




1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……







汉语拼音:bá bù chū tuǐ






  1. 比喻事情繁忙,摆脱不开。

    柳青 《创业史》第一部第十六章:“我总说要去看看,总没空儿。不是这样就是那样事情,拔不出腿。”



  1. v.
  2. can not escape

  1. 你试试,看看能把这根钉子拔出来吗,我拔不出。

    See if you can have a shot at getting the nail not, I can't move it.

  2. 这个小男孩不能拔出软木塞。

    The little boy cannot draw the cork.

  3. 在他逝世的忌日里,我决不拔出刺刀。

    I would never bare a bayonet on the anniversary of his death.

  4. 脚部不出水面,打腿需要耗费更多的力量。

    With the feet under water, it takes much more strength.

  5. 你敢保证当你拔出那东西的时候他不会醒?

    How do you know he won't wake up when you yank that thing out?

  6. 嫩绿新鲜的春不老,犹如刚从地里拔出一般。

    Verdant fresh spring are not old, as if the ground pulled out just in general.

  7. 但是这强盗突然拔出一枝枪, 人们都一动也不敢动。

    But then the robber whipped out gun, and everyone stopped moving.

  8. 在断开感知器电气接头时,不要直接拔出插入感知器的电线。

    When disconnecting sensor electrical connector, do not pull directly on wire going into sensor.

  9. 一次不要试图拔出太多的羽毛,或则你会撕裂鸟的皮肤。

    Don't try to pluck too many feathers at once or you'll tear the skin.

  10. 将针筒拔出并放在平面上, 小心不要触碰或弄污针头。

    Pulls out needle canister and put on plane, do not want lay a finger on or besmirch pinhead carefully.

  11. 如果穿西装的人醒了叫他冷静不要让他拔出那碎片知道吗

    If the guy in the suit wakes up, keep him calm, but dont let him remove that shrapnel. Understand

  12. 自然地, 我不总非得拔出我信得过的刀片。

    Naturally, of course, I don't always have to pull out my trusty blade.

  13. 自然地, 我不总非得拔出我信得过得刀片。

    Naturally, of course, I don't always have to pull out my trusty blade.

  14. 手车在运行位置时, 控制线插头被锁定, 不能拔出。

    The truck in the service position, control wiring plug have been locked, don't be pull out.

  15. 我好不容易才拔出这颗生锈的钉子。

    It was not easy for me to get the rusty mail out.

  16. 我们赞扬他们所做的不懈努力和表现出的坚忍不拔精神。

    We commend their tireless efforts and their perseverance.

  17. 紧张当你不想拔出滤器,此工具就派上用场了。

    When you don't want to pull out the colander, this tool comes in handy.

  18. 不要玩这把可拔出的刀。

    Don't play with that extractable knife.

  19. 他们若是不听,我必拔出那国,拔出而且毁灭。这是耶和华说的。

    But if they will not obey, I will utterly pluck up and destroy that nation, saith the LORD.

  20. 将橡胶管从肛门拔出时注意不要弄脏衣物。

    Do not dirty your clothes when draw latex canal out the anus.

  21. 以笏便伸左手,从右腿上拔出剑来,刺入王的肚腹

    Ehud reached with his left hand, drew the sword from his right thigh and plunged it into the king's belly.

  22. 开车的人即使自己不换油料也知道如何拔出量油尺,将它擦净,插进去,再拔出来观看其水平。

    Motorists who don't change their own oil still know how to pull out a dipstick, wipe it clean, slip it back in, pull it out and observe the level.

  23. 因为这?捧滋生出一股坚毅不拔的力量,陪你走在人生道上。

    Because by doing so, you will develop a sense of unwavering determination that can serve you well for the rest of your life.

  24. 不敢再思索,他拔起腿就往回走,非常的快。

    Without pondering anymore, he started back, striding swiftly.

  25. 因为我被你淹没,如果你不在我身边,我不想拔身而出

    Cause i drowned in you and i won pull thourgh without you by my side

  26. 不要表现出急噪,交叉胳膊或腿,用指尖敲桌子。

    The founding father will continue to opine, but the PAP will have a little more wriggle room to change.

  27. 只要不做向下的海豚式打腿动作, 允许兩脚露出水面。

    Breaking the surface of the water with the feet is allowed unless followed by a downward dolphin kick.




【注音】:bá bù chū tuǐ
