


1. 从 [cóng]2. 从 [zòng]从 [cóng]依顺:顺~。盲~。~善如流。采取,按照:~优。跟随:愿~其后。跟随的人:侍~。仆~。参与:~业。~政。投笔~戎。由,自:~古至今。~我做起。次要的:主~。~犯。宗族中次于至亲的亲属……




给予帮助使脱离危险或解脱困难:~济。~命。~护。~国。~难(nàn )。~灾。~药。~正(补救匡正)。~死扶伤。~困扶危。终止:濯以~热。……





汉语拼音:cóng jǐng jiù rén







  • 【解释】:从:跟从。跳到井里去救人。原比喻徒然危害自己而对别人没有好处的行为。现多比喻冒险救人。
  • 【出自】:《论语·雍也》:“宰我问曰:‘仁者,虽告之曰:井有仁(人)焉,其从之也?’子曰:‘何为其然也?君子可逝也,不可陷也。’”
  • 【示例】:那岸上看的人,虽然有救捞之念,只是风水利害,谁肯~。
  • 【语法】:紧缩式;作谓语;比喻冒险救人


  1. na.
  2. 比喻对别人没有好处而徒然危害自己的行动

  3. >

  1. 他从井里打水。

    He drew water from the well.

  2. 摇曳从井里吊水

    to wind water from a well

  3. 从井里打些水来。

    Fetch some water from the well.

  4. 我得从井里打水。

    I had to fetch water from the well.

  5. 他每天从井里打水。

    He fetches water from the well every day.

  6. 我们从井里抽水浇灌花园。

    We pump water from well to water the garden.

  7. 她从井里抽了一些水。

    She pumped some water from the well.

  8. 帮助村民从井里取得淡水

    Working to help the villagers obtain fresh water from wells.

  9. 村民们仍然要从井里打水。

    Villagers still have to draw their water from wells.

  10. 每天晚上我们从井里抽水。

    Every evening we pump water from a well.

  11. 我们从井里抽水以供日用。

    We pump water from the well for daily use.

  12. 你愿意从井里打桶水吗?

    Will you carry a pail of water out of the well

  13. 我们用一个水泵从井里抽水。

    We have a pump for drawing water from the well.

  14. 你从井里汲一些水来好吗

    Will you fetch some water from the well

  15. 那姑娘在用桶从井里打水。

    The girl was bucketing water from the well.

  16. 从井中抽出来的水用于灌溉田地。

    Water drafted from the well irrigates the field.

  17. 从井中抽出来的水用于灌溉田地。

    Water drafted from the well irrigates the field.

  18. 突然石头移动了, 钩子从井里蹦了出来。

    Suddenly the stone moved. The hook flew up the well.

  19. 人们用油灯, 我们必须从井里面取水。

    People used oil lamps and we had to carry water from the well.

  20. 那位老妇在从井里打一桶水。

    The old woman was drawing up a bucket of water from a well.

  21. 地上水一般是由人们从井里汲上来。

    Ground water is usually removed by man through wells.

  22. 水从井中抽上来后就立即加以净化。

    The water was purified as soon as it was pumped up from the well.

  23. 从井里打些水把花好好地浇一浇。

    Get some water from the well and water the flowers well.

  24. 但是, 他必须让我们也从井里打水喝。

    But he has to let us draw water from the well.

  25. 游击队仍然在安全范围内从井下发射信号弹。

    The guerrillas still fire rockets from well inside the security perimeter.

  26. 游击队仍然在安全范围内从井下发射信号弹。

    The guerrillas still fire rockets from well inside the security perimeter.

  27. 从井里抽出来的水比从河里抽上来的水清洁得多。

    The water pumped from wells is much cleaner than that pumped from rivers.

  28. 那个农民用风车从井里面抽出他得全部用水。

    The farmer pumped all his water from a well with a windmill.

  29. 那个农民用风车从井里面抽出他的全部用水。

    The farmer pumped all his water from a well with a windmill.

  30. 在产出阶段, 用泵从井中抽出被加热的重油。

    During the puff phase, the heated heavy oil is pumped up the well.





宰我问曰:“仁者,虽告之曰:井有仁(人)焉,其从之也?”子曰:“何为其然也?君子可逝也,不可陷也。” 《论语·雍也》