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汉语拼音:yā zhù
Kerviel did not deny he took risky bets and lied to cover them up but claimed his superiors knew what he was doing.
柯维尔并不否认他曾经进行高风险押注,并说谎来掩盖,但他称上司清楚其所作所为。I told him, 'we're doing Windows. ' I said to him, 'we're betting our company on graphics interface'.
我告诉他,‘我们正在开发Windows’我还对他说,‘我们正把公司的命运押注于图形界面之上’。The securitisation of mortgages was an innovation that led unwittingly to what Wall Street calls "betting the company" .
按揭证券化是一种创新,不知不觉中导致华尔街所称的“押注公司”的行为。The Swiss franc has been a winning bet this year for investors seeking safety from dueling debt problems in the U. S. and Europe.
对因欧美严重债务问题寻求避险的投资者来说,押注瑞士法郎一直为他们带来好处。Uncertainty over prices, he says, means that companies do not know which technologies to bet on for future products.
他说,价格方面的不确定性,意味着企业们不知道未来的产品应该押注于哪种技术。The number of oil option contracts betting on oil hitting $200 a barrel in December have tripled since the beginning of the year.
自今年初以来,押注油价在12月份触及每桶200美元的原油期权合约增长了两倍。For months, he said, he has wagered the Swiss franc would eventually fall, even as the currency routinely hit record highs against the euro.
他说,几个月以来,瑞士法郎兑欧元经常创纪录新高,但他却一直押注瑞士法郎最终会贬值。There is nothing inherently wonderful about inflated prices, but it is not easy to bet that prices will fall.
膨胀的价格本身没有什么美妙之处,但是押注于价格下跌并不容易。If he had to put his money on any one candidate, Beattie says he would put it on Christine Lagarde, France's finance minister.