


1. 干 [gān]2. 干 [gàn]干 [gān]触犯,冒犯,冲犯:~扰。~涉。~预(亦作“干与”)。森然~霄。追求,求取,旧指追求职位俸禄:~禄。~仕。关连,涉及:~系。互不相~。盾,古代抵御刀枪的兵器:大动~戈。古代用以记年、记月、……


白绢:素~。江平如~。把生丝、麻或布帛煮熟,使柔软洁白:~漂(“漂”,漂白)。反复学习,多次操作:~习。~笔。~操。训~。~功。经验多,精熟:老~。熟~。干(gàn )~。~达(阅历多而通达人情世故)。姓。……



汉语拼音:gàn liàn








  1. 熟练胜任;有才能又有经验。

    汉 蔡邕 《太傅安乐乡文恭侯胡公碑》:“干练机事,绸繆枢极。”《南史·王球传》:“时大将军 彭城王 义康 ,专以政事为本,刀笔干练者多被意遇。” 郑观应 《盛世危言·银行下》:“一切应办事宜,由股商中慎选一精明干练、操守廉洁之人综计出入。” 鲁迅 《华盖集续编·记念刘和珍君》:“我目睹 中国 女子的办事,是始于去年的,虽然是少数,但看那干练坚决,百折不回的气概,曾经屡次为之感叹。” 刘白羽 《远方的来信》:“我想一定是一个精明干练,久经战斗的人物。”



  1. Well, I read this at home before I left for the office and decided to put on my finest suit, crisp shirt and tie.


  2. Able to do, a strong sense of responsibility, have a strong sense of professionalism, respect for the leadership of Solidarity colleagues.


  3. He was a man of great talent. He was a brave sailor, an able statesman and a good poet.


  4. and in her efficient way arranged for Mrs. Morrison to come in and light the fire and give the old lady her breakfast.


  5. It was by an act of faith in his science that a trim Shepelev crawled into the chamber and sealed the door.


  6. But this time I think his number is up -a he has a smart young man running against him with a lot of new ideas.


  7. Best known for her role as a sharp-suited lawyer, the actress talks about battling anorexia, coming out and finding happiness.


  8. they wear trousers, with Ornamental engraving tapestry Boots appears to be very capable.


  9. If your workplace is more formal, skip distressed denim in favor of a crisp pair of dark-wash jeans.


  1. 你沉着干练。

    You are exceedingly cool and froody.

  2. 她精明干练。

    She is shrewd, capable, and experienced.

  3. 干练而性感的主妇。

    The sexy housewife at work.

  4. 这个律师是个干练的家伙

    A lawyer who was a tough cookie.

  5. 以干练和干劲闻名的官员。

    An officer famous for his skill and dash.

  6. 干练的律师, 精明的商人, 知人之明

    an astute lawyer, businessman, judge of character, etc

  7. 他是个非常干练的探员。

    He was an unusually able detective.

  8. 他不假思索,而干练地干了起来。

    He had acted automatically, efficiently.

  9. 他的语气变得自信干练而务实。

    His tone became brisk and businesslike.

  10. 在我眼里,她是个很干练的人。

    She strikes me as a very efficient person.

  11. 斯坦德莱是个英明干练的老家伙。

    Standley's a wise and salty old bird.

  12. 斯坦德莱是个英明干练得老家伙。

    Standley's a wise and salty old bird.

  13. 当时有限的目标, 吸引了较干练的官兵。

    Our limited objective absorbed all the energy officers.

  14. 主管叫我到楼下。他做事干练, 务实。

    The Chief summoned me downstairs. He was brisk and businesslike.

  15. 斯塔布思是个最准时,最干练的人。

    Stubbs is the soul of punctuality, and efficiency.

  16. 斯塔布思是个最准时,最干练得人。

    Stubbs is the soul of punctuality, and efficiency.

  17. 他今天着装很是考究, 看上去精明干练。

    He is dressed very nicely today and looks sharp and professional.

  18. 他今天着装很是考究,看上去精明干练。

    He is dressed very nicely today and looks sharp and professional.

  19. 他是一个以干练与干劲闻名的军官。

    He is an officer famous for his skill and dash.

  20. 老将军很赏识这位年轻干练的指挥员。

    The old general appreciates the young capable and experienced commander very much.

  21. 做事干练。果断的风格。良好的沟通和人际协调能力。

    Able to do. decisive style. good interpersonal communication and coordination.

  22. 他干练地领导委员会的工作,得到了极大赞赏。

    His able administration of the Committee's work is greatly appreciated.

  23. 我们高兴地看到, 我们的技术人员协助你如此干练。

    We are pleased that our technical staff assisted you so capably.

  24. 公司中的关婷婷,时尚性感,穿着整洁看起来十分的干练。

    Companies related to Tingting, fashion sexy, wearing clean looks very ably.

  25. 同时, 我们赞扬几内亚主席上月份的干练领导。

    At the same time, we commend the Guinea presidency for its able leadership last month.

  26. 这要求进行干练的管理、可持续筹资和有效的监督。

    It calls for capable management, sustainable funding, and effective oversight.

  27. 实际上,她对他的干练再一次觉得很值得佩服。

    In fact, she was reimpressed by his ability and efficiency.

  28. 我们相信,在你干练的领导下我们将实现讨论的目标。

    We are confident that, under your able leadership, we shall achieve the objectives of our deliberations.

  29. 他们用英文在一个非常干练和富有想象力的可能。

    And they used English in a very skilful and imaginative may.

  30. 在许多小事上, 他精明干练, 能够给人留下好印象。

    He was shrewd and clever in many little things, and capable of creating a good impression.


  1. 问:干练拼音怎么拼?干练的读音是什么?干练翻译成英文是什么?

    答:干练的读音是gànliàn,干练翻译成英文是 capable and experienced

  2. 问:干练平壳蟹拼音怎么拼?干练平壳蟹的读音是什么?干练平壳蟹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:干练平壳蟹的读音是gànliànpíngkéxiè,干练平壳蟹翻译成英文是 Conchoecetes artificiosus



[be capable and experienced] 精明,有才干和经验 我目睹中国女子的办事,是始于去年的,虽然是少数,但看那干练坚决,百折不回的气概,曾经屡次为之感叹。——《记念刘和珍君》