


1. 教 [jiào]2. 教 [jiāo]教 [jiào]指导,训诲:~习。~头。~正。~师。~导。管~。请~。~学相长。因材施~。使,令:风能~船走。指“宗教”:~士。~主。~皇。~堂。姓。教 [jiāo]传授:~课。你~给我做。……





汉语拼音:jiāo shū






  1. Right, that's all right. We'll just chalk it up to a compliment and move on. (Change the subject) Did you just love teaching?


  2. She taught in a primary school and said this was one of her first times speaking with a foreigner.


  3. After 40 years of teaching at a local college I've come to realize that a teacher is nothing but a clever student.


  4. I might have been precocious, but how could I have possibly stood out to a man who taught for decade after decade?


  5. She expressed her strong determination that nothing could induce her to give up her career as a teacher.


  6. The fifth grade teacher's primary school in Vietnam's northern mountains region used to have no lights, no fans and a leaky tiled roof.


  7. Do you know how much he earns a month? He earns his living by teaching at a school.


  8. Back in 1937, when the Japanese invaded China, he had been a schoolteacher in this, his native village.


  9. I hope that this was one of your most favourite memories.


  1. 我讨厌教书

    Oh, I hate teaching.

  2. 他善于教书。

    He is apt at teaching.

  3. 我是教书的。

    I am a teacher.

  4. 你在哪儿教书?

    Where do you teach?

  5. 我以教书为生。

    I teach for a living.

  6. 他在柏林教书。

    He teaches in Berlin.

  7. 她以教书为生。

    She lives by teaching.

  8. 我在大学教书。

    I teach in a university.

  9. 他在小学教书。

    He teaches at primary school.

  10. 她在中学教书。

    She teaches at a middle school.

  11. 她在小学教书。

    She teaches at a primary school.

  12. 教书决非易事。

    Teaching is by no means a breeze.

  13. 教书的高超艺术

    the fine art of teaching.

  14. 他们以教书为生。

    They live by teaching.

  15. 教书比读书辛苦。

    It is harder to teach than study.

  16. 父亲改行教书了。

    Father switched over to teaching.

  17. 他靠教书过日子。

    His daily bread comes from teaching.

  18. 他一生致力於教书。

    He took up with teaching the whole life.

  19. 在一所学校教书

    to instruct in a shool

  20. 我的工作是教书。

    My job is teaching.

  21. 我的职业是教书。

    My work is in teaching.

  22. 教书是一种职业。

    Teaching is a profession.

  23. 周南在哪儿教书?

    Where does Zhou Nan teach?

  24. 我在小学里教书。

    I teach in a primary school.

  25. 老李不善于教书。

    Lao Li is not much of a teacher.

  26. 她有教书的天分。

    She had a natural gift for teaching.

  27. 他结束了教书生涯。

    He ceased from teaching.

  28. 也是我教书的地方。

    And it's my university as well.

  29. 教书是光荣的职业。

    Teaching is an honourable calling.

  30. 她选择教书为职业。

    She chose teaching as her vocation.


  1. 问:教书拼音怎么拼?教书的读音是什么?教书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:教书的读音是jiāoshū,教书翻译成英文是 teach

  2. 问:教书匠拼音怎么拼?教书匠的读音是什么?教书匠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:教书匠的读音是jiāoshūjiàng,教书匠翻译成英文是 pedagogue; hack teacher