


1. 恶 [è]2. 恶 [wù]3. 恶 [ě]4. 恶 [wū]恶 [è]不好:~感。~果。~劣。~名。丑~。凶狠:~霸。~棍。险~。凶~。犯罪的事,极坏的行为:~贯满盈。恶 [wù]讨厌,憎恨,与“好(hào )”相对:可~。厌~。好……


1. 棍 [gùn]2. 棍 [hùn]棍 [gùn]棒:~子。~术。~棒。木~。铁~。称坏人:恶~。赌~。棍 [hùn]捆扎:“~申椒与菌桂兮,赴江湖而沤之”。古同“混”,混成。……



汉语拼音:è gùn





为非作歹欺压民众的 流氓无赖。



  1. 犹歹徒。称作恶多端的人。

    清 吴荣光 《吾学录初编·刑律一》:“凡恶棍索诈官民,或张贴揭帖,或揑告各衙门……此等情罪重大。” 萧乾 《一本褪色的相册·<鱼饵·论坛·阵地>》:“当时北方文艺界出现过一名恶棍,此人叫 张露薇 。”



  1. Door-god Jiang has his hands behind his back, a bulging belly and a forbidding countenance as if he might show his bad temper at any time.


  2. He is one of the ex-super villains trying to hunt down the renegade super heroes.


  3. One of my friends told me : Even if other people treat you as a monster, the villain, or losers, This does not mean that you can do!


  4. Since the great action since the launch boycott of napoleon, stubborn support thugs napoleon's death is still goes upstream repentance!


  5. since he wasn't a blackguard Polish nobleman, it was absurd to speculate what his wife's rights would be if he WERE.


  6. 'Catherine! 'said Mr Edgar to his wife as he entered. 'Do you think it's right to listen to this wicked man's talk? '


  7. A chief of Police who had seen an Officer beating a Thug was very indignant, and said he must not do so any more on pain of dismissal.


  8. Please do not repeat it. " " But, " said the Officer, still smiling, " it was a stuffed Thug.


  9. The DPRK is going to put China is a bad spot. It is a rising power and cant look to defend thugs like the DPRK.


  1. 一个恶棍。

    A really bad guy.

  2. 他不是恶棍

    He's not a thug.

  3. 十足的恶棍

    a regular rascal.

  4. 无耻得恶棍。

    an unprincipled rogue.

  5. 无耻的恶棍。

    an unprincipled rogue.

  6. 女恶棍, 女流氓

    A woman who is a villain.

  7. 女恶棍,女流氓。

    A woman who is a villain.

  8. 他是个恶棍。

    He is a beast.

  9. 你是个恶棍。

    You are a beast.

  10. 我和恶棍们游荡

    I hung around with the thugs

  11. 恶名昭彰的恶棍

    A notorious rascal

  12. 愿那个恶棍遭殃!

    Woe betide the villain!

  13. 那恶棍杀人不眨眼。

    The villain made no scruple of committing murder.

  14. 人们叫他恶棍。

    He was designated by the name as a scoundrel.

  15. 魔鬼化身的恶棍

    A villain who is evil incarnate.

  16. 那些恶棍说黑话。

    Those rogues pattered flash.

  17. 恶棍贵族的暴政。

    The tyranny of a scoundrelly aristocracy.

  18. 那个恶棍面目可憎。

    That scoundrel is repulsive in appearance.

  19. 这个恶棍不得不后退。

    The bully had to back down.

  20. 宁做傻瓜, 不做恶棍。

    Better be a fool than knave.

  21. 宁做傻瓜,不做恶棍。

    Better be a fool than knave.

  22. 那个恶棍仍在坐牢。

    The hoodlum is still in jug.

  23. 这个恶棍心生歹意!

    That scoundrel harbored a murderous heart.

  24. 恶棍没有藏身之地。

    There is no den in the wide world to hide a rogue.

  25. 沃德先生根本不是恶棍。

    Mr. Ward wasn't a rogue at all.

  26. 恶棍勒索老人的钱财。

    The scoundrel pinched money from the old man.

  27. 他是个十足的恶棍。

    He's a real bastard.

  28. 这是个阴险的恶棍。

    This is a sinister villain.

  29. 恶棍,满脸堆笑的该死恶棍!

    Villain, smiling, damned villain!

  30. 那恶棍被打得半死。

    The rogue was beaten to within an inch of his life.


  1. 问:恶棍拼音怎么拼?恶棍的读音是什么?恶棍翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恶棍的读音是ègùn,恶棍翻译成英文是 scoundrel

  2. 问:恶棍的拼音怎么拼?恶棍的的读音是什么?恶棍的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恶棍的的读音是,恶棍的翻译成英文是 rascally

  3. 问:恶棍似的拼音怎么拼?恶棍似的的读音是什么?恶棍似的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恶棍似的的读音是,恶棍似的翻译成英文是 knavish

  4. 问:恶棍特工拼音怎么拼?恶棍特工的读音是什么?恶棍特工翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恶棍特工的读音是,恶棍特工翻译成英文是 Inglourious Basterds



“恶棍”是个多义词,它可以指恶棍(《暗黑破坏神3》中的人物角色追随者之一), 恶棍(单机游戏), 恶棍(词语解析), 恶棍(2007年李连杰主演电影)。