






1. 语 [yǔ]2. 语 [yù]语 [yǔ]话:~言。汉~。英~。~录。~汇。~重心长。指“谚语”或“古语”:~云:“皮之不存,毛将焉附”。代替语言的动作:手~。旗~。说:细~。低~。语 [yù]告诉:不以~人。……



汉语拼音:shū miàn yǔ







  1. 用文字写出来的语言。区别于“口语”。

    吕叔湘 《语文常谈·语言和文字》:“这时候,书面语和口语的差别就不仅是风格或者文体的差别,而是语言的差别了。”



  1. Subjective-Object Structure is one of the most common phrases in Chinese used in a high frequency both in colloquial and written language.


  2. When I send my articles for publication, my editor and a translator both work to give my own translation more formal, literary diction.


  3. English is the official language, and is spoken and written in a distinct variety known as Australian English.


  4. "validity" means language of Chinese Textbooks must be consistent in its traits of form of literature.


  5. Russian modal words, used to express the attitudes, are active in both spoken and written communication, which is one of the mo.


  6. Shifting the focus of foreign-language study from written to oral instruction is only one way of making classes more practical.


  7. Sexist language is any language, whether written or oral, which by its use, form or structure demeans people on account of their gender.


  8. There is no doubt that these two words are spreading in at any rate written usage.


  9. Text refers to any piece of spoken or written language that forms a continuity in meaning.


  1. 笔语。书面语

    the written language

  2. 书面语传之久远的特性

    the permanence of the written word

  3. 谈英语口语与书面语教学

    On the Teaching of English Spoken and Writing Language

  4. 书面语比口语往往更加一致。

    The written language is often far more homogeneous than the spoken.

  5. 在书面语并不会显示出来。

    The mid tone is not indicated in the orthography.

  6. 良好的英语口语和书面语。

    Good knowledge of spoken and written English.

  7. 你能分辨出英语口语与书面语吗?

    Could you tell Spoken English from English?

  8. 那时教学时兴的主要是书面语。

    The fashion at the time was for teaching mainly the written language.

  9. 第三章,满蒙书面语同源词研究。

    Chapter Three, study in the Manchu and the Mongolian cognates.

  10. 书面语副词的语例多为固定短语。

    More example words of archaism adverbs are fixed phrases.

  11. 用语篇分析理论谈口语与书面语

    A Remark on Speech and Writing in Terms of the Theory of Discourse Analysis

  12. 流利的英语口语和书面语是必备条件。

    Fluent English, oral and writing, is a must.

  13. 流利的英语口语和书面语能力是很重要的。

    Fluency in spoken and written English is essential.

  14. 流利的英语口语和书面语能力是很重要的。

    Fluency in spoken and written English is essential.

  15. 较强的英文口语与书面语能力,普通话流利。

    Good commend of spoken and written English and Mandarin.

  16. 最近强练身体,别用高蛋白等书面语说。

    Powerful recently experienced body, do not say with the written language such as high protein.

  17. 名物化结构是英语书面语的主要特征之一。

    Nominalization is one of the main features of written English.

  18. 谈俄语标准语口语体渗透至书面语的现象

    On the Phenomenon of Reciprocal Penetration of Russian Standard Language's Oral and Written Style

  19. 语言,一般说来包括书面语,口语和行为语等。

    Language, generally speaking, contains language, spoken language and behavior language.

  20. 以在口语或书面语中不合规范的用法为特点的

    marked by the use or occurrence of barbarisms in spoken or written language

  21. 毫无疑问这两个词在书面语中用得越来越多。

    There is no doubt that these two words are spreading in at any rate written usage.

  22. 口头语可以代表某事某物,而书面语可以表达代表某事某物的事物。

    While the spoken word stands for something, the written word stands for something that stands for something.

  23. 在正式的书面语中使用缩写语通常是不能接受的。

    It is seldom acceptable to abbreviate words in formal writing.

  24. 法语和英语口笔语流畅良好的英语书面语,流利英语口语。

    French and English fluently, written and spoken Fluent oral English and good knowledge of written English.

  25. 英语无灵主语句是英语正式书面语中的一种典型句型。

    English sentences with inanimate subjects are a typical pattern in formal written English.

  26. 这就是我们常说的口语比较松散, 不如书面语那么严谨。

    This is what we said that spoken language is loose, not as precise as written language.

  27. 博克马尔语基于丹麦书面语的挪威政府书面形式

    An official literary form of Norwegian based on written Danish.

  28. 摘要英语无灵主语句是英语正式书面语中的一种典型句型。

    English sentences with inanimate subjects are a typical sentence pattern in formal written English.

  29. 第一, 我们决不能简单地把书面语得词硬搬到口语里。

    First, we must not simply project the written word on to the spoken word.

  30. 第一,我们决不能简单地把书面语的词硬搬到口语里。

    First, we must not simply project the written word on to the spoken word.


  1. 问:书面语拼音怎么拼?书面语的读音是什么?书面语翻译成英文是什么?

    答:书面语的读音是shūmiànyǔ,书面语翻译成英文是 written language


