


1. 繁 [fán]2. 繁 [pó]繁 [fán]复杂:~杂。~乱。删~就简。~难。~嚣。多:~多。~重(zhòng )。纷~。频~。~星。~忙。~芜。~博。兴盛:~茂。~荣。~华。生物增生新个体:~殖。~育。~衍。繁 [pó]〔~台〕中……





汉语拼音:fán fù








  1. 繁多而复杂。

    宋 秦观 《史籀李斯书》:“ 程邈 得罪,繫 云阳 十年,从狱中增减大篆,去其繁复,奏之 始皇 。” 吕澂 《中国佛学源流略讲》第二讲:“因为 印度 文字本身就是繁复而严密,一加删节,就把原来的结构打乱了。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致罗清桢》:“《五一纪念》却是失败之作,大约此种繁复图像,尚非初学之力所能及。”



  1. Opening an account requires a week of bureaucratic procedures and a respected watchdog agency monitors large transactions.

  2. The reasons are complex, but boil down to Fannie and Freddie trying to protect their profits by imposing onerous fees and conditions.

  3. Even having spent 12 years in the UK, I fail to see the point of those feather-and-lace concoctions.

  4. Those complicated art language, but full of texture informs those yearn for her childhood and the time that filling with dream and romance.

  5. But a lengthy, voluntary process is impractical in the panic surrounding the failure of a very large, complex financial institution.

  6. It would be a profound privilege for me to play a role in applying those principles to the questions and controversies we face today.

  7. As a lecturer, he gave clear and even-handed presentations in a field that can be confusing and divisive.

  8. It is one of the most mathematically complicated subjects among the "sciences" , as difficult as quantum physics.

  9. Still, it was quite a bit of work.


  1. 都如此繁复而美妙。

    to be really quite striking and fascinating.

  2. 那些论点冗长而繁复。

    The arguments are tedious and complicated.

  3. 一篇冗长繁复的文章

    a wordy and repetitive essay.

  4. 繁复的税则令人头痛。

    The jungle of tax laws is a headache.

  5. 宇宙观与繁复的象征体系。

    Cosmology and Complex Symbolic Systems.

  6. 在海外,法律问题更为繁复。

    Overseas the legal issues are more muddied.

  7. 原始的图案, 变为繁复的镶嵌。

    Primitive designs are used in a complicated inlay.

  8. 繁复的法律用语错综复杂的推理

    Convoluted legal language convoluted reasoning.

  9. 程序的繁复正在对效率造成影响。

    The growth in procedures are putting a strain on efficiency.

  10. 我们语言清晰, 化繁复为简易。

    We speak a clear language and explain complex matters.

  11. 有时, 御准授予仪式上礼节繁复。

    The granting of royal assent is sometimes associated with elaborate ceremonies.

  12. 简洁往往比繁复设计更加精巧别致。

    Simple can often be more elegant and tasteful than a complicated design.

  13. 它是一个繁复但不是深奥的问题。

    It is a complex but not profound problem.

  14. 许多公司被繁复的登记手续吓退了。

    Many companies were discouraged by the cumbersome registration process.

  15. 无穷的斑斓繁复终由0和1描摹定论。

    Infinite variety and complication finally falls into derivatives of0 and1.

  16. 无穷得斑斓繁复终由0和1描摹定论。

    Infinite variety and complication finally falls into derivatives of0 and1.

  17. 现代化的生活如一张繁复和纠缠的网。

    The modern day life is an entangled web of complexity.

  18. 他们被警方部署的繁复安全措施惹怒了。

    They're offended by the elaborate security measures the police have put in place.

  19. 繁复的合同安排造成各种不同的工作人员类别。

    The multiplicity of contractual arrangements creates different categories of staff members.

  20. 个性, 简约奢华, 破除古典厚重繁复的宫廷设计。

    Individuality, brief luxurious, eradicates the classical serious complicated palace design.

  21. 门厅中央有弧形雕饰,雕刻也尽显繁复。

    There is an arc in the center of the entrance hall for decoration, carved in an extremely soplisticated way.

  22. 这个教堂中繁复华丽的雕刻是非凡的艺术创作。

    The ornate carvings in the church are excellent works of art.

  23. 有了计算机, 繁复得计算几秒钟就能完成。

    A computer does complicated calculations in a few seconds.

  24. 有了计算机,繁复的计算几秒钟就能完成。

    A computer does complicated calculations in a few seconds.

  25. 但是叠层结构使得玻璃的制造过程十分繁复。

    But lamination makes fabricating glass for structural uses very difficult.

  26. 繁复而冗长的行政手续可能会抑制企业的发展。

    Complicated and lengthy administrative procedures may inhibit entrepreneurship.

  27. 对于一些不繁复的账目,是无需要每天结算。

    Most accounting ledger are no need to finish everyday.

  28. 该派另一特点是礼拜仪式繁复, 尤其是洗礼。

    Mandaeans view Jesus as a false messiah but revere John the Baptist, whose life is chronicled in their sacred writings.

  29. 计算机在几秒钟之内就可以完成繁复的计算。

    A computer can do complicated calculations in a few seconds.

  30. 脚下简洁大方的拼木地板与繁复的装饰相得益彰。

    The simple inlaid floor and the intricate decoration bring out the best in each other.


  1. 问:繁复拼音怎么拼?繁复的读音是什么?繁复翻译成英文是什么?

    答:繁复的读音是fánfù,繁复翻译成英文是 laborious and complicated



词目:繁复发音:fan fu词义:形容声势,规模等很大很大,繁多复杂例子:tiffany首饰品种繁复