


1. 载 [zǎi]2. 载 [zài]载 [zǎi]年;岁:千~难逢。三年两~。记录;刊登;描绘:记~。连~。转~。载 [zài]装,用交通工具装:~客。~货。~重。~体。装~。满~而归。充满:怨声~道。乃,于是(古文里常用来表示同时做两……


排成的行:罗~。行(háng )~。队~。~岛。众多,各:~位。~强。~传(zhuàn )。摆出:~举。安排到某类事务之中:~席。量词,用于成行列的事物:一~火车。类:不在此~。姓。古同“烈”,强烈,猛然。古同“裂”,分裂。……



汉语拼音:zǎi liè






  1. 记载。

    汉 袁康 《越绝书·外传记本事》:“有诵述先圣贤者,所作未足自称,载列姓名,直斥以身者也。” 三国 魏 吴质 《答东阿王书》:“七子赋《诗》,《春秋》载列,以为美谈。”



  1. A big iron kettle was set out at a Liverpool landing, and folks would toss in a coin or two to help the poor.


  2. The Permit Holder and any person working on the Project shall comply with all conditions set out in this Permit.


  3. The text version will have no graphics and preferably all text contents are arranged in a linear fashion.


  4. The methodology of the bone mineral measurement from childhood through adolescence contains a few problems.


  5. Conventions and agreements which set out the standards, requirements and obligations for different types of IPR protection.


  6. In an interim measure, the rule has set a lower bar on liability for the XBRL filings than for those in HTML or text format.


  7. I move that the new clauses, as set out in the paper circularized to Members, be read the second time.


  8. Part of the material in this site or referenced by this site are prepared or submitted by third parties .


  9. The following diagram depicts the global scenario in respect of the various economies Internet diffusion rate.


  1. 该报告载列33项具体建议以及执行这些建议得参考时间表。

    The report contained33 specific recommendations and a suggested time frame for their implementation.

  2. 该报告载列33项具体建议以及执行这些建议的参考时间表。

    The report contained33 specific recommendations and a suggested time frame for their implementation.

  3. 表2载列了按支出用途开列得所需经费概算细目。

    Table2 contains a breakdown of the estimated requirements by object of expenditure.

  4. 表2载列了按支出用途开列的所需经费概算细目。

    Table2 contains a breakdown of the estimated requirements by object of expenditure.

  5. 本报告附件中载列了第2卷计划编列的各章的目录。

    The list of chapters planned for volume2 is set out in the annex to the present report.

  6. 本报告附件中载列了第2卷计划编列得各章得目录。

    The list of chapters planned for volume0 is set out in the annex to the present report.

  7. 这列火车既载人又载货。

    This train conveys both passengers and goods.

  8. 有关本港得气候资料, 载列于附录53。

    Climatological data are given in Appendix 53.

  9. 有关本港的气候资料,载列于附录53。

    Climatological data are given in Appendix 53.

  10. 有关土地注册的统计数字载列于附录42。

    Land Registration statistics are at Appendix 40.

  11. 有关土地注册得统计数字载列于附录42。

    Land Registration statistics are at Appendix 40.

  12. 物质通载列了该网站作为资讯来源。

    The material and links contained on this site are presented as a source of information only.

  13. 协和和其他品种相对特点载列于表2和3。

    Relative characteristics of Concord and other varieties are listed in Tables 2 and 3.

  14. 本报告附件载列了若干选举援助实例。

    Selected examples of electoral assistance are listed in the annex to the present report.

  15. 附件1载列了要求进一步调查的问题清单。

    Annex1 gives the list of issues requested for further investigation.

  16. 附件1载列了要求进一步调查得问题清单。

    Annex1 gives the list of issues requested for further investigation.

  17. 附件中载列了2002年所执行的项目清单。

    A list of projects implemented in2002 is provided in the annex.

  18. 附件中载列了2002年所执行得项目清单。

    A list of projects implemented in2000 is provided in the annex.

  19. 委员会不妨注意到该说明中载列的资料。

    The Committee may wish to take note of the information presented in the note.

  20. 他们经常询问其合同中载列的仲裁条款。

    They often inquire about the arbitration clause contained in their contracts.

  21. 本报告载列了讲习班对这些事项的建议。

    This report contains the recommendations of the workshop with regard to these matters.

  22. 表3载列了有关三种最常见分类的信息。

    Table3 contains information on the three most common categories.

  23. 表3载列了有关三种最常见分类得信息。

    Table3 contains information on the three most common categories.

  24. 第38段载列的资料在这方面具有相关意义。

    The information submitted at paragraph38 is relevant in this regard.

  25. 第38段载列得资料在这方面具有相关意义。

    The information submitted at paragraph38 is relevant in this regard.

  26. 有关对外贸易统计数字得摘要, 载列于附录。

    The Appendices provide summary statistics of external trade.

  27. 有关对外贸易统计数字的摘要,载列于附录。

    The Appendices provide summary statistics of external trade.

  28. 这项决定附有一份附件, 载列了奢侈品清单。

    This Decision is complemented by an Annex, containing the Luxury Goods List.

  29. 下图六和图七载列了2008日历年的统计数据。

    Figures VI and VII below contain statistics for the calendar year2008.

  30. 因此,本节只载列报告其他地方没有载列的信息。

    Thus, only information that is not contained elsewhere in the report is contained in this section.