




1. 中 [zhōng]2. 中 [zhòng]中 [zhōng]和四方、上下或两端距离同等的地位:~心。当(dàng)~。~原。~华。在一定范围内,里面:暗~。房~。~饱。性质或等级在两端之间的:~辍(中途停止进行)。~等。~流砥柱。表示……



汉语拼音:liǎng zhōng






  1. 两端当中。

    《宋书·郑鲜之传》:“通 滕 者则以无讥为证,塞 滕 者则以隐处为美,折其两中,则异同之情可见矣。”



  1. Maybe you could cut this back to four times a week, with two of them being regular lattes?


  2. Using 2 differ size circles (use a panel and a Graminaceae structure etc. ), mow 1 circle of each size from linen as each angel.


  3. By filling the compacted into artificial consolidate and mechanical compaction of the two.


  4. Note: This article includes something about "Two China" , something have modified by me.


  5. In both styles, you can request that additional context lines be included in the output.


  6. Kevin Garnett, who had 24 points and 12 rebounds, was immediately fouled and made both free throws to ice it.


  7. Lily is the quieter and shier of the two sisters.


  8. There are two types of VAT taxpayers, i. e. General VAT Taxpayer and Small-scale VAT Taxpayer.


  9. There are two scales for defining the strength of an earthquake, the Meralli Scale and the Richter Scale .


  1. 好球,不错啊,三球两中

    Good shot. Nice, two out of three?

  2. 填鸭正,不过得好少,两只鸭都只系得两中碟。

    The Peking duck is very good, but very little. Those two plates are from two ducks.

  3. 所填土得压实分为人工夯实和机械压实两中。

    By filling the compacted into artificial consolidate and mechanical compaction of the two.

  4. 所填土的压实分为人工夯实和机械压实两中。

    By filling the compacted into artificial consolidate and mechanical compaction of the two.

  5. 比赛还有14秒时,塔克两罚两中后,骑士以7271再度反超。

    Competition still have 14 seconds, twodouble in Tucker, the Knights once again lead to 7269.

  6. 在1941个两中在未出版的笔记中概述奋发的领域探险那三十

    In 1941 Liang summarized in unpublished notes the strenuous field explorations of the thirties

  7. 介绍轨道减振器扣件和弹性套靴整体道床两中减振方法。

    Two methods of rail vibration reduction are introduced, with one employing the rail vibration absorber fastenings and the other using the elastic shoe monolithic track bed.

  8. 桌球中连中两球

    To make a carom in billiards.

  9. 使桌球中连中两球。

    To cause to carom in billiards.

  10. 国会中两党平分秋色。

    The parliament was evenly balanced between the two parties.

  11. 越中两党和两国关系

    relation between two parties of Vietnam and China and relation between Vietnam and China

  12. 打三枪中两枪, 第三枪没有中。

    Two shots out of three hit the target. The third shot missed the target.

  13. 他们在港中两个礼拜了。

    They were in harbor for two weeks.

  14. 爆炸中两名士兵被炸死。

    Two Soldiers were blown to glory in the explosion.

  15. 中两个新孕甾醇苷的分离。

    Two New Steroidal Saponins from the Soft Coral Cladiella sp.

  16. 核反应中两坐标系之间的关系

    Relation of Two Coordinates in Nuclear Reaction

  17. 桌球中的连中两球的一击

    A carom made in billiards.

  18. 教唆犯理论中两个问题的研究

    Research On Two Questions of Abettor

  19. 俱乐部中两名最佳选手的赛跑

    a race between the two best runners of the club

  20. 在旅途中两个人都没开口。

    Neither of us spoke during the journey.

  21. 槐果皮中两个山柰酚三糖苷成分。

    Two Kaempferol Triglycosides from Pericarps of Sophora japonica L.

  22. 调查报告中两个十分明显的分歧

    two devious divisions to the investigation

  23. 暴风雨中两个人被闪电击死。

    Two people were killed by lightning in the storm.

  24. 黑乳海参中两个新的三萜皂苷

    Two new triterpene glycosides from sea cucumber Holothuria nobilis.

  25. 金碗中两种文化的交锋与融合

    Confrontation and Fusion of Two Cultures in the Golden Bowl

  26. 找出圣经中两处记载花园的经文。

    Find at least two places in the Bible a garden is mentioned.

  27. 找出圣经中两处记载花园得经文。

    Find at least two places in the Bible a garden is mentioned.

  28. 云室中两种检测冰晶方法的比较

    Comparison of Two Methods of Detecting Ice Crystal in Cloud Chamber

  29. 关于群中两可交换元素乘积的阶

    A Note on the Order of a Product of Communitive Elements in a Group

  30. 商法中两种存在状态下的财产关系

    The Property Relation in the Two States of Commercial Law


  1. 问:两中值问题拼音怎么拼?两中值问题的读音是什么?两中值问题翻译成英文是什么?

    答:两中值问题的读音是liǎng zhōng zhí wèn tí,两中值问题翻译成英文是 two-means problem