







汉语拼音:qióng guó







  1. 犹敝国。

    《史记·吴王濞列传》:“臣 卬 奉法不谨,惊骇百姓,乃苦将军远道至于穷国,敢请菹醢之罪。”

  2. 贫穷之国。

    毛泽东 《关于正确处理人民内部矛盾的问题》十:“穷国将变为富国,无权将变为有权。”



  1. Haiti is a very poor country. I'm sure many surrounding countries will lend aid to help these people recover from such a disaster.


  2. But as a whole, rich countries aren't much happier than poor ones, at least among countries with enough income to meet basic needs.


  3. Reneging on our commitments to the world's poor cannot be an austerity measure, " she said. "


  4. "The only way out of the crisis is to increase food production, in particular in poor countries, " he said.


  5. And in poor countries, the high initial cost of WiMax devices compared with mobile phones will make it a hard sell, he says.


  6. In the poor countries the main concern focused on the question of growth versus income distribution.


  7. A China with GDP-per-capita of just 26% that of the U. S. would be number one -- although it would still be a poor country.


  8. Financial assistance from the rich to the poor world has long been regarded as one of the four elements essential for a deal at Copenhagen.


  9. Vaccines used to be seen as low-technology, commodity products that fetched low margins in rich countries and none at all in poor ones.


  1. 在帮助穷国。

    to help poor countries.

  2. 穷国需要援助。

    Poor countries need aid.

  3. 于是穷国 变得更穷

    So the team that was the poorest had gotten even poorer.

  4. 富国和穷国之间的差距。

    The gap between rich and poor countries.

  5. 不等价交换使穷国更穷。

    Exchange of unequal values makes the poor countries poorer.

  6. 安哥拉不是一个穷国。

    Angola is not a poor country.

  7. 这同样适用于富国和穷国。

    That applies in rich and poor countries alike.

  8. 我们要把这些捐给穷国

    We're going to offer it as a donation to this poor country.

  9. 对于穷国,它不仅仅意味着这些。

    For poor countries, it means this and more.

  10. 这是一个需要发展的穷国。

    This is a poor country that needs to develop.

  11. 穷国将担负全球变暖的冲击

    Poor Nations to Bear Brunt as World Warms

  12. 富国压榨穷国长达数十载。

    For decades rich nations have been screwing money out of poor nations.

  13. 穷国普遍存在贫穷, 文盲和疾病。

    Poverty, illiteracy and diseases are rife in the poor countries.

  14. 60年来,富国一直为穷国提供援助。

    Rich countries have been sending aid to poor countries for last 58 years.

  15. 然而,穷国的企业获得认可困难重重。

    However, companies in poor countries have difficulties in obtaining certification.

  16. 富裕国家对待苏丹等穷国很冷酷。

    Some rich countries take a callous attitude towards poor countries such as Sudan.

  17. 穷国与富国之间的冲突自古就有。

    Conflicts between poorer peoples and richer neighbors have been part of human history since antiquity.

  18. 价值不等同, 不能交换。不等价交换使穷国更穷。

    Exchange of unequal values makes the poor countries poorer.

  19. 血钻,宝石走私,木材,从穷国掠夺财富。

    Blood diamonds, smuggled emeralds, timber, that is cut right from under the poorest.

  20. 有人说我们即是超级穷国,也是超级强国。

    Somebody said we are super poor, and we are also super power.

  21. 古巴的确是个穷国, 但它打算迎头赶上。

    Cuba is indeed a poor country, but it intends to catch up.

  22. 世界上富国和穷国之间日益加剧的分化。

    A growing world polarisation between rich and poor countries.

  23. 印度已经勾销了所有债台高筑的穷国的债务。

    India has written off the debts of all the highly indebted poor countries.

  24. 这就是理发在穷国便宜,在富国贵的原因。

    This is why haircuts are cheap in poor countries and expensive in rich ones.

  25. 我们应该促进消除富国和穷国之间的鸿沟。

    We should help bridge the gap between rich and poor nations.

  26. 尽管仍有穷国,但大多数国家将相当富有。

    Although there will still be poor countries, most will be quite rich.

  27. 从事关于重债穷国的信息和研究活动。

    Information and research activities relating to the heavily indebted poor countries were carried out.

  28. 在这方面,应更多关注和支持小国和穷国。

    In this respect, small and poor nations warrant greater attention and support.

  29. 同时,我们穷国必须面对持续的艰难和困苦。

    Meanwhile, the poor of our countries must face continuing hardship and suffering.

  30. 穷国将希望寄托在富国身上是极可笑的。

    It is absurd for the poor countries to build their hopes onthe rich countries