


动植物的生活能力:生~。救~。逃~。拼~。~脉。性~。相依为~。迷信认为生来就注定的贫富、寿数等:天~。~相(xiàng )。~运(a.迷信指生死、贫富和一切遭遇;b.喻发展变化的趋向,如“人民一定能掌握自己的~~”)。上级对下级的指示:奉……


循序移动:~行。~动。~转(zhuàn )。搬送:~输。~载。~营(交通工具的运行和营业)。~力。~销。空~。海~。使用:~用。~算。~笔。~筹(制定策略)。人的遭遇,亦特指迷信的人所说的遭遇:~气。命~。幸~。国~。南北距离:广~百里。姓……


数量大,与“少”、“寡”相对:人~。~年。~姿。~层次。~角度。~难(nàn )兴(xīng )邦。~~益善。~行不义必自毙。数目在二以上:~年生草。~项式。~义词。~元论。有余,比一定的数目大:~余。一年~。过分,不必要的:~嘴。~心。~……





汉语拼音:mìng yùn duō chuǎn






  1. Despite of suffering so much adversities, as a true poet , he never lose his hot and sentimental poetry heart.


  2. And Afghanistan, that complicated, hapless place, has long been a victim of its geography.


  3. Two star-crossed lovers in perfect harmony Just give me a chance and you will agree. I was meant for you were meant for me.


  4. In the painting on the next page, the ropes coming off the mast of the ill-fated ship form a triangular shape.


  5. So, essentially, Kate is wearing the ring of a troubled princess who had a very bad marriage, not to mention a tragic end.


  6. Saying it easy, but from the aftermath of the incidents have continued, Wuhan team players a sense of insecurity, ill-fated sigh.


  7. He famously left a portion of his estate to his last reform campaign, an ill-fated project to simplify the English language alphabet.


  8. While highly appreciated upon establishment, it was subsequently subjected to many mishaps and up-and-downs.


  9. He moved to Bahrain and embarked on the ill-fated album; back in America, his finances were in a tangle that kept the lawyers busy.


  1. 大咸海持续快速缩小,未来命运多舛。

    The Large Aral faces a difficult future; it continues to shrink rapidly.

  2. 复苏将是一场斗争,但现在看来命运多舛。

    Recovery will be a struggle, but apocalypse looks less likely now.

  3. 命运多舛使他看透了人间百态。

    Countless frustrations all his life made him see the ways of the world.

  4. 她命运多舛,生活悲惨。

    Everything conspired to make her life a misery.

  5. 从童年开始他就是一个命运多舛的人。

    He has been a ball of fortune from his childhood.

  6. 个人的遭遇,命运的多舛都使我被迫成熟,这一切的代价都当是日后活下去的力量。

    My personal misfortunes and calamities have forced me to become more mature. All these prices are the power which make me survive in the future.

  7. 他命途多舛

    his wayward fate.

  8. 他命途多舛、生活坎坷。

    He has had a lousy deal out of life.

  9. 该公司经历了最近得麻烦之後, 前途多舛

    After the recent problem, the company faced a rocky road ahead

  10. 该公司经历了最近的麻烦之後, 前途多舛

    After the recent problem, the company faced a rocky road ahead

  11. 该公司经历了最近得麻烦之后, 前途多舛。

    After the recent problems, the company faces a rocky road ahead.

  12. 该公司经历了最近的麻烦之后,前途多舛。

    After the recent problems, the company faces a rocky road ahead.

  13. 被宿命所牵制,所以没有后悔,没有畏惧,却唏嘘感叹命途多舛。

    BE lead long by the predestination to make, so regret, be afraid, but the sob exclamation life way is manys.

  14. 期盼命运能多与我眷顾。

    Wishing me like one more rich in hope.

  15. 主啊,拯救我们脱离比患上麻疯病可怕得多的命运。

    Lord, you have saved us from a fate far worse than leprosy.

  16. 为命运而战有多难总有一天会看见光明

    Fighting for your life so hard Someday you will see the light Get ready for your life, burning your hope, your strength

  17. 这么多得事情往往由命运之轮得转动来决定。

    So much often depends on the turn of the wheel of fortune.

  18. 这么多的事情往往由命运之轮的转动来决定。

    So much often depends on the turn of the wheel of fortune.

  19. 这首是贝多芬的命运交响曲。

    This is the destiny symphony of Beethoven.

  20. 多年的苦难使她屈从于命运的安排。

    After years of suffering, she had become reconciled to her fate.

  21. 对于命运的变化无常,我们慨叹得太多了。

    We sigh too much speaking of the changeable fate.

  22. 你行事多乖舛, 我不能派你一个人去。

    You always make mistakes, so I can't send you there alone.

  23. 你行事多乖舛,我不能派你一个人去。

    You always make mistakes, so I can't send you there alone.

  24. 他一生命运乖舛,不过在身后留下了好名声。

    Though his life was full of frustration, he had a good name in the world after he passed away.

  25. 他一生命运乖舛,不过在身后留下了好名声。

    Though his life was full of frustration, he had a good name in the world after he passed away.

  26. 这样的一个计划可以改变很多人的命运的

    A project like this could be lifechanging for so many people.

  27. 很多关闭的会馆孤独等待着自己拆迁的命运。

    Other closed pavilions filled in loneliness and some were under demolishing progress.

  28. 自从我打开潘多拉之盒,我的命运就注定了。

    Ever since I opened that box, my fate has been sealed.

  29. 他好像有些讨厌她的好心的询问, 命运待她要好得多。

    He seemed in a way to resent her kindly inquiriesso much better had fate dealt with her.

  30. 多哈回合贸易谈判的命运就是一个使人清醒的警示。

    The fate of the Doha trade talks provides a salutary warning.


词 目 命运多舛 发 音 mìng yùn duō chuǎn 释 义 舛:不顺,不幸。命运充满不顺。指一生坎坷,屡受挫折。 出 处1. 唐·王勃《滕王阁饯别序》:“时运不济,命途多舛。” 2.明·罗贯中《三国演义》第三十三回 示 例 霍金一生命运多舛,但是他经过刻苦努力,终于成为了伟大的物理学家。