






1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……





汉语拼音:qí qū bù píng








  1. And yet, Mr Palmisano's idea also depends on the fact that the terrain remains decidedly bumpy.

  2. rendered it a fit theatre for duels and rencontres among the fiery youth of the period .

  3. How much of Afghanistan's rugged territory can America realistically secure?

  4. Driving away from a party, he swerved off the road and down a bumpy track before plunging his Oldsmobile into a pond.

  5. Hey, watch out! You almost dropped into that huge pothole. This asphalt is cracked and the road is all bumpy.

  6. Now, you might have noticed something else about the animals when they were running over the rough terrain.

  7. The ride was bumpy and dusty and dark, but she saw no ugly, and the carpets muffled the ugly noises of the city as well.

  8. Grant Calder is a tetraplegic and yet he still works outdoors on a large sheep farm in New Zealand's rugged South Island.

  9. When a hurricane moves off the ocean and travels inland, friction between the rough land surface and the winds finally slows the storm down.


  1. 这条海岸线崎岖不平。

    The coastline is rugged.

  2. 颠簸前进不规律, 崎岖不平或颠簸地前进。

    To proceed in an irregular, bumpy, or jerky fashion.

  3. 理查德所到之处荒无人烟, 崎岖不平。

    The country in which Richard found himself was wild and rough.

  4. 灯光没有照到任何东西, 除了那崎岖不平得雪地表面。

    The light showed nothing beyond an irregular surface of snow.

  5. 像阿尔卑斯山一样,落基山脉高大陡峭,崎岖不平。

    Like the Alps, they are high, sharp and rugged.

  6. 石磨被琢好,然后费力用雪橇运下那崎岖不平得山坡。

    Millstones had been cut and laboriously sledged down the rough mountainsides.

  7. 他们指出,产酒区土地崎岖不平、贫瘠乾燥,农民几乎别无选择

    They note that the rocky, arid land in winegrowing regions provides farmers with few alternatives to wine production.

  8. 账目不平。

    The accounts would not balance.

  9. 不平坦边沿

    jagged edges.

  10. 河底高低不平

    bed ripple

  11. 这段路凹凸不平。

    The road is very rough, and bumpy.

  12. 不会跳舞怪地不平。

    He who is unable to dance says the yard is stony.

  13. 这个世界相当的起伏不平

    It's extremely lumpy.

  14. 他感到床垫薄而凹凸不平。

    He could feel the thin, lumpy mattress.

  15. 这块木板有点翘曲不平。

    Theres a warp in the board.

  16. 他感到床垫薄而且凹凸不平。

    He could feel the thin, lumpy mattress.

  17. 这里的街道是那么窄, 那么不平。

    The streets here were so narrow and difficult.

  18. 这里得街道是那么窄, 那么不平。

    The streets here were so narrow and difficult.

  19. 下摆丝带过紧,使下摆不平顺。

    Seam binding stitch tension is too tight, causing bottom not smooth.

  20. 人行道在暑热中变得凹凸不平。

    The pavement heaved and buckled in the heat.

  21. 苏丹红的显现让咱们感到了不平。

    The occurrence with red Sudan let us sense uneasiness.

  22. 马达加斯加有一起伏不平得中央山脊。

    Madagascar has a rugged mountain spine.

  23. 与升压一样, 输入电流平滑而输出电流不平滑。

    Like the boost, the input current is smooth and output current is not.

  24. 生活是蜿蜒在山中的小径,坎坷不平。

    Life is a path winding in the mountain, bumpy and zigzagging.

  25. 生活是蜿蜒在山中得小径,坎坷不平。

    Life is a path winding in the mountain, bumpy and zigzagging.

  26. 今天我选择释放我内心的苦恨与不平。

    Today, I choose to release any strife or contention in my heart.

  27. 那所房子周围有500英亩起伏不平得草地。

    The house stands in 500 acres of rolling parkland.

  28. 说起这事, 张北海还显得很不平。

    Mentions this matter, opens North Sea also appears is very uneven.

  29. 破旧的衣服是掩盖凹凸不平东西的好方法。

    Baggy clothes are good for concealing lumps and bumps.

  30. 诗733我见恶人和狂傲人享平安,心怀不平。

    For I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.


  1. 问:崎岖不平拼音怎么拼?崎岖不平的读音是什么?崎岖不平翻译成英文是什么?

    答:崎岖不平的读音是,崎岖不平翻译成英文是 bumpy

  2. 问:崎岖不平的拼音怎么拼?崎岖不平的的读音是什么?崎岖不平的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:崎岖不平的的读音是,崎岖不平的翻译成英文是 bumpiness




【读音】qí qū bù píng


【出处】清·文康《儿女英雄传》第五回:“安公子见那路渐渐的崎岖不平,乱石荒草,没些村落人烟,心中有些怕将起来。” 王愿坚《三人行》:“痛的连路也像突然变得崎岖不平了。”