




1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


怕:~惧。~难(nán )。~罪。大无~。望而生~。敬服:敬~。~友(使人敬服的朋友)。后生可~。……





汉语拼音:háo bù wèi jù








  1. Louie was fun, with a great sense of play, and yet, unafraid to take on new challenges.


  2. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death , I fear no evil for you are with me .


  3. If I die, I die in the faith of Christ, and have no fears as to what awaits me.


  4. Up a steep winding path leading into the mountains, undaunted By the hazards that darkness might Bring, the search party Began their climB .


  5. Up a steep winding path leading into the mountains, the search party Began their climB , undaunted By the hazards that darkness might Bring.


  6. Had them, I would be brave to move forward forward, will fall to bump to also be afraid nowise even if!


  7. My education will be a lifelong endeavor. I will not be hesitant to stand up for my convictions.


  8. Go forth to meet shadowy future, without fear, and with a manly heart.


  9. Has been called a Chinese Magic Johnson, mostly because he's big, can handle the ball and pass. Not afraid to bang underneath, either.


  1. 他毫不畏惧困难。

    He faced the difficulties without a tremor.

  2. 他很勇敢,毫不畏惧。

    He felt no fear, for he was very brave.

  3. 他面对敌人, 毫不畏惧。

    He stood unafraid against the enemy.

  4. 这个男孩似乎毫不畏惧。

    The boy seems completely fearless.

  5. 战士们在战斗中毫不畏惧。

    The soldiers were fearless in the fighting.

  6. 这些猎手面对野兽毫不畏惧。

    The hunters were fearless when confronted with wild animals.

  7. 他坚持自己的立场,毫不畏惧。

    He holds his ground,fearless and unflinching.

  8. 但如果事与愿违,我将毫不畏惧

    But if it comes for me, I'm going to be ready.

  9. 纵有千辛万苦,我也毫不畏惧。

    Even if there are a lot of difficulties, I will not be at all afraid.

  10. 纵有千辛万苦,我也毫不畏惧。

    Even if there are a lot of difficulties, I will not be at all afraid.

  11. 他毫不畏惧的听着群众的嘲笑。

    He listened to the jeers of the crowd without flinching.

  12. 他面对威胁着他的暴徒们毫不畏惧。

    He faced the threatening mob unflinchingly.

  13. 医生给她清洗伤口时她毫不畏惧。

    She did not flinch once when the doctor was cleaning the wind.

  14. 民警们毫不畏惧, 勇敢地抓捕凶顽。

    The policemen had no fear, courageously running after the gangsters.

  15. 民警们毫不畏惧,勇敢地抓捕凶顽。

    The policemen had no fear, courageously running after the gangsters.

  16. 我的信念我会毫不畏惧地去捍卫。

    I will not be hesitant to stand up for my convictions.

  17. 面对凶顽的歹徒,勇敢的民警毫不畏惧。

    Facing the dangerous gangsters, the brave policemen were not frightened at all.

  18. 亨利毫不畏惧,准备攻击这一群人。

    Quite fearless, Henry was prepared to wade into the whole crowd.

  19. 这一个忠实得改革家毫不畏惧世人。

    This truehearted Reformer feared not the face of man.

  20. 这一个忠实的改革家毫不畏惧世人。

    This truehearted Reformer feared not the face of man.

  21. 警方挥动着短棍及手枪,但人们毫不畏惧。

    In spite of the police brandishing their clubs pistols, people showed not the slightest fear.

  22. 能让我毫不畏惧地在踏进大厅向前走

    To walk the halls without cringing.

  23. 那位职员面对敌人毫不畏惧,因此而受到奖励。

    The clerk was decorated for his courage in the face of enemy.

  24. 我甚至可以毫不畏惧地打开那一叠账单了。

    I could even examine the sheaf of bills without cringing.

  25. 我家小猫毫不畏惧毒蝎,将其活活吃掉!

    My little cat ate the live scorpion without fear!

  26. 她抓起一把刀, 毫不畏惧地对着这个男子。

    She whipped up a knife and faced the man bravely.

  27. 我甚至可以毫不畏惧地打开那一叠帐单了。

    I could even examine the sheaf of bills without cringing.

  28. 我以为他能面对敌手毫不畏惧, 可是他使我失望了。

    I thought he could face his opponent and not cave in so easily, but I was disappointed.

  29. 尽管警方挥动着短棍及手枪,但人们毫不畏惧。

    In spite of the police brandishing their clubs and pistols, people showed not the slightest fear.

  30. 愿我能毫不畏惧地面对危险,勇敢地克服一切困难。

    May I be fearless in facing dangers and courageously surmount all obstacles.