


1. 繁 [fán]2. 繁 [pó]繁 [fán]复杂:~杂。~乱。删~就简。~难。~嚣。多:~多。~重(zhòng )。纷~。频~。~星。~忙。~芜。~博。兴盛:~茂。~荣。~华。生物增生新个体:~殖。~育。~衍。繁 [pó]〔~台〕中……





汉语拼音:fán suǒ








  1. 繁杂琐碎。

    清 王筠 《菉友肊说》:“小德繁琐,或有照顾不到处。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致韦素园》:“此间百事须自己经营,繁琐极了,无暇思索。” 秦牧 《艺海拾贝·巨日》:“因为唠叨繁琐的文字,使人厌恶,所以,我们经常听到人们在谈论简洁。”



  1. For other Swiss banks it is possible and legal to deal with American taxpayers as a "qualified intermediary" , but the rules are complex.

  2. But comparing matches has always been a complicated process of going backwards and forwards between the different matches.

  3. It is so easy to get bogged down in day-to-day administrative work that there is little time for strategic policymaking.

  4. However, while many states are able to prosecute, they are often unwilling to do so, as the trials can be complex and costly.

  5. It must be able to review and implement loan programmes alongside offering support to help small businesses navigate red tape.

  6. DF expert makes it easy to set up a hot folder to streamline cumbersome workflow, improving speed producing live.

  7. After many years of study and prayer, he devoted himself to preaching against what he saw as some of the excesses of the church.

  8. Religion, with its belief in watchful gods and extravagant rituals and practices, has been a social glue for most of human history.

  9. The traditional manual material management, management process trivial, complex, low efficiency and easy to go wrong.


  1. 繁琐的手续

    elaborate formalities.

  2. 计时法繁琐。

    The timing method is tedious.

  3. 繁琐的家务劳动

    household drudgery

  4. 手续繁琐复杂, 不一而足。

    The modes of procedure are various and many.

  5. 繁琐礼节都取消了。

    Trivial formalities have been done away with.

  6. 炊具有繁琐的问题。

    Paul and then there's a niggling problem with the cooker.

  7. 你可能搞得太繁琐。

    You can lay it on too thick.

  8. 我们不喜欢繁琐的程序

    We like to cut through the red tape here.

  9. 这样的做法总有些繁琐

    We spin it, and you get blood cells out. Terrific.

  10. 替你做繁琐的清洁工作

    CleanSweep Deluxe

  11. 申请罢工的程序非常繁琐。

    Prestrike authorisation procedures are cumbersome.

  12. 对于域什么也不做。太繁琐。

    Do nothing for fields. Just too verbose.

  13. 他像一个繁琐的老太婆一样。

    He is as fussy as an old woman.

  14. 您不需要进行繁琐的模式切换。

    Supports multilanguage input without mode switch.

  15. 冗长繁琐且百般挑剔的法律手续。

    A legal process which is long, laborious, and nitpicking.

  16. 每学期课表的编排变的尤为繁琐。

    Arrangement of each semester schedule change is particularly cumbersome.

  17. 因而它是一项繁琐复杂的劳动。

    So it is a cumbersome and complex labor.

  18. 不用说,这将是一个繁琐的过程。

    Needless to say, this is a tedious process.

  19. 他的理论对我来说太繁琐了。

    His theory is too complex for me.

  20. 繁琐的工会工作规则只能做调整。

    Cumbersome UAW work rules have only been tweaked.

  21. 收敛性的实际证明通常是不繁琐的。

    The actual proof of convergence is generally not trivial.

  22. 收敛性得实际证明通常是不繁琐得。

    The actual proof of convergence is generally not trivial.

  23. 她发现办理这些繁琐的手续很麻烦。

    She found it troublesome having to go through all the red tape.

  24. 这其中有太多复杂繁琐的事情了

    There was a whole lot of crazy going on in there.

  25. 医生抱怨说该体制复杂繁琐, 很官僚。

    Doctors are complaining that the system is cumbersome and bureaucratic.

  26. 网上交易,也减少了繁琐和复杂的交易。

    Online trading also reduces the tediousness and complexity involved in trading.

  27. 网上交易,也减少了繁琐和复杂得交易。

    Online trading also reduces the tediousness and complexity involved in trading.

  28. 这里,我们要不嫌繁琐,多说几句。

    At this point we are exposing ourselves to the charge of redundancy.

  29. 当妻子的最能体会家务事的繁琐了。

    A wife can best understand the tedious nature of housework.

  30. 当妻子的最能体会家务事的繁琐了。

    A wife can best understand the tedious nature of housework.


  1. 问:繁琐拼音怎么拼?繁琐的读音是什么?繁琐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:繁琐的读音是fánsuǒ,繁琐翻译成英文是 Numerous and trivial


