




讲,说:~说。~喻。~道。~欢。~情。~必有中(zhòng )(一说就说到点子上)。说的话:~论。~辞(亦作“言词”)。语~。~语。~简意赅。汉语的字:五~诗。七~绝句。洋洋万~。语助词,无义:~归于好。“~告师氏,~告~归”。姓。……







汉语拼音:wú yán yǐ duì








  1. When a man says, " Get out of my house! What do you want with my wife? " - there 's no answer to be made .


  2. He still saw her at parties, but across the room, and, when he did maneuver close to her, she had little to say.


  3. He was arrogant at the beginning, but the moment when the police showed the documents he had doctored and asked him what the.


  4. The asseveration in the heart has never forgotten but has never attained as well, I have already again had no speech to say what.


  5. I could think of nothing to say in reply, except that she was right; I gave her my hand and thanked her for her advice.


  6. I try to call but I don't know what to tell you.


  7. The men stared at the floor , too nervous to reply .


  8. I tried to answer, but there was no answer to give .


  9. They are not able to make any remarks on my questions, I believe, though they seem indifferent to me.


  1. 我无言以对。

    I don't know what to say.

  2. 我心如刀绞,无言以对。

    My heart is aching, and I can tell them nothing.

  3. 迷茫之中, 我无言以对。

    Among the confusion, I am speechless.

  4. 我感到很羞愧,无言以对。

    I feel ashamed, and have nothing to say.

  5. 她的一瞥使他无言以对。

    She withered him with a look.

  6. 多情听了,只能无言以对。

    Mr. Amorous had nothing to refute her.

  7. 她讥讽的话语使他无言以对。

    She withered him with her sarcastic remarks.

  8. 她的农民父母看了看,无言以对。

    Her parents, who are both farmers, looked on, speechless.

  9. 上司的申斥确实使我无言以对。

    The reprimand from my supervisor sure took the wind out of my sails.

  10. 看到我无言以对, 约翰插进来救场。

    Seeing that I was lost for an answer, John stepped in to save the situation.

  11. 我只能对好心朋友摇摇头,无言以对。

    I can only kind friend shook his head, speechless.

  12. 南希顿时觉得无言以对, 只是点了点头。

    Nancy nodded, suddenly unable to find words.

  13. 他在老人们出示的房产证面前无言以对。

    He was speechless when confronted with the elders evidence and certificates.

  14. 你的话太出乎意料了,以致我简直无言以对。

    Your remarks were so unexpected that I find myself at a loss for words.

  15. 实业家张口结舌无言以对。于是小王子就走了。

    The businessman opened his mouth, but he found nothing to say in answer. And the little prince went away.

  16. 在儿子回答完以后,那个富有的父亲无言以对。

    At the end of the sons reply, the rich father was speechless.

  17. 一位来自拉丁美洲的女性一时无言以对便离席。

    One woman from Latin America left the panelists momentarily speechless.

  18. 杰克无言以对。下次,还得找个有说服力得理由。

    Jack has nothing to say. He must have a suasive song and dance next time.

  19. 生命中总也有甚至舒伯特都无言以对的时候。

    There are moments in our life when even Schubert has nothing to say to us.

  20. 生命中总也有甚至舒伯特都无言以对得时候。

    There are moments in our life when even Schubert has nothing to say to us.

  21. 杰克无言以对。下次,还得找个有说服力的理由。

    Jack has nothing to say. He must have a suasive song and dance next time.

  22. 哦,天那,这话一下子让我无言以对,让我陷入了深思。

    Oh, Gosh. It totally shut me up and made me fell in deep thinking.

  23. 亲爱的父亲您的确老了,老得让我们无言以对无所适从。

    Dear father, You are really old, old that we can't do anything and world.

  24. 他使劲眨了眨眼睛再看,还是没有。对苏丹他无言以对。

    He closed his eyes, opened them and looked again, and he had no answer for the Sultan.

  25. 第一个小和尚又无言以对了,他带着挫败去见师父。

    This again nonplussed the youngster, who took his defeat to his teacher.

  26. 政客争取西德联邦议会席位时对此几乎无言以陈。

    Politicians have had little to say about this in their quest for Bundestag seats.

  27. 他沉默以对

    He retreated into silence.

  28. 以对原物忠实为特点。

    Marked by fidelity to an original.

  29. 以对开纸出版的画

    drawings published in folio

  30. 将幻灯片转动以对准幻灯机

    Turn the slides right side up in the projector.


  1. 问:无言以对拼音怎么拼?无言以对的读音是什么?无言以对翻译成英文是什么?

    答:无言以对的读音是wúyányǐduì,无言以对翻译成英文是 to have nothing to say in reply



“无言以对”是个多义词,它可以指无言以对(美国电影《无言以对》), 无言以对(张卫健歌曲), 无言以对(汉语成语)。