


1. 毛 [máo]毛 [máo]动植物的皮上所生的丝状物:~笔。羽~。~织品。~骨悚然。轻于鸿~。像毛的东西,指谷物或草:不~之地。衣物上的霉菌:老没见太阳都长~了。粗糙,没有加工的:~布。~估(粗略地估计)。~坯。不是纯净的:~利。~重……





汉语拼音:máo hái






  1. 面部或全身生有长毛的小孩。为遗传上的一种返祖现象。



  1. not just any kid off the street with a helmet and a pair of goggles.


  2. Elaine looked at him, how can take ten years ago the dark, thin and short kid associate. But she was polite smile at him.


  3. Or just a stronger child than me?


  4. After assessing Sasuphan, the judges crowned her with the world's hairiest child title on the GWR's Italian TV show, "Lo Show dei Record. "


  5. Beelzebub: that Xiaomaohai so bold! On the kind of singled!


  6. The 11-year-old girl's father contacted Guinness World Record staff, requesting that they consider her for the title of hairiest child.


  7. Small partners at this time are almost , and Sisters from the big head next door, led us to the river this group watch dragon-boat race.


  8. My gang was nothing more than a bunch of kids seeking excitement and danger.


  9. You got something you wanna say to me, boy?


  1. 我不是小毛孩

    I'm not a toy.

  2. 那些小毛孩还不一定领情。

    These kids probably don't even want what you're offering.

  3. 我们可不和小毛孩打交道,所以。

    Yeah, we actually don't mess with toys out here, so.

  4. 别以为你们这小毛孩比我小。

    Let me just say, just because you guys are younger than me.

  5. 你在那下面干什么, 小毛孩, 出来。

    What are you doing down there, fluffy boy! Get up here!

  6. 跟他哥哥一比,他不过是个小毛孩。

    He's a mere slip of a lad compared to his brother.

  7. 先生, 我为什么要和这个小毛孩说话?

    Sir, why would I talk to the bellows boy when I can talk to the blacksmith?

  8. 作为毛孩他不能像正常人那样生活。

    As a hairy child, he could not lead a normal life as others did.

  9. 作为毛孩他不能像正常人那样生活。

    I have been busy with my work, and have been lax about educating my child.

  10. 不行,我来可不是为了照看这个小毛孩!

    No way. I didn't come over here to babysit some little brat!

  11. 星星就像俏皮的小毛孩, 一般让人喜爱。

    Stars like the nifty Xiaomao Hai, the general people love.

  12. 我也许能活下来, 但是你, 你只是个小毛孩。

    I'm probabiy gonna survive this, but you, you're a squishy IittIe kid.

  13. 那个乳臭未干的小毛孩来了,我们该怎么办呢?

    What we are gonna do that little brat gets here

  14. 两个小毛孩在他们前面屁颠屁颠地跑开了。

    Two very small children scuttled away in front of them.

  15. 很可能从那群小毛孩那里感染了肠道病毒。

    Probably caughtan intestinal virus from one of those feral kidsrunning around.

  16. 小猪你个小毛孩,就只知道破校规,那你知道宪法吗?

    Little pig Tell you, youd better pretend to see nothing, dont you know.

  17. 不是什么带头盔和风镜的街头小毛孩想进就能进的

    not just any kid off the street with a helmet and a pair of goggles.

  18. 我是他那样的小毛孩时,莫明其妙地就会发笑。

    When I was a lad his age I would laugh at the strangest things.

  19. 我来美国可不想与你这种乳臭未干的小毛孩勾搭上。

    I mean, I didn't come to america To end up with some greasyhaired little boy.

  20. 我的帮派无非就是由一群寻找刺激和危险的小毛孩组成。

    My gang was nothing more than a bunch of kids seeking excitement and danger.

  21. 啊, 多羞呀, 你都十三岁啦, 还这样像个小毛孩似的!

    Oh, for shame! You thirteen years old, and such a baby!

  22. 有些人反对花很多钱给小毛孩买奢侈品,认为是种让浪费。

    To some, such extravagant spending on the notoriously fickle young might seem outrageous.


  1. 问:毛孩子拼音怎么拼?毛孩子的读音是什么?毛孩子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毛孩子的读音是máoháizi,毛孩子翻译成英文是 a small child; a little child

  2. 问:毛孩拼音怎么拼?毛孩的读音是什么?毛孩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毛孩的读音是máohái,毛孩翻译成英文是 A hairy child; one born with face and body cover...



毛孩,1977年4月1日出生在河南省平顶山市,中国人民解放军空军政治部话剧团演员,毕业于中央戏剧学院92级表演系。 1992年,参演第一部电影《一个姑娘三个兵》。1996年,出演《大秦腔》,在剧中他扮演一个身世不清的儿子。2001年,在《兵哥》中,毛孩饰演一个为了当将军而入伍的兵,这个角色的成功让他获得第14届全军电视剧“金星奖”。2002年,因饰演中国第一部军旅题材的情景喜剧《炊事班的故事》中的小毛一角而被人们所熟识。2004年,主演《炊事班的故事2》并获得了第16届金星奖优秀演员奖。2007年,出演由尚敬执导的情景喜剧《卫生队的故事》。2010年,主演电视剧《雪花那个飘》,饰演丁学武。 2014年,主演战争类喜剧《小宝和老财》,并在剧中一人分饰两角。