





破,透:~透。揭~。~窬(钻洞和爬墙,指盗贼)。~凿。通过,连通:~过。~行(xíng )。着(zhuó)衣服鞋袜:~衣。~鞋。……



汉语拼音:dòng chuān







  1. 穿透。

    明 唐顺之 《条陈蓟州练兵事宜》:“ 嘉靖 间,鸟嘴銃最后出,而最猛利。以铜铁为管,木橐承之,中贮铅弹,所击人马洞穿。” 清 俞樾 《茶香室三钞·太和门箭》:“公拔矢射之,洞穿其扉。” 姚雪垠 《长夜》一:“他微笑着一言不发,对腿肚上洞穿的枪伤仅只淡淡地瞟了一眼。”



  1. He turned his head to take a final look at the SDF-3, suppressing a wish to see the fortress holed and derelict.


  2. The white form of the house hovers on pilotis above the podium like an opaque plane, pierced by a number of discrete openings.


  3. As the ball hit the back of Liverpool's net, George sank to the Wembley turf and lay on his back with his arms outstretched.


  4. "I've got a background getting punched in the face, " he said. "That's why I'm good at this job. "


  5. Although the four doors were forehead perforated, but left back in France, Bordeaux Chelsea should still take some Thanksgiving mentality.


  6. Poirot: But the stole you see showed definite signs that the pistol had been fired through it.


  7. There is a win-win way out, but American and Chinese politicians both need to see through the haze of mutual recrimination to recognize it.


  8. This rock cave mouth prolate, ripped through north and south, resembles like the eyes.


  9. 2 respectively from the above shoes, do not tighten conceding a set aside a certain distance away.


  1. 面颊洞穿缺损

    Through defect of the cheek

  2. 这愿望洞穿我的心灵

    These thoughts burn a hole in my heart

  3. 他洞穿了所有的矫揉造作。

    He punctures affectations.

  4. 一颗子弹洞穿他的右肺。

    A bullet pierced his right lung.

  5. 手掌洞穿伤的显微外科治疗

    The Repair of Penetrating Wound of Palm With Tissue Defect

  6. 谁能洞穿这隐匿最深得秘密?

    Who can perforated the deepest secrets of this hidden?

  7. 谁能洞穿这隐匿最深的秘密?

    Who can perforated the deepest secrets of this hidden ?

  8. 我洞穿着你的心事,你在参透着我的玄机。

    I wear your mind hole, you understood what my mystery.

  9. 奔驰轿车的前部把大门洞穿了。

    The snout of the Mercedes poked through the gates.

  10. 觉得我或者该从她的内衣来洞穿她。

    Thought I'd go look through her drawers.

  11. 梭罗提供了洞穿这些问题核心的洞见。

    Thoreau provides insight into the core of these issues.

  12. 因为连风和太阳都洞穿不得他的皮。

    The wind and the sun will tear no holes in his skin.

  13. 在他被子弹洞穿的时候,我没有感到惊讶。

    Lm not surprised he was showered with bullets and killed in an ambush.

  14. 但他们的话洞穿了铁幕的混凝土和铁丝网。

    But their words helped pierce the concrete and concertina wire of the Iron Curtain.

  15. 我曾追寻你的脚步, 仍然无法洞穿你的前生来世。

    I once tracked down your footsteps, still will unable to pierceyour previous existence next life.

  16. 面颌部洞穿缺损的双皮瓣及肌皮瓣修复

    Reconstruction of perforating defects of the maxillofacial region with double flaps

  17. 洞穿周围人的内心世界, 你会从中发现善和美。

    Look deep inside the hearts of those around and you'll see the goodness and beauty within.

  18. 洞穿周围人得内心世界,你会从中发现善和美。

    Look deep inside the hearts of those around and you'll see the goodness and beauty within.

  19. 胸大肌双叶皮瓣修复颊部洞穿缺损体会

    Experience of Reconstruction to Fullthickness Defect of Check with Bilobular Pectoral Major Myocutaneous Flap

  20. 波洛但你看到的披肩上却有明显的子弹洞穿的痕迹。

    Poirot But the stole you see showed definite signs that the pistol had been fired through it.

  21. 她感到她被一位天使洞穿心脏而且心中充满了圣灵。

    in which she felt shed been speared through the heart by an angel and infused with the Holy Spirit.

  22. 把线从房顶引下来,通过电视机背壳上的洞穿进去。

    Lead the wire in from the roof, through these holes in the back of the television set.

  23. 秘鲁前锋的射门洞穿对方球门,虽然守门员碰到了皮球。

    The low pullback was met crisply by Peru striker Pizarro, although goalkeeper Colin Doyle should have kept the effort out.

  24. 另有一些教授, 则能透过法律文字的表面, 洞穿其中真义。

    Others see beyond the law's black letter and into the ideas that animate it.

  25. 穿洞的耳朵,鼻子,肚脐,眉毛。

    Pierced ears, nose, navel, eye brows.

  26. 这是遵义最有特色的穿洞。

    This is the most distinctive piercing Zunyi.

  27. 这是遵义最有特色得穿洞。

    This is the most distinctive piercing Zunyi.

  28. 他给我几张纸在上面穿洞。

    He gave me some sheets of paper to prick holes.

  29. 即使如果你在舌头上穿洞,还玩乐队。

    Even if you pierce your tongue and play in a band.

  30. 然后,他们的鼻孔会被烧红的铁杵穿洞

    And they use a red hot iron needle to make a hole through the muzzle.


  1. 问:洞穿拼音怎么拼?洞穿的读音是什么?洞穿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洞穿的读音是dòngchuān,洞穿翻译成英文是 penetrate; see clearly





【注音】ㄉㄨㄙˋ ㄔㄨㄢ

【近义词】 戳穿,穿破
