




1. 曾 [zēng]2. 曾 [céng]曾 [zēng]指与自己中间隔两代的亲属:~祖父。~孙。古同“增”,增加。竟,简直,还(hái ):“以君之力~不能损魁父之丘,如太山、王屋何?”姓。曾 [céng]尝,表示从前经历过:~经。未~……



汉语拼音:wú zēng






  1. 犹不曾,没有。

    《白雪遗音·马头调·醉打山门》:“﹝ 鲁智深 ﹞自从削髮来到 五臺 ,酒肉无曾开。”



  1. 网络
  2. zeng

  3. >

  1. 你有无子女曾在华美读过或现就读于华英学校?

    Do you have a child who has attended or is currently attending wms?

  2. 我曾是无神论者,直到我发现自己是上帝。

    I was an atheist until I realized I was GOD.

  3. 身为男子不抽烟不喝酒曾视为无男子气概。

    It was once thought unmanly not to drink and smoke.

  4. 您在贵宾接待会上曾与无上师见面

    And you actually got a chance to meet Supreme Master at the VIP reception

  5. 我们的孩子又以我们曾有的无解的问题来问我们。

    Our children look to us with the same unanswered question we had.

  6. 但对于像他们这样曾衣食无忧的人来说

    But for folks like them who are used to having everything.

  7. 没有人曾为了无神论而诉诸战争,希金斯如是说。

    Nobody ever went to war for atheism, says Mr Hitchens.

  8. 并无证据显示疫苗曾帮助人类抵抗某些传染病。

    There is no evidence that it was immunization which helped humanity fight some of the infectious diseases.

  9. 小裁缝猜对了,而她曾自信世上无人知道这秘密呢。

    The little tailor guess rightness, but she had no confidence in this secret. That.

  10. 当他幼年的时候, 他曾多年居无定所, 独自一人生活。

    He was homeless and on his own for years as a young boy.

  11. 你曾求助四方却无人响应,毫无反抗陷入恐惧。

    They dont always happen when you ask. And its easy to give in to Ur fear.

  12. 他们其中八人曾求医,但无人需入院,全部情况稳定。

    Eight had sought medical treatment but none required hospitalization. All are in stable condition.

  13. 在第十世纪中,丹麦人曾对英国沿海作无数次的突袭。

    The Danes made numerous descents upon the English coast during the 10 th century.

  14. 曾向天举起无泪的眼睛

    And I did lift my tearless eyes to Heaven

  15. 曾向天举起无泪得眼睛

    And I did lift my tearless eyes to Heaven

  16. 我无依无助得那刻你曾在?

    And Where were you when I was hurt and I was helpless?

  17. 我无依无助的那刻你曾在?

    And Where were you when I was hurt and I was helpless?

  18. 她曾是有生命的巫师, 无人可以命令她。

    She had once been a living necromancer, and she took orders from no one.

  19. 曾有人预见暴风来袭,但无人能力挽狂澜。

    And though some had seen the coming storm, none could hold against its tide.

  20. 患者自述曾为木匠,有石棉接触史,无吸烟史。

    The patient reports a history of asbestos exposure as a carpenter and denies smoking.

  21. 我曾力劝他不要辞职, 但无济无事。

    I tried to persuade him not to resign but it was to little avail.

  22. 船舶在航行途中,曾否发生海事?有无海事报告?

    Has there been an occurrence of sea perils on the voyage ?Was Sa Protest available ?

  23. 那只球队曾被普遍认为是无往而不胜的。

    That football team was once reputed to be invincible.

  24. 例如, 无脑海星和海胆的祖先似乎曾有大脑。

    For instance, it appears the ancestor of brainless starfish and sea urchins had a brain.

  25. 无一拥有天然防御力能或者曾接种疫苗对抗麻疹

    No one has natural defenses against, nor been vaccinated against measles.

  26. 他曾住在荒凉城邑,无人居住,将成乱堆的房屋。

    He will inhabit ruined towns and houses where no one lives, houses crumbling to rubble.

  27. 那只橄榄球队曾被普遍认为是无往而不胜得。

    That football team was once reputed to be invincible.

  28. 那只橄榄球队曾被普遍认为是无往而不胜的。

    That football team was once reputed to be invincible.

  29. 无精神病史记载, 但曾有用酮康唑治疗发生不良反应的历史。

    No history of psychiatric illness was noted, but the patient reported an adverse psychiatric reaction to ketoconazole.

  30. 两人均曾探寻道德的是非明辨,却都无果而终。

    Both sought moral clarity, but failed to find it.

