







汉语拼音:dēng jù




人工照明器具 的总称。



  1. 泛指各种照明器具。



  1. These pots, also known as domes, lamps or diffusers, are extremely easy to use.


  2. The assistant light of an automobile has an assistant light electrically connected in a case, and a cover coupled in front of the case.


  3. An employee attends to a light fitting in an unoccupied floor of "The Peak" office complex in London, UK, on Thursday, Jan.


  4. Therefore, the interior should retain a low degree of light, its brightness to be able to see the books and writing as appropriate.


  5. Everything gets set off, and all that's left of every planet in Luminaire is a series of smoking craters.


  6. Integrated Design of lighting and electricity , easy to install , stable and high quality for illumination.


  7. Luminaire provided with a cord, chain, tube, etc. Which enables it to be suspended from a ceiling or other support.


  8. The utility model relates to a lamp holder of a lamp used for the decoration, in particular to a plastic lamp holder.


  9. The heat sink of lamp is made of stretched aluminum, with its reflex housing made of stretched high-purity anodized aluminum plate.


  1. 灯具遮蔽角

    shielding angle

  2. 灯具隐藏性

    hide the luminares.

  3. 灯具的森林

    Forest of the Lamps.

  4. 灯具及光源

    lamp and the source of light.

  5. 灯具电器箱

    electrical wares box for lamps.

  6. 太阳能灯具设计

    The Design of Solar Luminaire

  7. 增安型灯具

    increased safety luminaire.

  8. 灯具悬吊格栅

    lighting grid

  9. 防爆荧光灯具

    flameproof fluorescent lamp fitting

  10. 灯具选用与布置

    Choice of Lamp and its layout

  11. 升降悬吊式灯具

    rise and fall pendant luminare

  12. 灯具质量与安全

    The Quality and Safety of Lamps and lanterns

  13. 防渗照明灯具

    watertight lighting fitting

  14. 舞台表演专用灯具

    lamps specially for stage performance

  15. 格栅灯具解剖示意

    Sketch diagram of Grid Lamp Panel

  16. 灯具用电源导轨装置

    Electrical supply track systems for luminaires

  17. 平壁式或隐藏式灯具

    Flush mounted or recessed luminaire

  18. 标志字牌及灯具系列

    Sign and Special Luminaire Series

  19. 或者我们可以让那些灯具

    Or they have these lighting fixtures.

  20. 灯具维修汰换工程规划案。

    Lighting Electricity and Cable System Maintenance Project.

  21. 灯具最大允许中高比

    Maximum permissable spacing height ratio of luminaire

  22. 室内照明与灯具创新研讨会

    Indoor Lighting and Lighting Fixture Innovation Conference

  23. 国家灯具质量监督检验中心

    China National Lighting Fitting Quality Supervision Testing Centre

  24. 工程照明嵌入式格栅灯具

    Project illuminate insert grid lamp lighting

  25. 照明灯具的火灾危险性

    The Fire Danger of Lamps and Lanterns

  26. 青岛娇阳灯具有限公司。

    Qingdao jiaoyang lamp and lanterns Co., Ltd.

  27. 消防应急灯具及火灾防护面具

    Fire emergency lighting and fire protection mask

  28. 灯具的效率是很让人困惑。

    The efficiency of lamps can be confusing.

  29. 照明灯具是落地灯和吊灯。

    Illumination luminaries is floor lamp and droplight.

  30. 灯具产品设计及主要指标测试

    Lighting Fixtures Design and Main Index Tests Conference


  1. 问:灯具拼音怎么拼?灯具的读音是什么?灯具翻译成英文是什么?

    答:灯具的读音是dēngjù,灯具翻译成英文是 lighting

  2. 问:灯具拼音怎么拼?灯具的读音是什么?灯具翻译成英文是什么?

    答:灯具的读音是dēngjù,灯具翻译成英文是 light fixture

  3. 问:灯具库拼音怎么拼?灯具库的读音是什么?灯具库翻译成英文是什么?

    答:灯具库的读音是dēng jù kù,灯具库翻译成英文是 chandry

  4. 问:灯具街拼音怎么拼?灯具街的读音是什么?灯具街翻译成英文是什么?

    答:灯具街的读音是dēngjù jiē,灯具街翻译成英文是 Lighting Apparatus Alley

  5. 问:灯具效率拼音怎么拼?灯具效率的读音是什么?灯具效率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:灯具效率的读音是dēng jù xiào lǜ,灯具效率翻译成英文是 luminaire efficiency

  6. 问:灯具间距拼音怎么拼?灯具间距的读音是什么?灯具间距翻译成英文是什么?

    答:灯具间距的读音是dēng jù jiān jù,灯具间距翻译成英文是 spacingof luminaire

  7. 问:灯具保护网拼音怎么拼?灯具保护网的读音是什么?灯具保护网翻译成英文是什么?

    答:灯具保护网的读音是dēng jù bǎo hù wǎng,灯具保护网翻译成英文是 luminaire guard

  8. 问:灯具距高比拼音怎么拼?灯具距高比的读音是什么?灯具距高比翻译成英文是什么?

    答:灯具距高比的读音是dēng jù jù gāo bǐ,灯具距高比翻译成英文是 spacing height ratio of luminaire

  9. 问:灯具安装高度拼音怎么拼?灯具安装高度的读音是什么?灯具安装高度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:灯具安装高度的读音是dēng jù ān zhuāng gāo dù,灯具安装高度翻译成英文是 mounting height of luminaire

  10. 问:灯具计算高度拼音怎么拼?灯具计算高度的读音是什么?灯具计算高度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:灯具计算高度的读音是dēng jù jì suàn gāo dù,灯具计算高度翻译成英文是 calculating height of luminaire

  11. 问:灯具亮度限制曲线拼音怎么拼?灯具亮度限制曲线的读音是什么?灯具亮度限制曲线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:灯具亮度限制曲线的读音是dēng jù liàng dù xiàn zhì qǔ xiàn,灯具亮度限制曲线翻译成英文是 luminaire limitation curve

  12. 问:灯具最大允许距离高比拼音怎么拼?灯具最大允许距离高比的读音是什么?灯具最大允许距离高比翻译成英文是什么?

    答:灯具最大允许距离高比的读音是dēng jù zuì dà yǔn xǔ jù lí gāo bǐ,灯具最大允许距离高比翻译成英文是 maximum permissible spacing height ratio of lu...


