




1. 头 [tóu]2. 头 [tou]头 [tóu]人身体的最上部分或动物身体的最前的部分:~骨。~脑。~脸(a.头和脸;b.指面貌;c.指面子,体面)。~角(jiǎo )(喻青年的气概或才华)。指头发或所留头发的样式:留~。剃~。物体的……



汉语拼音:zhào tóu







  1. 预先显示的迹象。

    《红楼梦》第七七回:“我不是妄口呪人,今年春天已有兆头的。”《儿女英雄传》第六回:“不必等听出脚步儿来,未从那兵器来到跟前早觉得出个兆头来。” 茅盾 《小巫》:“姨太太悄悄地走进房来,又悄悄地磕下头去,把老太太吓了一跳。这是不吉利的兆头。老太太心里很不舒服。”



  1. When you get your first target it's always a good sign because you think the others will come through as well.


  2. How do you think the Lakers performed? Was it a good sign to see Kobe back in the lineup? What's your take on the progress of Andrew Bynum?


  3. And a great sign was seen in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars.


  4. I asked her: "Who, I get along with you so long, how that did not find such a sign. "


  5. If the two of you handle the energies of this position well, it is a good indication that together you can achieve something of note.


  6. Slower growth is, in part, a welcome sign that their central banks have taken action, and that those measures are beginning to work.


  7. "A few more results like that" in sales of long-dated Treasuries "should not bode well for the dollar, " he said.


  8. The fact that the medical-industrial complex is trying to shape health care reform rather than block it is a tremendously good omen.


  9. "This bodes well for the longevity of reforms that have already been undertaken, and those that are yet to come, " he said.


  1. 不是好兆头

    That doesn't bode well.

  2. 是个好兆头

    That's a good sign.

  3. 不吉利的兆头

    of evil presage.

  4. 工作的好兆头

    a good lead for a job.

  5. 这可不是好兆头。

    Not boding well.

  6. 这可不是好兆头。

    Not boding well.

  7. 这是个好兆头。

    That's a good sign.

  8. 这是个好兆头。

    That's a good sign.

  9. 这是好的兆头。

    This is very good omen.

  10. 这或许是个兆头。

    Perhaps it is an omen.

  11. 有刮台风得兆头。

    There was a threat of typhoon.

  12. 有刮台风的兆头。

    There was a threat of typhoon.

  13. 预示着灾难的兆头。

    Omens that forebode disaster

  14. 这是个好/ 坏兆头

    it's a good/ bad sign

  15. 预示下雪兆头的云

    clouds threatening snow

  16. 这是丰收得好兆头。

    This augurs well for the harvest.

  17. 这是丰收的好兆头。

    This augurs well for the harvest.

  18. 那对于我不是好兆头。

    That bodes me no good.

  19. 你觉得是好兆头吗?

    So do I have to tell her husband?Tell him what?

  20. 这是个好兆头,对吧?

    That's a good sign,right?

  21. 这是个好兆头,对吧?

    That's a good sign, right?

  22. 然而, 目前看兆头可不好。

    The omens, however, are bad.

  23. 这是丰收的坏兆头。

    This augurs ill for the harvest.

  24. 这是灾害的坏兆头。

    This augurs ill for the disaster.

  25. 有力的握手是个好兆头

    Oh, a strong handshake. Thats a good sign.

  26. 没错,对,可能是个好兆头

    Right, yeah. Probably a good call.

  27. 要等待总是一个好兆头。

    It's always a good sign when you have to wait.

  28. 早晨有雾是晴天的兆头。

    Mist in the morning is a sign of good weather.

  29. 她沉默不语可不是好兆头。

    Her silence portends trouble.

  30. 这些事件对我们是好兆头。

    These events bode well for us.


  1. 问:兆头拼音怎么拼?兆头的读音是什么?兆头翻译成英文是什么?

    答:兆头的读音是zhàotou,兆头翻译成英文是 omen



词目:兆头 读音:zhào tóu 词义:事物在发生前,出现的一种征兆(预示的象)。 由于兆头分为吉兆、凶兆,凶兆对于信神灵的人是警示。 基本解释 [omen] 事先显现出来的迹象 丰收的好兆头 详细解释 预先显示的迹象。 《红楼梦》第七七回:“我不是妄口呪人,今年春天已有兆头的。”《儿女英雄传》第六回:“不必等听出脚步儿来,未从那兵器来到跟前早觉得出个兆头来。”茅盾 《小巫》:“姨太太悄悄地走进房来,又悄悄地磕下头去,把老太太吓了一跳。这是不吉利的兆头。老太太心里很不舒服。” 事物发生前的征候或迹象,预示。 根据已经发生的事情(处境,迹象,预示)或准备做的事情的已知条件,判断、推断事情将要发生的结果。