







汉语拼音:zuò wò






  1. 坐和卧;坐或卧。常指日常起居。

    《汉书·杜周传》:“ 延年 居父官府,不敢当旧位,坐卧皆易其处。” 南朝 梁 沉约 《齐故安陆昭王碑文》:“独居不御酒肉,坐卧泣涕霑衣。” 唐 李颀 《题璿公山池》诗:“指挥如意天花落,坐卧閒房春草深。” 清 龚自珍 《与吴虹生书》十二:“有一小楼,面山,楼中置笔砚,弟偷闲暂坐卧於是。”



  1. Since he is in you and with you, the difficulty cannot be serious. Look within, and you will find him.


  2. It shall be forbidden to walk, sit or lie on a railway track. Any railway worker shall have the right to stop such conduct.


  3. The deer sitting relaxingly amidst the blossom leads us into a world where humankind and nature live peacefully together.


  4. I had two dark-blue plush chairs to lounge on and a curtain to shut the bustle of corridor traffic outside my sliding door.


  5. A person should be sitting down or lying comfortably to ensure that the readings are taken in a similar position each time.


  6. The supported Fowler position improves cardiac output and ventilation and facilitates urinary and bowel elimination.


  7. She lives in awareness as an ordinary person, whether standing, walking, lying down, or sitting.


  8. I was not home when those long time, how distracted she spent hard-ning, concurrently with the pain and panic of a mother minimum pray.


  9. Among other things, this can reveal if the victim was standing, sitting or lying down when they were attacked.


  1. 坐卧两用床

    chair bed.

  2. 坐卧两用车

    couchette car.

  3. 坐卧两用室

    bed sitting room.

  4. 他整日坐卧不宁。

    Day and night, he could neither sit nor sleep at ease.

  5. 放心不下, 坐卧不宁

    be in suspense, unable to sit down or sleep at ease

  6. 坐卧两用的折椅

    chair bed

  7. 唐玄宗为此坐卧不安。

    So, Tang Xuanzong felt uneasy whether sitting or bedding.

  8. 时代华纳想必是坐卧不宁

    Time Warner must be spooked

  9. 坐卧两用客车设计构想

    A Design Idea on the Coach Combined with Seating and Sleeping

  10. 然而此后他变得坐卧不宁, 惴惴不安。

    But after that he became more restless and nervous.

  11. 他得知老婆生病的消息后,坐卧不安。

    He is on tenterhooks knowing that his wife is ill.

  12. 他得知老婆生病的消息后,坐卧不安。

    He is on tenterhooks knowing that his wife is ill.

  13. 以大师的名义,再接再厉,让世人坐卧不宁。

    In the name of the Master, go forth and terrify.

  14. 长途客车有空调和坐卧两用的座位。

    The coach has air conditioning and reclining seats.

  15. 转换坐卧姿势, 至少两至三小时转换一次

    Change postures at least every two hours

  16. 听说仇人要回来了,他犹如芒刺在背,坐卧不宁。

    Having heard that his enemy was going home, he felt uneasy and nervous, and became very fidgety.

  17. 听说仇人要回来了,他犹如芒刺在背,坐卧不宁。

    Having heard that his enemy was going home, he felt uneasy and nervous, and became very fidgety.

  18. 意识障碍患者半坐卧位置胃管效果探讨

    Fowler Position for Inserting Gastric Tube for Patients with Impaired Consciousness

  19. 舒适一想到邻居坐卧不安就无比兴奋的心情。

    Comfort a state of mind produced by the contemplation of a neighbor s uneasiness.

  20. 他终日坐卧不宁,苦苦思索可还有什么妙法儿好赖在医院里。

    He was restless all day, trying to think of some way he could remain in the hospital.


  1. 问:坐卧不宁拼音怎么拼?坐卧不宁的读音是什么?坐卧不宁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坐卧不宁的读音是zuòwòbùníng,坐卧不宁翻译成英文是 to be unable to sit down or sleep at ease—to feel...

  2. 问:坐卧不安拼音怎么拼?坐卧不安的读音是什么?坐卧不安翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坐卧不安的读音是zuòwòbù'ān,坐卧不安翻译成英文是 To be restless, anxious.

  3. 问:坐卧两用椅拼音怎么拼?坐卧两用椅的读音是什么?坐卧两用椅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坐卧两用椅的读音是zuò wò liǎng yòng yǐ,坐卧两用椅翻译成英文是 chair-bed

  4. 问:坐卧两用沙发拼音怎么拼?坐卧两用沙发的读音是什么?坐卧两用沙发翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坐卧两用沙发的读音是zuò wò liǎng yòng shā fā,坐卧两用沙发翻译成英文是 sofa sleeper

  5. 问:坐卧两用长椅拼音怎么拼?坐卧两用长椅的读音是什么?坐卧两用长椅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坐卧两用长椅的读音是,坐卧两用长椅翻译成英文是 daybed