







汉语拼音:xiào zhōng








  1. 亦作“効忠”。竭尽忠诚。

    汉 王逸 《九思·守志》:“伊我后兮不聪,焉陈诚兮効忠。”《新唐书·陆贽传》:“接不以礼则其徇义轻,抚不以情则其效忠薄。” 唐弢 《小卒过河》:“为了效忠主子,他只能横冲直撞,一往向前。”



  1. Last week the party's members of the National Assembly pledged their loyalty to him in an atmosphere of competitive sycophancy.


  2. They served as Azmodan's hands, performing acts that he would not, could not involve himself in.


  3. Or he might be deserted by his coalition allies in the Northern League (but Mr Bossi has vowed to remain loyal).


  4. During the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, the Boomers will assist you and your chosen faction by bombarding the enemy from the plane.


  5. But our people are better served by warning Qeynos of what is coming, for you know as well as I that the orcs will not stop at Halas .


  6. d. Most of the rest of the empire was parceled out to other Franks, who were to take a feudal oath to the emperor.


  7. Dooku escaped, with the Jedi aware of his succumbing to the dark side, but yet still unaware of his Sith allegiance.


  8. United Russia, the only party that matters, has no ideology other than blind loyalty to the Kremlin.


  9. He knew just how great was his share in the lands which had just been absorbed by the corporation he served.


  1. 宣誓效忠。

    take an oath of fealty.

  2. 效忠的雇员

    a faithful employee.

  3. 效忠的表白

    professions of loyalty.

  4. 效忠的组织

    you were meant to serve.

  5. 坚定的效忠。

    steadfast in devotion.

  6. 向美国效忠。

    To be loyal to the United States.

  7. 发誓效忠国王

    pledge allegiance to the king.

  8. 效忠人民标记

    Symbol of Loyalty to the People

  9. 宣誓永远效忠

    your eternal allegiance to Satan.

  10. 宣誓效忠女王。

    Swearallegiance to the Queen

  11. 宣誓效忠政府

    Swear allegiance to the government.

  12. 向王宣誓效忠

    Swear Fealty to the King

  13. 宣誓效忠或订婚

    To pledge or betroth.

  14. 不再效忠其社会

    Abjure all fealty to his society

  15. 问何谓效忠誓词

    What is the Pledge of Allegiance.

  16. 他发誓效忠我们。

    He swore to be faithful to us.

  17. 向国王宣誓效忠

    swear an oath of loyalty to the King

  18. 他宣誓效忠国王。

    He swore allegiance to the throne.

  19. 他宣誓效忠祖国。

    He swore fealty to his motherland.

  20. 他宣誓效忠政府。

    He took an oath of loyalty to the government.

  21. 我们宣誓效忠国家

    We pledge allegiance to the flag.

  22. 他们宣誓效忠国王。

    They swore their loyalty to the king.

  23. 他们宣誓效忠君主。

    They have sworn allegiance to the crown.

  24. 我发誓对参裘效忠。

    I swore allegiance to sancho.

  25. 授封和效忠不同。

    Investiture is distinct from homage.

  26. 如果我宣誓效忠他。

    If I swear to him.

  27. 他效忠于国王。

    He gave his allegiance to the king.

  28. 效忠誓言是甚么意思

    What is the Pledge of Allegiance

  29. 他宣誓效忠他的领主。

    He swore fealty to his lord.

  30. 她发誓要效忠国王。

    She vowed that he would be loyal to the king.


  1. 问:效忠拼音怎么拼?效忠的读音是什么?效忠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:效忠的读音是xiàozhōng,效忠翻译成英文是 to pledge loyalty to

  2. 问:效忠誓拼音怎么拼?效忠誓的读音是什么?效忠誓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:效忠誓的读音是xiào zhōng shì,效忠誓翻译成英文是 juramentum fidelitatis

  3. 问:效忠义务拼音怎么拼?效忠义务的读音是什么?效忠义务翻译成英文是什么?

    答:效忠义务的读音是xiào zhōng yì wù,效忠义务翻译成英文是 duty of allegiance

  4. 问:效忠宣誓拼音怎么拼?效忠宣誓的读音是什么?效忠宣誓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:效忠宣誓的读音是xiào zhōng xuān shì,效忠宣誓翻译成英文是 loyalty oath

  5. 问:效忠宣誓 (美国)拼音怎么拼?效忠宣誓 (美国)的读音是什么?效忠宣誓 (美国)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:效忠宣誓 (美国)的读音是,效忠宣誓 (美国)翻译成英文是 Pledge of Allegiance


效忠:指用出全力,竭尽忠心:效忠祖国。效 : 效 xiào 摹仿:效法、仿效。忠 : 忠 zhōng 诚心尽力:忠心、忠诚、忠实、忠义、忠贞、赤胆忠心。