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1. 藏 [cáng]2. 藏 [zàng]藏 [cáng]隐避起来:埋~。包~。~奸。~匿。隐~。蕴~。~污纳垢。收存起来:收~。~品。~书。储~。藏 [zàng]储放东西的地方:~府。宝~。道教、佛教经典的总称:道~。大~经。三~(佛教……
汉语拼音:yóu cáng
The program of this algorithm model has been used for reservoir description of Jin 90 block in Liaohe Oilfield.
相应的软件模块已用于辽河油田锦90块的油藏描述。Outcrop data have been used to model facies geometry, size and distribution, which have implications on reservoir behaviour.
利用露头数据来模拟岩相的几何形态、尺寸和分布,这些特性都可以推断出油藏动态。Wireline formation testers have been commonly used to acquire formation pressures and reservoir fluid samples for a number of decades.
几十年来,电缆式地层测试器已经普遍地用于采集地层压力和油藏流体样品。If reservoir fluids flow into another formation and do not flow to the surface, the result is called an underground blowout.
如果油藏流体流入另一层地层,而不是喷至地面,这种结果称之为地下井喷。An uncontrolled flow of reservoir fluids into the wellbore, and sometimes catastrophically to the surface.
一种进入井眼内而不可控制的油藏流体流,有时对地面会形成灾难。The difficulty of it is to found a exact geological model which can be accord with the real pool underground.
其难点是建立能准确反映地下油藏特征的地质模型。This in-depth course is designed to be a thorough and up-to-date review of the exploration and production aspects of turbidite reservoirs.
这门深入的课程全面、全新回顾了浊积油藏的勘探与开发。Field applications show that this technology could enlarge water injection swept volume and improve water absorbing conditions.
现场应用表明,该技术能扩大油藏的水驱波及体积,提高水驱动用程度,达到稳油控水的目的。Reservoir data are sent back to the surface by a permanent cable attached to the production tubing .