嗥叫。

    My hound howled towards a hovering hawk.

  16. 我听见我那原始野蛮的嗥叫越过世界的屋脊。

    I sound my barbaric yawp over the rooftops of the world.

  17. 他们中的一个应该投下称嗥叫风的项目。

    At some point, one of them should drop an item called Howling Wind.

  18. 我已经有好长时间听不到狼的嗥叫了。

    I havent heard wolves howling for a long time.

  19. 这条狗从喉咙里发出了一声低沉的嗥叫。

    The dog made a deep growling noise in his throat.

  20. 有狂野的嗥叫像不祥的残阳击穿粘稠肃穆的永恒。

    A savage howl, like an ominous setting sun, punctured immortality so slimy and solemn.

  21. 他沿着湖边走着,嗥叫着,水底的黄金闪烁着光芒。

    He walks alone round the lake where the yellow gold shines in the water, and howls.

  22. 巴克也跟上去,一边嗥叫一边跟那位野生兄弟肩并肩奔跑。

    And buck ran with them, side by side with the wild brother, yelping as he ran.

  23. 他并没有弄出声响来,但那狼停止了嗥叫,企图嗅出他的所在。

    He had made no noise, yet it ceased from its howling and tried to sense his presence.

  24. 狼便嗥叫地落荒而逃。

    He ran howling away.

  25. 在森林中嗥叫的狼。

    Wolves howling in the forest.

  26. 狼群在森林中嗥叫。

    Wolves were howling in the forest.

  27. 它在嗥叫还在追尾巴。

    It was growling and chasing its tail.

  28. 我们的狗夜里常嗥叫。

    Our dog often howls at night.

  29. 突然一声嗥叫划破了寂静。

    A sudden howl pierced the silence.

  30. 农夫把狼痛打一顿, 狼便嗥叫地落荒而逃。

    The wolf was beaten by the farmer. He ran howling away.




【读音】háo jiào





【出自】〖美〗奥尔多.利奥波德《像山那样思考》:“一声深沉的、骄傲的嗥叫,从一个山崖回响到另一个山崖,荡漾在山谷中,渐渐地消失在漆黑的夜色里。” 人教版小学语文六年级上册第24课《金色的脚印》:“小狐狸孤零零地坐在窝里,仰起脖子嗥叫着。” 鄂教版小学语文六年级上册第21课《浮冰上》:“犬围着诺尼的身体打转,嗥叫着。”