


不平常的,超出一般的:~殊。~色。~产。~权。~性。~征。~需。~技。~务。~区。~价。~例。~效。单,单一:~为(wèi )。~设。~地。~惠。~辑。~使。~赦。~约。只,但:不~如此。“相如度秦王~以诈佯为予赵城,实不可得”。三岁的兽,……





汉语拼音:tè xiě







  1. 新闻报道的一种体裁。以文艺手法写所报道的人物,再现场景和气氛,使之有强烈的感染力。但要求完全符合事实,不容许虚构。亦为文学体裁报告文学的形式之一,写真人真事,可以在细节上作适当的艺术加工,但必须有高度的真实性。

    阿英 《戎行兼言艺文事》:“不久在报上看到一篇特写,详述 阜东 筑堤经过。” 杨朔 《<海市>小序》:“这本集子所收起来的主要是我近年来写的一些散文特写,有游记,有人物特写。”



  1. You can zoom in to see parts of your document close-up, or zoom out to see more of the document.


  2. In an outfit that would make Cruella De Vil1 jealous, the 45-year-old actress waits for her close-up in New York on the set of Ugly Betty.


  3. The constant theme of the series was a drawing of a human face in close up and each one with an oxygen tube in the right nostril.


  4. The Piece of String, one of his best-known stories, is a fierce study of Norman life.


  5. As one character explains, the monsters seem to have been drawn there by instinct: the mall was clearly an important place in their lives.


  6. Red giant stars on the outskirts of the cluster are easy to pick out as yellowish stars in this sharp telescopic portrait.


  7. Photo Gallery: Marine Marvels It's hard to tell which end is up in this close-up of a bearded scorpionfish in the Fiji Islands.


  8. In lesser hands Ms Nasar's story might have degenerated into a series of pen portraits: tittle-tattle for the middlebrow.


  9. This close-up of a colony of white-spotted ascidians (Pycnoclavella diminuta) in Indonesian waters resembles aliens ready to feed.


  1. 杯子大特写

    of your mug shot.

  2. 脸部特写镜头

    reaction shot.

  3. 圣彼得堡特写

    Spotlight on St.Petersburg.

  4. 这不值得大写特写。

    It is nothing to write home about.

  5. 老二特写照的手语

    the sign for junk shot.

  6. 他的特写短而幽默。

    His sketch is very short and humo rous.

  7. 准备拍特写,镇警署

    Let's reset for closeup. Sheriff's Department.

  8. 好的,给贝一个特写

    Okay, get Bay's closeup.

  9. 少一些对两性关系的特写

    Rely less on the bedroom antics.

  10. 目标本身不值得大写特写。

    The goal itself was nothing to write home about.

  11. 到有你特写镜头的点了

    It's time for your closeup.

  12. 英语消息和特写的写作比较

    A Comparative Study of News Writing and Feature Writing

  13. 这张照片是人眼的特写。

    This picture is a closeness of the human eye.

  14. 原来是有趣的老二特写照

    Oh, it was a tasteful junk shot.

  15. 你给埃米特写的那封信

    The letter you wrote to Emmett.

  16. 论新闻大特写的兴起与发展

    Rising and Development of the Extreme Feature of News

  17. 这篇特写是以暴动为题材得。

    The feature was pegged on the riots.

  18. 这篇特写是以暴动为题材的。

    The feature was pegged on the riots.

  19. 新闻特写往往具有较强的感染力。

    News features are often written in a very powerful manner.

  20. 新闻特写往往具有较强的感染力。

    News features are often written in a very powerful manner.

  21. 新闻特写往往具有较强得感染力。

    News features are often written in a very powerful manner.

  22. 那是珍妮特写得一封短小得情书。

    It was a small love letter Janet had written.

  23. 那是珍妮特写的一封短小的情书。

    It was a small love letter Janet had written.

  24. 来个特写, 要流口水就尽管流吧!

    Check out the close up shot, and drool!

  25. 记载说, 莫札特写乐曲很少修改。

    Mozart is a genius, he seldom needs to revise his work.

  26. 那是珍妮特写的一封短的情信。

    It was a small love letter Janet had written.

  27. 特写的坦克建设,传动装置和伺服。

    Closeups of the tank construction, gearing and servos.

  28. 这是一朵百合花的一个特写镜头。

    Software Description About Apologetic Lilies I, This is a closeup of a lily.

  29. 地方报纸登载一篇有关童工的特写。

    The local newspaper ran a feature on child labor.

  30. 这部电影给许多一线电影明星特写镜头。

    This movie features many A-list movie stars.


  1. 问:特写拼音怎么拼?特写的读音是什么?特写翻译成英文是什么?

    答:特写的读音是tèxiě,特写翻译成英文是 feature; close-up

  2. 问:特写镜头拼音怎么拼?特写镜头的读音是什么?特写镜头翻译成英文是什么?

    答:特写镜头的读音是tè xiě jìng tóu,特写镜头翻译成英文是 Extreme Close-up

  3. 问:特写立体摄影机拼音怎么拼?特写立体摄影机的读音是什么?特写立体摄影机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:特写立体摄影机的读音是tè xiě lì tǐ shè yǐng jī,特写立体摄影机翻译成英文是 Close-up Stereo Camera



文学含义:报告文学的一种。反映的是社会生活。摄影术语:拍摄人像的面部、被摄对象的一个局部的镜头。同名电影: 特写Nema-ye Nazdik(1990) 主演:Hossain Farazmand 国家/地区:伊朗 对白语言:波斯语