


1. 过 [guò]2. 过 [guo]3. 过 [guō]过 [guò]从这儿到那儿,从此时到彼时:~江。~账。~程。~渡。~从(交往)。经~。经过某种处理方法:~秤。~磅。~目。超出:~于。~度(dù)。~甚。~奖(谦辞)。~量(lià……





汉语拼音:guò shuì







  1. 宋 代向行商贩运货物征收的一种商税。


  2. 指纳税。

    《金瓶梅词话》第二五回:“ 杭州 织造 蔡太师 生辰尺头并家中衣服俱已完备,打成包裹,装了四箱,搭在官船上来家,只少雇夫过税。”



  1. There is a population of U. S. citizens who live overseas and may never have paid U. S. taxes on their non-U. S. earnings and non-U.


  2. But when I ask, it turns out that he doesn't work at all and has never paid tax in his life.


  3. You remember you handled my tax forms for me?


  4. have a major night off, that's clean money, the tax write-off.


  1. 没投过票, 没付过税。

    I never voted or paid taxes.

  2. 没投过票,没付过税。

    I never voted or paid taxes.

  3. 我得到的工资是扣过税的。

    The pay I receive is paid after the deduction of tax.

  4. 我得到得工资是扣过税得。

    The pay I receive is paid after the deduction of tax.

  5. 驾驶没有上过税和保过险的汽车是违法的。

    It is illegal to drive a car that is not taxed and insured.

  6. 搬到新土地就要再交税,他们已经为对法国的战争付过税了。

    New lands mean new taxes and they're already taxed for the war in France.

  7. 我得目标是避免付过多得税。

    My aim is to avoid pay too much tax.

  8. 那个政府在人民身上征收了过重得税。

    The government inflicted excessively heavy income taxes on the people.

  9. 我的目标是避免付过多的税。

    My aim is to avoid pay too much tax.

  10. 许多人抱怨犹他州过高得罪孽税。

    Many people complain about the sin tax in Utah.

  11. 许多人抱怨犹他州过高的罪孽税。

    Many people complain about the sin tax in Utah.

  12. 他们没有交过一分钱的税。

    They don't pay taxes on it.

  13. 过份利得税

    excess profits tax.

  14. 这些税在凭证处理时予以过账。

    These taxes are posted when the documents are processed.

  15. 一旦你递交修正过的退税表

    Once you file an amended return.

  16. 我层在报税季节在一家会计公司实习过。

    I interned with an accounting firm during tax season.

  17. 在旧社会农民被重税压得喘不过气来。

    In the old days the peasants were weighted down by heavy taxes.

  18. 讨论过预算赤字之后,他们开始考虑增税问题了

    After discussing the budget deficit, they entered on the problem of raising taxes.

  19. 出口退税调整将给企业留出过渡期

    The Adjustments of Export Tax Rebates Will Leave the Transitional Period to the Enterprises

  20. 抑制房地产过热似乎成征收房地产税的基本初衷。

    Curb overheated real estate property tax levy appears to be a basic purpose.

  21. 除去死亡和交税,这份清单上现在又增加了信息过载。

    Along with death and taxes we can now include information overload.

  22. 你亦可透过本服务索取该等评税通知书的副本。

    You may also request for duplicate copies of these assessment notices through this service.

  23. 众百姓和税吏,既受过约翰的浸,听见这话,就称神为义。

    And when all the people and the tax collectors heard this, they acknowledged that God was righteous, since they had been baptized with the baptism of john.

  24. 那个政府在人民身上征收了过重的税。

    The government inflicted excessively heavy income taxes on the people.

  25. 缴过重税后,我仍有馀下工资可用。

    I still have a disposable income after defraying the heavy taxes.

  26. 浅谈煤炭企业税赋过重的成因及对策

    Cause Analysis on Heavy Scot of Coal Enterprise and It's Countermeasure.