


1. 脏 [zàng]脏 [zàng]身体内部器官的总称:内~。五~六腑。心~。肾~。肺~。~器。……





汉语拼音:zàng luàn







  1. So it took me a while to recognize him in a denim jacket and with messy hair.


  2. At the age of 104, she was reportedly cooped up in an increasingly filthy flat suffering from Alzheimer's disease.


  3. School, she would like to conclude a good tidy up around the house, he knew, his father always did not like dirty.


  4. Given that you said the hunting is messy (no clean puncture wounds), I'm assuming that they get dirty. . . or at least bloody.


  5. Finally my mom put her foot down. The sight of her neighbors' messy, crumpled used toothpaste tubes had gotten to her.


  6. If you want them to be frightened, you make a really scary setting. You make it dark. You might even make it dirty or uncomfortable.


  7. Over the last decade the square, with its garish neon and heavy traffic, has seen a revival, with many of the grubbier shops closing down.


  8. Despite their bedraggled appearance, herbs grown outdoors this time of year can be even more delicious than their summer counterparts.


  9. If the house is dirty the trip will be bad, and there's nothing worse than coming back to a dirty house and a fridge full of moldy food.


  1. 多么脏乱呀。

    What a sodding mess.

  2. 厨房脏乱不堪。

    The kitchen was unappealingly dirty.

  3. 这厨房很脏乱。

    The kitchen is a mess.

  4. 一间脏乱的卧房

    A messy bedroom.

  5. 头发脏乱, 衣衫褴褛,

    Dirty in her hair and her clothes in rags

  6. 这里真的很脏乱。

    It's really gross in here!

  7. 琳达无法忍受脏乱。

    Linda can't stand mess.

  8. 我的车有点脏乱。

    My car is a little mess.

  9. 一双鞋子哪里脏乱了

    A pair of shoes is not squalor.

  10. 嘿,但是我们可以清理脏乱!

    Hey, but we can clean up our mess!

  11. 混乱的, 凌乱的, 通常为脏乱的状态

    A cluttered, untidy, usually dirty condition

  12. 你几乎看不到垃圾和脏乱。

    You seldom see trash or squalor.

  13. 那个城镇脏乱不堪,令人生厌。

    The town is scruffy and unappealing.

  14. 他们很懒,宿舍总是脏乱差第一。

    They are so lazy that their dorm room is always the dirtiest one.

  15. 他们很懒,宿舍总是脏乱差第一。

    They are so lazy that their dorm room is always the dirtiest one.

  16. 他们开始清理那堆脏乱的东西。

    They started clearing up the mess.

  17. 我只是不喜欢住的地方太脏乱

    I just don't like to live in squalor.

  18. 他勉强接受了这里的喧嚣和脏乱。

    He is resigned to the noise and mess.

  19. 脏乱得厨房和食物气味会吸引熊。

    Messy kitchens and food odors can attract bears.

  20. 脏乱的厨房和食物气味会吸引熊。

    Messy kitchens and food odors can attract bears.

  21. 那脏乱的垃圾堆使我们的城蒙羞。

    That filthy dump puts out town to shame.

  22. 他坚决要离开这个一片脏乱的家。

    He would leave the house in a mess.

  23. 我的室友很脏乱, 但我还是忍让他。

    My flatmate is very messy, but I still put up with him.

  24. 一间脏乱的卧房孩子吃藏东西的习惯。

    a mussy fussy bedroom a childs messy eating habits.

  25. 清洁工辞职不久,餐馆就变得一片脏乱。

    The cleaner just quit, leaving the restaurant a mess.

  26. 清洁工辞职不久,餐馆就变得一片脏乱。

    The cleaner just quit, leaving the restaurant a mess.

  27. 那脏乱得垃圾堆使我们得城蒙羞。

    That filthy dump puts out town to shame.

  28. 我们不能让你在脏乱地方睡不是吗?

    Well, we can't have you sleeping in squalor, can we?

  29. 我的房间太脏乱了好到处都是灰尘。

    My room is so messy and full of dust. It’s everywhere.

  30. 你的头发脏乱得可怕。你洗头了吗

    Your hair is in such a fearful mess. Have you been shampooing it.


  1. 问:脏乱拼音怎么拼?脏乱的读音是什么?脏乱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脏乱的读音是zāngluàn,脏乱翻译成英文是 dirty and messy; dirty and disorderly

  2. 问:脏乱差拼音怎么拼?脏乱差的读音是什么?脏乱差翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脏乱差的读音是zāngluànchà,脏乱差翻译成英文是 Dirty, messy and untidy environment.



脏乱 zāngluàn 形容词 〖dirtyanddisorder〗又脏又乱 使广大群众自觉遵守有关卫生制度,改变多数人制造脏乱,少数人治理脏乱的局面