





1. 革 [gé]革 [gé]去了毛经过加工的兽皮:皮~。~履(皮鞋)。~囊。改变:~新。~命(a.原意是改变命运;b.现指改变社会制度、建立新社会的群众运动;c.亦指改造旧技术、旧思想的运动)。改~。变~。取消,除掉:~除。~职。~故鼎新……



汉语拼音:yán gé







  1. 沿袭和变革。指事物发展变化的历程。

    南朝 陈 徐陵 《在北齐与杨仆射书》:“至於礼乐沿革,刑政宽猛,则謳歌已远,万舞成风。”《新唐书·蒋乂传》:“﹝ 蒋乂 ﹞结髮志学,老而不厌,虽甚寒暑,卷不释于前,故能通百家学,尤明前世沿革。” 清 孙诒让 《<周礼正义>序》:“其政典沿革,犹约略可考。”《花城》1981年第6期:“她闭上眼睛,也能描绘出这所院子的沿革来。”

  2. 革除。

    唐 玄奘 《大唐西域记·僧伽罗国》:“﹝ 僧伽罗 ﹞恭揖羣官,遂即王位。於是沿革前弊,表式贤良。” 唐 玄奘 《达摩悉铁帝国》:“曩无明导,佇足邪途,浇弊虽久,沿革在兹。”



  1. As long as the study of Chinese art history, history will not be able to bypass the three thousand years of historical documents.


  2. The competence and competence model are composed of three parts: the concept of competence & competence model and the set-up of it.


  3. I try to start from the basic concept of legal aid, deeply understanding of the legal aid system origin and historical evolution.


  4. Build History: Yokogawa town since the age of three yellow denebola that someone lives.


  5. The Heritage : Sinan Mansions'heritage dates back to 1920, in the heart of the then French Concession in Shanghai, China.


  6. However, due to historical causes, characteristics, basic animal and plant quarantine laboratory positioning is not clear.


  7. According the basic Principle of Marxist ideology, Analysis of the historical evolution of citizenship and laws of its changes.


  8. From the research of legislation on subsidy of forest resource in a long period, I find the vague aim of legislation led to much trouble.


  9. The third chapter introduces the Dongfeng Chaoyang Diesel Engine Co. , Ltd. and The History of the company's current situation.


  1. 二胡历史沿革考略

    Research on the Historical Evolution of Erhu Fiddle

  2. 历史沿革建置沿革分设议

    To Set up the Contents of the Historical and Organizational Evolution Separately

  3. 历史沿革历史教科书文化发祥地

    Evolution in History Text book of history Birthplace of culture

  4. 馒头生产的沿革和工业化

    Evolution and Industrialization of Steamed Bun Production

  5. 尼泊尔种姓制度的历史沿革

    The History of the Caste System in Nepal

  6. 岫岩, 凤凰城城守尉之沿革

    The Evolution of the Officers Garrisoned Xiuyan and Fengcheng Towns

  7. 海岛资源, 环境与疆域沿革研究

    Island Resources, Environment and Territory History Studies

  8. 公历的沿革, 利弊及其改革设想

    History, Advantages, Disadvantages and Evolution of Gregorian Calendar

  9. 仓宫寺的历史沿革及现状

    The Historical Changes and Present Situation of Tsangkong Nunnery

  10. 介绍了米果产品的历史沿革。

    The history of rice food production was reviewed.

  11. 天南星科分类系统的沿革

    The Course of Change and Development of the Classification Systems of the Araceae.

  12. 我国手球运动训练理念的沿革

    Evolution of Handball Training Idea in Our Country

  13. 派出所大事记和组织沿革的编写

    On Writing Important Events Records of Police Substation and History of Organizations.

  14. 阐述桌面推演的历史沿革与演化。

    Historical evolutions of desktop maneuvers are elaborately expounded.

  15. 疑案处理的历史沿革及理论分析

    On Historical Development and Theoretical Analysis of Treatment of Doubtful Case

  16. 第二章,西汉时期诏狱的沿革。

    Chapter two, the evolution of imperial edict prison in Western Han Dynasty.

  17. 关于武汉科技大学历史沿革的研究

    Study of Historical Development of Wuhan University of Science and Technology

  18. 三国两晋南北朝时期旅店的沿革

    The Course and the Rules in the Development of Hotel in China from the First to the Sixth Century

  19. 我国马奶酒制作方法的历史沿革

    The Evolution of History for Koumiss Making Method in China

  20. 本文即探讨东夷文化的历史沿革。

    The evolution of Dong Yi culture is Studied in this paper.

  21. 青铜礼器与礼乐制度的历史沿革

    Bronze sacrificial vessel and the historical evolution of rites and music system

  22. 地黄炮制的历史沿革及现代研究

    Historical Evaluation and Modem Research of Processing of Rehmannia Root.

  23. 绍兴霉干菜的制作工艺及历史沿革

    Processing technique and historical evolution of Shaoxing moulded dried vegetable

  24. 链球运动的历史沿革与发展趋势研究

    Research on History and Developing Trend of Hammer Throw

  25. 福建基督教新教教会医院沿革之初探

    A Preliminary Research on the Historic Development of Protestant Hospitals in Fujian

  26. 然后回顾了船舶引航制度的历史沿革。

    Secondly, the history evolution of pilotage institution in china is reviewed.

  27. 禁反言制度的历史沿革和发展趋势

    On the Historical Development and Trend of Estoppel System

  28. 青少年篮球中锋的训练方法沿革及创新

    Research on the Method Change and Creativity in Training Central Forward of Teenage Basketball.

  29. 古莲花池的历史沿革及景点的艺术特色

    History evolution of Baoding Ancient Lotus Garden and art features of its landscapes

  30. 其次,简述了我国取保候审制度的历史沿革。

    Secondly the author introduces the history of guarantor pending trial.


  1. 问:沿革拼音怎么拼?沿革的读音是什么?沿革翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沿革的读音是yángé,沿革翻译成英文是 evolution

  2. 问:沿革刑法学拼音怎么拼?沿革刑法学的读音是什么?沿革刑法学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沿革刑法学的读音是yángéxíngfǎxué,沿革刑法学翻译成英文是 science of evolution of criminal law

  3. 问:沿革记录片拼音怎么拼?沿革记录片的读音是什么?沿革记录片翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沿革记录片的读音是yán gé jì lù piàn,沿革记录片翻译成英文是 history card



含义 1. 沿袭和变革。指事物发展变化的历程。 2. 革除。