







汉语拼音:jiān yào







  1. 熬药。

    南唐 李中 《秋夕病中作》诗:“煎药惟忧涩,停灯又怕明。”

  2. 汤药。




  1. Objective: To look for a rapid, simple and rational method to determine the amount of water to be added in decocting herbs.


  2. Currently, many pharmacies, hospitals are using Boiling machine of TCM to provide for the needs of boiling processing services.


  3. Korean system automatic packaging machine decocting U. S. colon hydrotherapy instrument.


  4. I think the pharmacological one-time security and water, through high-temperature low-temperature method repeatedly Jianquyaozhi.


  5. Mother returned home, in the kitchen for me JianYao, I walked into the kitchen, ah!


  6. Conclusion The quality of decoction extracted by high pressure CMM extructor is good.


  7. anesthesia machine, ventilator, defibrillator, 3 +1 decoction pot and so on.


  8. I saw mother sweat, I say: "mother, you go out, and then come back to cool the following JianYao, right? "


  9. Objective To study on quality of decoction extracted by normal and high pressure Chinese Materia Medica (CMM) extructor.


  1. 用文火煎药

    decoct medicinal herbs on slow fire.

  2. 代客煎药送上门

    home delivery of herBal medicine prepared for the patients

  3. 当地居民 用这种叶子来煎药 来治疗感染

    Now, the local people, they used a decoction of the leaves against infectious diseases.

  4. 药剂师仔细地配好一付中药,并告诉我煎药的方法。

    The chemist carefully measured out a dose of herbal medicine and told me how to brew it.

  5. 药剂师仔细地配好一服中药,并告诉我煎药的方法。

    The pharmacist carefully measured out a dose of herbal medicine and told me how to brew it.

  6. 药剂师仔细地配好一服草药,并告诉我煎药的方法。

    The pharmacist carefully measured out a dose of herbal medicine and told me how to brew it.

  7. 有一次为了替幼弟煎药,还不小心烧着了胡须。

    Once when he was boiling medicinal herbs for his little brother, he even burned his beard by accident.

  8. 每次为母亲煎药, 他都要亲口尝一尝, 然后再送给母亲服。

    Every time his mother decoction, he had personally taste, and then sent to his mother clothes.

  9. 寅时的药煎好了。

    Your majesty's medicine for the hour is ready.

  10. 最后药算是煎好了。它的样子像非常清亮的水。

    When at last the magic draught was ready, it looked like the clearest water.

  11. 我们可以给你煎出六天得药。

    We can make the solution for you for six days.

  12. 我们可以给你煎出六天的药。

    We can make the solution for you for six days.

  13. 现代煎药法

    Modern decoction method.

  14. 传统煎药法

    Traditional decoction method.

  15. 中药煎药机的煎煮条件研究

    Study on Decoction Condition of Traditional Chinese Medicine Extracting Machine

  16. 吃一煎药就会好的。

    One decoction will put you right.

  17. 伤寒论方药的特殊煎煮法及临床意义初探

    The Special Decoction Method for the Drugs in Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Its Clinical Meaning

  18. 自动中药煎药机的设计与开发

    Design and development of the automatic CMM boiling machine

  19. 应用新型煎药机煎药时对加水量的实验研究

    Experiment on the appropriate amount of water to be added in decocting herbs with new type decocting device

  20. 附子煎煮时间,给药剂量与温阳功效的相关性研究

    Study on correlation between decocting time, administration dose and efficacy of warming Yang of crude lateral root of aconite

  21. 草乌煎煮时间,给药剂量与抗炎镇痛功效的相关性研究

    Study on the Correlation between Decoction Time, Administration Dose and Efficacy of Resisting Inflammation and Relieving Pain of Crude kusnezoff Monkshood

  22. 制川乌煎煮时间和给药剂量与抗炎镇痛功效的相关性研究

    Study on the Correlationship between Decoction Time, Administration Dose and the Efficacy of Resisting Inflammation and Relieving Pain of Prepared Sichuan Aconite Root

  23. 煎药时加些瘦猪肉,不仅味道较好,效果可能也会更好些。

    Decocting more lean pork in addition, not only taste good, the effect may be better.

  24. 这些药放入已煎好得药汁里, 加盖泡15分钟。

    Place these herbs into the ready decoction and put the lid on for fifteen minutes.

  25. 这些药放入已煎好的药汁里,加盖泡15分钟。

    Place these herbs into the ready decoction and put the lid on for fifteen minutes.

  26. 水煎燕麦和米糠,取药汁加饴糖服。

    Cook the oats and rice bran in water. Take the herbal tea. Mix it with malt sugar to drink.

  27. 黄药子水煎液具有体外抑菌作用。

    So it can be said that the decoction has antibacterial activity in vitro.

  28. 巫婆于是就把药罐准备好,来煎这服富有魔力的药了。

    Then the witch placed her cauldron on the fire, to prepare the magic draught.

  29. 加水煎上两味药约30分钟,下雀蛋再煮10分钟。

    Drug of on the decoct that add water two gout makes an appointment with30 minutes, egg issueing sparrow boils10 minutes again.

  30. 中药土大黄煎剂及含药血清对食管癌细胞增殖反应的影响

    Rhubarb and Its Effects on Esophageal Carcinoma Cell Proliferation








