


表示敬意的礼节:~手(古代男子跪拜礼的一种)。~忏。礼~。回~。恭敬地:~托。~谢。~读。~别。~谒(a.拜见;b.瞻仰陵墓、碑碣)。行礼祝贺:~年。~寿。用一定的礼节授与某种名义或职位,或结成某种关系:~将(jiàng )。~相(xiàn……


1. 读 [dú]2. 读 [dòu]读 [dú]依照文字念:~数。~经。~书。宣~。朗~。范~。看书,阅览:阅~。速~。默~。~者。求学:走~。字的念法:~音。~破。读 [dòu]旧指文章里一句中间念起来要稍稍停顿的地方:句~。……



汉语拼音:bài dú








  1. 读别人作品或书信的敬词。

    《老残游记》第十二回:“儜也该做首诗,我们拜读拜读。” 郭沫若 《落叶·第五信》:“昨天接到你很亲切的信,我欢喜地拜读了。” 冰心 《晚晴集·悼郭老》:“我在二十年代,就拜读过 郭老 的新诗。”



  1. You know, we'd really like to read the job adverts that Hogwarts publishes for the Defence Against The Dark Arts teaching post.


  2. "A great writer is always worth reading, " he said, "even at his worst. "


  3. From the choice of the actors to the scenery, it was a truly magnificent showing, tantalizing me to read the book.


  4. It was hot and soon forgotten books almost become my Bible, a few days do not read it, my soul will lose weight.


  5. On rereading your letter it seems to us that you are laboring under the misapprehension that we pay for unsolicited manuscripts.


  6. Therefore, I would like to ask you to continue reading the gosho on a steady basis.


  7. On looking over today's "China Daily" my attention was attracted by your advertisement for an assistant to the general manager.


  8. I haven't been able to get round to looking at your essay yet, but I'll read it this evening.


  9. The handsome young man had tracked him down in Malta after reading "My Happy Days in Hell" .


  1. 或许我该拜读一下

    I should probably read it.

  2. 你的新书已拜读了。

    I have read your new book.

  3. 致家兄来信, 我已拜读。

    Your letter to my brother was shown to me.

  4. 拜读御书的意义是什麽?

    What is the significance of reading the gosho?

  5. 我们很高兴拜读你的小说。

    We were delighted to read your novel.

  6. 拜读欧洲建筑的静美与热烈

    The Gentle Beauty and Ardent Impression of European Buildings

  7. 我一有时间就去拜读你的大作。

    I shall read you article as soon as I can get round to it.

  8. 你在板鸭很成功啊, 我们都拜读了。

    You are very successful in Spain. We all read about it.

  9. 我13岁的时候就拜读过你第一本著作。

    I read your first book when I was13.

  10. 拜读了你的饿大作,没想到你这样年轻。

    I have read your article. I expect to meet an older man.

  11. 拜读了你得饿大作,没想到你这样年轻。

    I have read your article. I expect to meet an older man.

  12. 但是为什么经理人很少去拜读教授们的大作?

    So why are so few managers interested in the professors'writings ?

  13. 老师写的不错,保留原汁原味的风格。拜读,学习!

    Teachers write well, to retain authentic style. I read and learn!

  14. 我饶有兴趣地拜读了你送给我的文学作品。

    I have studied with interest the literature you sent me.

  15. 因此,希望你们在稳固的基础上,继续拜读御书。

    Therefore, I would like to ask you to continue reading the gosho on a steady basis.

  16. 拜读8月12日光明日报,本人欲应征助理会计一职。

    I would like to apply for the post of Assistant Accountant as advertised in the Guangming Daily on 12 August.

  17. 杰佛把你的论文给我看过我在沙漠中拜读

    Geoffrey gave me your monograph and I was reading up in the desert.

  18. 几年前,当它出版时,我就拜读并喜欢上了它。

    I read it several years ago, when it first came out, and loved it.

  19. 我拜读过你的大作, 几乎可以说是怀着喜悦的心情读的。

    I read your works, I might almost say, with delight.

  20. 我最近有机会拜读了您的有关美军占领西德的文章。

    I have now had an opportunity to read your study of the american occupation of west germany.

  21. 拜读非凡人才网上贵公司广告, 本人特此备函应征该职位。

    In reply to your advertisement in Fiva. cn, I respectfully offer my services for the situation.

  22. 我拜读过你在泰晤士报上用新话写的一些文章。

    I've been reading your Newspeak articles in The Times.

  23. 我非常渴望拜读,并希望我们在下次见面时能进行探讨。

    I really look forward to reading it, and look forward to discussing it with you when we talk next.

  24. 贵校办的报纸别忘了寄来给我拜读,以便互相交流。

    Please remember to send me the newspaper edited by your school so as to exchange information with each other.

  25. 贵校办得报纸别忘了寄来给我拜读,以便互相交流。

    Please remember to send me the newspaper edited by your school so as to exchange information with each other.

  26. 我从未想过看到人家死,但有几段讣闻,我是欣然拜读过了。

    I never want to see anybody die, but there is a few obituary notice I have read with pleasure.

  27. 拜读来翰, 先生似有所误会, 以为我处对未约写之稿亦付稿酬。

    On rereading your letter it seems to us that you are laboring under the misapprehension that we pay for unsolicited manuscripts.

  28. 给发信人写一封客气的短信,就说你不接受任何下载文件,但如果他或她能设法寄一份该文档的纯文本版本,你将非常乐意拜读。

    Write a polite note to the sender saying you don't accept downloads, but will be more than happy to look at a plain-text version of the document he or she is trying to send you.


  1. 问:拜读拼音怎么拼?拜读的读音是什么?拜读翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拜读的读音是bàidú,拜读翻译成英文是 have the honour to read; read with respect...


