







汉语拼音:yào cǎo



  1. 可以入药的草本植物。

    南朝 梁 萧统 《<陶渊明集>序》:“ 庄周 垂钓于濠, 伯成 躬耕于野,或货海东之药草,或纺 江 南之落毛。” 唐 陆龟蒙 《奉和袭美题达上人药圃》之二:“浄名无语示清羸,药草搜来喻更微。” 清 洪嘉植 《耕云子传》:“人疾病过其前者,则止之,语其故,治以药草,遂愈,酬以钱,不受。”



  1. It is an herb native to Paraguay that has been used for centuries as a sweetener.


  2. this is often the case of those who are healers, counselors, doctors, herbalists , massage therapists or other associated careers.


  3. As a perfume 'nose' Lauder invents new scents for the company, and she often replaces salt in her food with fragrant herbs and spices.


  4. Mila purchased small bags of each herb she muscle tested would be good for the Herb Water in her toner and creams.


  5. Ha ha. . . as if the region a mortar and pestle was manufactured would make a difference.


  6. Planter - Put pebbles in the bottom of a small jar, then fill with potting soil. Plant herb or flower seeds, and put in the windowsill.


  7. This herb is taken for the tonification of the heart and spleen and for nourishing the blood.


  8. It is however a member of the wider mint herb family, and in common with its relatives it's said to be a good digestive aid.


  9. Herbs have no desire to be used as destructive weapons again, and in clearing our karma with mankind, so this will come to be.


  1. 还需要药草。

    And then we need the herbs.

  2. 在花园里栽植的花、蔬菜、水果或药草。

    The flowers or vegetables or fruits or herbs that are cultivated in a garden.

  3. 她在镇上经营一家贩卖药草、树根和调味品的小店。

    In a village, she runs a little shop selling herbs, roots and spices.

  4. 民族药滇产回心草对大鼠实验性心肌缺血的保护作用

    Protective effect of Yunnan folk medicine Rhodobryum roseum on experimental myocardial ischemia of rat

  5. 药草酊剂可以由包含干药草的茶来制成。

    Herbal tinctures can be made from teas containing the herb in a dried form.

  6. 是中草药铺,就是天然草药商或是中药商。

    H is an Herb Shop, a native apothecary or Chinese druggist.

  7. 美国草药医生协会草药医术学草药药典健康药草。

    SubjectTopicalEng American Herbalists Guild herbalism Herbal Pharmacopoeia Health Herbs.

  8. 有好多不同得选择, 比如, 按摩, 针灸和吃草药啊。

    There are mangy different options like massage, acupuncture, and herbal remedies.

  9. 有好多不同的选择,比如,按摩,针灸和吃草药啊。

    There are mangy different options like massage, acupuncture, and herbal remedies.

  10. 这种草可入药。

    The grass can act as a drug.

  11. 喉药醉鱼草

    Buddleja paniculata.

  12. 维吾尔药黑种草子

    Nigella glandulifera Preyn et Sint

  13. 灯笼草的生药鉴别研究

    Study on Pharmacognosy Idenfication of Peruvian Groundcherry Herb

  14. 民族药滇黄芩的本草考证

    Textual Research of Herbalism of Scutellaria Amoena C.H.Wright

  15. 民族药鬼针草的生药学鉴定。

    Pharmacognosy identification of the ethnic medicine plant bidens poilsa L.

  16. 民族药地胆草的生药学鉴定。


  17. 解药须用 曼德拉 草根做成。

    The antidote is made from mandrake roots.

  18. 标题黄山和九华山产草芍药的核型。

    Karyotype of Paeonia obovata Maxim. from Mt. Huangshan and Mt. Jiuhuashan.

  19. 本文对敌草快原药的合成进行了一定的研究。

    Our work to, develop diquat is mainly given in this paper.

  20. 恶草酮原药及其制剂加工项目投资方案的选择

    Selection of lnvestment Schemes on Oxadiazon Technical Product and lts Formulation Processing Project

  21. 确立了吡氟草胺原药得高效液相定量分析方法。

    A method was described for the determination of diflufenican by high press liquid chromatographic.

  22. 川产草乌类生药中滇乌碱的离子配对色谱研究

    Studies On Ion Pain Chromatograhic of Yuanconitine In the Chinse Medicinel Aconite RootsCAOWUProduced In Sichuan

  23. 它们会把卵产在有药的乳草上,减轻幼虫的症状?

    Can the mothers lay their eggs on medicinal milkweed that will make their future offspring less sick?

  24. 结论鹅不食草对耐药质粒有较强的消除作用。

    Conclusion Herba centipedae is a effective plasmid elimination agent to Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

  25. 表明元宝草也是一种重要的金丝桃素类药源植物。

    So, it is also a significant medicinal species containing hypericin.

  26. 不同采收月份老鹳草生药中柯里拉京的含量比较

    Comparison of corilagin content in Erodium stephanianum from different collection month

  27. 苗瑶医习用药肺经草止咳化痰作用的成分部位初步筛选

    To identify the ingredients that are relieving cough and resolving phlegm actions in the Herbs saniculae

  28. 草乌煎煮时间,给药剂量与抗炎镇痛功效的相关性研究

    Study on the Correlation between Decoction Time, Administration Dose and Efficacy of Resisting Inflammation and Relieving Pain of Crude kusnezoff Monkshood

  29. 目的研究阿莫西林对格列美脲在草犬体内药动学的影响。

    OBJECTIVE To study the pharmacokinetic effects of amoxicillin on glimepiride in dogs.

  30. 苏格兰草药学校

    Scottish School of Herbal Medicine


  1. 问:药草拼音怎么拼?药草的读音是什么?药草翻译成英文是什么?

    答:药草的读音是yàocǎo,药草翻译成英文是 herbs; medicinal herbs

  2. 问:药草园拼音怎么拼?药草园的读音是什么?药草园翻译成英文是什么?

    答:药草园的读音是yào cǎo yuán,药草园翻译成英文是 physic garden, herbary

  3. 问:药草院拼音怎么拼?药草院的读音是什么?药草院翻译成英文是什么?

    答:药草院的读音是Yàocǎoyuàn,药草院翻译成英文是 Yakusōin

  4. 问:药草拌饭拼音怎么拼?药草拌饭的读音是什么?药草拌饭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:药草拌饭的读音是yàocǎo bàn fàn,药草拌饭翻译成英文是 Medicinal Herb Bibimbap

  5. 问:药草、农产品展销厅拼音怎么拼?药草、农产品展销厅的读音是什么?药草、农产品展销厅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:药草、农产品展销厅的读音是yàocǎo, nóngchǎnpǐn zhǎnxiāo tīng,药草、农产品展销厅翻译成英文是 Medicinal Herb and Agricultural Specialty Pro...



药草的中文解释 基本解释 [medicinal herbs] 即医药上有价值的草本植物 详细解释 释义:可以入药的草本植物。